Dirty Naked Poker: EP14

Book:Crazy Pleasure (Erotica) Published:2024-12-12

Kate stood up and smiled, giving us a little show as she languidly made her way over to my hand job chair (The cold, wooden one. Perhaps, now, the sexiest Pier One purchase ever).
She lowered herself down, nice and slow, then grandly swept her legs open to reveal her neat, bald puss. I was so used to seeing horny, aching, dripping pussies, I was almost confused by her tidy little lips surrounding her clit. It’s not like she wasn’t arousedNof course she was aroused, she was sitting there, spread eagle, in front of five naked people, all of whom would be willing to fluff her up a little if she let them. Yeah, I’m pretty sure even Kristen would give a little stroke if she was asked.
Unlike the rest of us, however, Kate had cum. That moment of ultimate weakness had given her an incredible strength: the ability to be calm and patient and think things through. To not just need was a rare thing right now. It provided her with a unique perspective.
But, if Kate displayed less enthusiasm than you might expect, Sam showed none at all. He kind of grunted as he stood and shuffled over to his girlfriend.
Sam slowly knelt down and put his face right up against the target. He tentatively extended his tongue. Kate tilted her head back, ready to luxuriate in his ministrations.
When friends talk about their relationships, it’s rare that you get more than one side. I’d known Kate (lusted after her, really) since high school, but we’d stopped talking once she started up with Sam.
It was awkward. She knew I wanted her. She chose my friend. It was kind of a bad scene, though neither of us performed it publicly. Not to each other anyway.
So all I ever got was Sam’s perspective: Kate was frigid. Kate was prudish. Kate wouldn’t spit on his schlong, let alone suck on it. Kate’s hand jobs felt more like she was trying to rip his dick right off (ok, I knew from experience that was absolutely true).
Now, as my friend leaned in toward Kate’s clean little cunnie, I could see all the things he didn’t say. His own “do’s and do nots.” Apparently, a little tongue action fell into the ‘do not’ column.
To be fair, even if Sam was a fluent cunni-linguist, he probably would be out of practice. A girl unwilling to touch a penis with her bare hand is probably not gonna let you go down on her.
But man, Sam did not look like someone suddenly fulfilling his deepest desire. He was more like… a dude prodding a jellyfish with a stick. Verrrryyy tentative. Very nervous. Very much on guard. Kinda like Kristen would be when she touched her first penis.
Trust me. You’ll see.
It was bad. I mean really really bad bad. You might think a dude going to town on a beautiful girl could not be ruined, but this was maybe one of the least sexy things I’d ever seen.
My cock, so hard and desperate for anythingNa pussy, a mouth, a hand, a half-carved pumpkinNwas almost limp by the end of it. At one point, Ashley actually covered her eyes, like she was watching a car accident or a surgery.
In that momentNSam going after it with all the enthusiasm of a lactose intolerant on an ice cream coneNit all became clear. Kate, that magnificent bitch, had taken the best, most complete, most brutal revenge possible. Calling Sam’s penis her little friend. Stroking his best bud off with her bare hands. Shouting out her carnal pleasures while Ashley sat supplicant at her feet. That was all playing around. This shit was serious.
You think you’re such a passionate lover? She seemed to ask. You think I’m the only thing keeping you from all your fantasies? You want to show all the girls what a big bad man you are? Here you go, baby. Show em what you got.
She knew what would happen. She set him up for a fall and he dove right in.
We didn’t even set the timer. We didn’t need to. At a certain point, Kate simply declared herself done, pushed Sam away from her platter and walked away. Sam got up, little specks of pussy juice on his face, and tried to make a show of it.
At that point no one cared.
It was such a complete and utter evisceration; I was actually surprised when Sam sat himself down for the next hand. When Kristen is giving you the big, wet, pity eyes, that’s the end of it: you’re not getting laid. With three more hands to go, why even bother.
Kate had her revenge. At this point, she was probably planning to make Sam sleep on the floor. Then she’d catch a ride back to the shore in the morning.
Kate had beaten him beyond return. She knew there was no coming back.
She was so so so wrong.
Kate settled back down as best she could. Bad oral sex is maybe the worst thing ever? You’re all riled up. Your body starts working towards the big moment. Then suddenly you’re sitting there cold, wet, and frustrated. I’ve actually felt angry after a bad blow job. Not unsatisfied. Legitimately fully, truly pissed off.
Ashley had the deal. It was clear she wanted to make the most of it. When she looked at her card, she practically jumped out of her long-ago-discarded shoes.
“Oh yeah,” she exclaimed, “I am so done with this shit.”
