She slipped off the bed and walked around to where the clothes she arrived in were piled on the other night stand. Darren’s eyes wandered down her long curly brown hair flowing down her back and her firm ass that still bore his red handprints.
“Doing this I make money and yeah, sometimes the guys are creepy and two pump chumps, but I get some good looking guys who know how to fuck and I get into it.”
Darren watched her slip her thong on then step into the mini skirt as she spoke.
“I had a good time tonight. You’re attractive, in shape, got a great cock and know what you want. No games, no bull.” She put her bra on and after slipping the half shirt on over her head, smiled at him. “I wouldn’t mind coming back sometime.”
“I don’t like seeing the same girl twice.” He told her. “No offense.”
“Your choice, but the more we play the better it will get.” She shoved the two hundred he’d given her in her purse. “We get together enough and I get to know you, I’ll even let you cum inside me.”
“You will?”
“Course I will!” She reverted to the little girl voice she’d used earlier. “I’d love to have my daddy fill me up with his cum!” She flashed him a sexy smile. “And I know you’ve thought about shooting deep into your hot little daughter.”
“Could I go down on you?” He felt like an idiot for asking, but he yearned to bury his face between Cassie’s firm young thighs, but hadn’t done it with any of the girls he’d paid so far. But if he got to know Lindsay maybe…
“Hmm, you want to suck your little girl’s clit? Make her squirm and come in her daddy’s face?” Lindsay nodded. “Sure.”
“Okay, maybe…”
“Its an extra hundred.”
“I am a business woman.” She smirked and sitting on the bed put on the fuck me shoes she’d come in with.
“A good one,” he nodded. “Maybe next week?”
“Text me and I’ll let you know when I’m around.” She pointed to the bedroom door. “You going to walk me out?”
“Sure.” Darren didn’t bother putting a shirt on as he would just shower and end up going to bed after she left.
He opened the bedroom door for Lindsay and before he left grabbed Cassie’s dress from the floor so he could put it back before he forgot. They walked down the hall and as they passed Cassie’s room, he took some solace in the fact he’d resisted the temptation to sink even further by having Lindsay in his daughter’s bed.
He’d thought of it. He could wash the sheets and have them back on the bed before she came home, but that was too low even for him. Oh, who was he kidding? He didn’t do it because at that point it would be even more obvious about how deep his fantasies about his daughter truly ran.
Lindsay was walking in front of him, but stopped so quickly when she passed through the archway leading to the living room he bumped into her.
“Who the hell are you?” An all too familiar voice demanded.
His stomach twisting in a not he peered past Lindsay to see Cassie standing in the middle of the living room.
Chapter Two
“Cassie, what the hell are you doing home?” Darren asked, stepping around Lindsay who remained standing in front of him.
“I live here.” Cassie replied, then pointed to Lindsay. “She doesn’t. Who are you?”
“I’m a friend of your dads from work.” Lindsay replied.
“Yeah, okay.” Cassie nodded, then looked at him. “I didn’t know you had to pay for friends these days.”
“Hey, its not like that I…” Lindsay started, but Cassie waved her hand at her.
“Please, I’m not stupid. You’re my age and just came out of my dad’s bedroom. He doesn’t even have a shirt on.” Her face scrunched up. “And you’re all sweaty and dressed like a slut.”
“I’m dressed like a slut?” Lindsay laughed. “Take a good look in the mirror because all you’re missing is a free lunch sign.”
She wasn’t kidding. Even as Darren knew he needed to get Lindsay out of here, his eyes were glued to his daughter. Cassie had said she was going out, but not where. Judging by what she was wearing it must have been the new under twenty one club that had opened recently.
Her one piece blue dress was tight enough to be painted on and so short calling it a mini would be giving it credit. The hem of the dress hugged her upper thighs showing off her legs. Cassie was barely five two, but well-proportioned and her legs were long and shapely and currently ending in a pair of teal heels that were fuck me shoes if he ever saw a pair.
The dress’s neckline plunged down to her chest and tight enough to push up her already perky breasts causing them to look as if they could pop out of the dress if she leaned over. Cassie’s long curly brown hair had been teased out, giving it a wild appearance.
As always she wore hardly any make up, with her high cheek bones and natural color in her cheeks she didn’t need much, but her lips were a different story. Painted heavily in a deep red, the lipstick called attention to her full, sensual, and in his un-fatherly opinion made for cock sucking lips.
Those lips drove Darren crazy. They were a woman’s lips, capable of pleasing a man, but equally able to put on the pout of a spoiled little brat. That was Cassie’s face in general. Her dark expressive eyes would be perfect bedroom eyes once she learned how to use them, but also wide and innocent and she knew how to use that and had for years.
His daughter had that perfect mix of immature girl and blossoming woman that drove him wild and caused him to seek it in girls like Lindsay.
“And you look like the luncheon special.” Cassie replied to Lindsay, snapping Darren out of the stupor staring at his inappropriately dressed daughter had put him into. Lindsay was right; Cassie could easily be a working girl in that dress.
“Hope you got a deal, daddy.” Cassie smirked. “Used cars should go for less.”
Lindsay laughed. “Least I’ve been driven. Little daddy’s girls like you just tease.” She turned to Darren and he cringed inwardly thinking she would say something incriminating. Instead she gave him a quick kiss on the cheek.
Behind her, he saw Cassie bristle at the kiss and a childish thrill went through him that Lindsay kissing him annoyed her. That thrill faded when Lindsay whispered, “You’re still holding her dress.”
She stayed in front of him and pushed his right hand where he held the dress and with nothing else to do with it, he put his hand behind his back.
“Thanks for everything.” Lindsay turned and walked away from him.
She paused next to Cassie and whispered something that caused his daughter’s eyes to widen. Cassie looked as if she was about to reply, but Lindsay kept whispering, keeping her voice low so Darren couldn’t hear her.
His stomach tightened again, what was she saying? Was she warning Cassie he had a thing for her? Busting her balls her father had a daddy thing? Just being catty? Cassie’s smirk fell away to be replaced by a scowl. Lindsay laughed and went past her, walking to the front door with some extra swing in her hips, shaking her ass for effect.
But as hot as Lindsay was, not to mention the fact he just had that ass in the air, she may as well not have been in the room now that the real Cassie, and true object of his misguided lust, was in front of him.
Lindsay closed the door behind her, and Darren decided not to try to pretend.
“I’m sorry, honey, I didn’t think you’d be home.”
Cassie didn’t speak right away, the frown still on her face from whatever Lindsay said. But after a deep breath, she stared at him and shook her head.
“A hooker, dad? Really?”
“Look, Cassie, I know I’m your father, but I’m a man too and I… well there’s things a man needs.”
“Things a man needs?” Cassie burst out laughing and Darren was surprised the laugh wasn’t harsh or mocking, but his daughter’s usual big loud and under most circumstances, contagious laugh. “Come on, dad, I’m eighteen, not eight. You mean you need to get laid.”
“Watch your mouth, young lady.” He told her, trying to sound like a father even though he’d love nothing more than to watch his daughter’s mouth on him.
“Watch my mouth?” Cassie rolled her eyes. “I said laid, not get fucked.”
“Cassie!” Darren was able to put a convincing amount of dismay in his voice, but he was sure she had no idea, it was aimed at himself for getting a cheap thrill out of hearing her talk like that.
“Sorry, daddy.” She giggled. “I said a bad word.”
“Forget the bad words, what the hell are you doing dressed like that?”
“Let me get this straight.” Cassie walked over to him, her heels clicking on the floor. “I come home and see you with some girl you probably found online, and you want to talk about my dress?”
“I’m an adult. I can…”
“And so am I.” She gave her head a dramatic toss, sending her long hair flying over her shoulder. “I’m eighteen now, you know.”
“You turned eighteen six months ago, and you’re still a kid, and my kid. I make the rules around here.”
“Guess there’s no rule against hookers. Maybe I should bring one home.”
“Don’t be ridiculous.”
“Ridiculous is me seeing you with a girl my age and you paying her.”
“How the hell do you know I paid her?” He demanded. “Maybe I just met her somewhere and…”
He stopped when she crossed her arms over her chest and shook her head.
“You’re always working and when you’re not working, you’re home.” She explained. “Besides, you always call the guys you work with pathetic when they date girls half their age.”
“Oh, for Christ’s sake, dad, just own it, okay?” She pointed to him. “You always told me lying makes everything worse. You were horny and figured what the hell and paid some girl to… take care of those needs.”
Who was the attorney here? The question ran through his mind as he realized Cassie had him on the ropes. In his defense, the situation was pretty damn obvious, He decided to take his own advice she’d thrown back in his face.
“Fine, you’re right. She’s an escort and I don’t feel like going through a bullshit dating game just to have some fun.” He gestured to her with his free hand. “Better answer?”
“But she was so young.” Cassie complained. “She was around my age.”
“What should I do, look for one in her forties?” Darren sighed. “Look, Cassie, like you said you’re an adult. Barely one, in my eyes, but you are eighteen. It was only sex. Not like I’m going to be some midlife crisis jack ass dating a girl that age.”