We all laughed at her enthusiasm. I knew it right off: this was gonna be fuuuuun.
Kristen, first to act, took Ashley’s excitement the other way and folded. She didn’t even bother to look at her card.
Kate gave Ash a long, meaningful look. Then she bet a hand job.
Oh wow. That was the whole megillah right there.
Kate had put Sam in his place. Now she was getting hers. Ashley needed to get off. Kate did too. Ashley would raise to oral, everyone would fold, and then Kate would get her pussy good and going.
And if Ashley maybe swung around to get some for herself? It’s not like anyone was going to complain about watching those two take a roll around the living room.
Kate. Beautiful, fucking perfect Kate.
I didn’t have shit. At that point, I was resigned to Kate getting what she wanted (again). Why stick my big, stupid ‘nose’ into it? I folded.
Ashley’s face split a mile wide. They were home free. Sam wasn’t calling shit. They were home free.
Then Emma, blessed beautiful little Emma, my pretty, perfect little sis looked over her pert little peaches at her card and said.
Well no one saw that coming.
And just like that, wow, Emma made her move. She had been so quiet, really for the whole game. She had some control early on, back around when she still had a bra and some shorts. But then I played the older brother card and kept her out of it. Then Sam got uppity and Kate grabbed his reins. So, Emma just sat on the sidelines, playing the good little cheerleader. Watching the game go on.
I hadn’t exactly forgotten about her, I mean, how could I? But she had sat back for so long, I guess I kinda figured she was done.
Kate glared at Emma. It was obvious Kate was not going to call now. She couldn’t, wouldn’t, give Emma the (literal) satisfaction. The cards would fold around. Kate would have to find satisfaction from her fingers like everyone else.
Sam did his due diligence and folded.
Ashley looked down at her hand again.
“Shit,” she said.
She looked up at Kate, looking strangely apologetic. How deep were those two in?
“Shit shit shit. I call,” Ashley said, “I have to have to call.”
She kinda squeezed her legs in and out as she said it, as if punctuating her point. Kate just sighed in disgust and tossed her card on the ground.
Ashley was clearly conflicted. She flipped over her card. Queen. How appropriate.
Emma just closed her eyes and sighed. Kate let out a little giggle.
Then Emma showed her ace.
“Fuck!” Ashley shouted, “Fuck fuck fuck!”
Kristen clapped her hands in delight.
“Nice hand, Em!” she cheered. I didn’t know whether to be happy for my sister or horrified.
“I just want to get llllaaaid,” Ashley whined, “I don’t want to lick girl pussy. I want someone to lick my girl pussy.”
She stomped back and forth through the living room.
“You two,” she pointed at my sister and I, “you little fuckers are fucking kiiiillling me.”
I smiled and chuckled.
“It’s not funny,” Ashley pouted. Then she looked at Emma, as if appraising her for the first time.
She smiled, wickedly.
“Fucking killing me,” Ashley said again, this time smiling broadly.
“You want me to rub you off first before you have your little lesbo adventure?” Kate asked.
Emma just dismissed her and stood up. Once again, there was a deep dark stain where Emma had been sitting. Holy fuck was that girl worked up.
We laid down Kate’s cum blanket (See. That name’s not going away) and Emma immediately assumed the position. Head and back down, arms up in a “T,” legs open. Her pretty little pussy was already drooling all over the blanket. Her inner thighs practically glowed with girly goodness. The boat probably already smelled like a whorehouse. Now it was bathed in the odor of sweet, pungent puss.
Emma was on her back, arms splayed. It made her little peaches recede back to plums. Her pretty puss was just gushing. Her pubes looked tangled and sticky.
My cock had deflated a bit after Sam’s cunnilingal catastrophe, but little Jason was back at full strength now. Emma was absolutely flat fucking gorgeous lying there, prone, waiting to be taken. I was gonna have to go into the kitchen and stab myself right now. It was they only way I could keep from doing something we’d both regret for the rest of our lives.
My eyes tracked up her body, from her cute little “best” feet past her amazingly gorgeous “best” pussy up to her incredible, deep green “best” eyes. They were flitting about the room, looking at everything and nothing at once. For all her outward confidence, Emma was scared. I felt for her in that moment. She was just lying there, exposed. Vulnerable. Naked in the fullest sense of the word.
Ashley, about to complete her tour du familia, laid down next to Em. Then she sort of climbed up my sister’s side and whispered something in Emma’s ear. Em locked her eyes on the ceiling. Then she nodded, once. Yes. Ashley paused, thinking for a moment. She looked at Em. Looked at the room. Then she whispered something else in Emma’s ear. Emma nodded yes, emphatically.