I tested the thickness of the cloth and found it to be good and thin, allowing easy access to the small mounds of her breasts. The low neckline also allowed me to easily slip my hands down her shirt to grope her goods. I walked around behind her and reached around and found her too was elastic enough I could pull the top down to play with both tits. I also noticed that it didn’t look out of place without being tucked in and I could easily pull the bottom up over her tits to expose them.
“Yeah, this is great for availability and accessibility,” I said returning to my seat.
“Perfect. Elaina was that top one of the ones we got fit for everyone?” Berkley asked.
“No, it’s one of mine.” Elaina breathed.
“I thought so, we’ll have to get everyone a work set of them. Our uniforms have usually been blue, is that okay, or should we change that?” Berkley confirmed.
“The light blue that has been the standard for the uniform is good. It looks good on most people.” I assured her.
“Okay, great,” Berkley affirmed, taking notes. “Option two, Elaina, if you would?”
Elaina removed her blouse and skirt, standing in her lingerie bra and panties as she searched through the box. She pulled out a now familiar French maid outfit, putting it on, including the white lacy bonnet hat.
“Yes!” Tamora exalted.
I laughed, “Tamora loves getting fucked in her maid outfit. Hers is a touch shorter, but I’m sure I could still fuck you easily enough in that. If the housekeeping staff wanted to, that would be great for them. But the security staff should probably have more practical uniforms, rather than sexy ones, at least while they’re on duty.”
Parker smiled, “I’m glad we agree on that. Ideally, our security staff will never have to intervene, but if they have to, I’d rather have them unencumbered and enabled by their uniform.”
I nodded. Courtney had told me how while the USA was generally safe, she had been recognized before and accosted but the security she’d had at the time had been able to de-escalate the situation. She’d also told me of a kidnapping attempt when she’d been on vacation in Eastern Europe as a child. I knew I was now just as much of a target as she was, and when people learned about the harem, they’d inevitably be just as in danger.
The fact that my security staff were also harem members was something I was grappling with, but I couldn’t see any good alternatives. Male security guards were out of the question, especially because, unlike harems of old, I couldn’t have castrated eunuchs to guard my harem. I could try to have married female guards like Dana, but like Dana had said, with the sexually charged environment, they’d inevitably get pregnant. My harem members who were security staff would probably get pregnant and have children too, but we did plan their pregnancies so we always had enough nonpregnant security to do the job.
“I know they can make bulletproof suits. And I’d like to get those for the girls doing security if we can. I want them as trained and equipped as possible.” I agreed.
Parker grinned, “Yeah, he’s good. I like ‘im.”
“Okay, I’ll make a note to request that in my budget request to Master Robert. And once I get that reply, you two can work out the uniform for the security team.” Berkley affirmed. “For the rest of the staff: housekeeping, gardening, maintenance, engineering, and driving, as well as personal assistants once we get there, we currently have a formal outfit for when guests arrive and a potential sex outfit for housekeeping. I’d like to have a more standardized uniform, but let’s see what we can do. Next outfit please.”
I thought as Elaina stripped down again to her sexy bra and panties and began putting on the next outfit.
“What if we had a standardized uniform, but allowed the staff freedom to wear the other uniforms? I mean, the French maid outfit is sexy and if the gardener wanted to wear it, that could be a method of requesting sex. I mean, not wearing panties is one thing, but I have to lift your skirt to see it. If someone wears a nonstandard uniform, especially one of the more sexually charged ones, it could let me know she’s feeling neglected and horny.” I proposed.
“I like that. And I know, for example, that Kat enjoys rape fantasies. She could wear her standard uniform when acting as security, normal casual clothing for when she’s off duty, and outfits for when she wants sex or when she wants to live out her rape fantasy.” Parker explained.
“Good to know.” I thanked Parker, “I’ll have to talk to all the girls and we’ll need to work out a safe word, preferably a single safe word or phrase that all the harem uses. Consent can be withdrawn at any time and I don’t want to actually rape anyone. I feel like enough of a perv just by having a harem, I don’t want to add rape claims to that.”
Berkley and Parker laughed, then stopped when they saw my face, “Wait, you’re serious…” Berkley gasped.
Parker sat back, clearly re-evaluating me.
Berkley looked over the harem, “He’s serious?”
“Yeah, he kinda undervalues himself a lot.” Sarah sighed, “I’m trying to work with him on it, but it’s slow going.”
Berkley turned to me. “You know, every single staff member that is here is celebrating the score of a lifetime, right?”
I blinked, “What?”
Berkley nodded, dead serious. “The way Clarence pulled us in and questioned us, it was like we were potentially going to be working for the next Hugh Hefner. We were kinda worried Robert let his divorce go to his head. Most of these girls kinda expected to have a good portion of their diet be sperm, and be expected to keep a strict diet and exercise regimen, and be sex toys for some rich bastard.”
I spread my hands, “I feel like I fit that ‘rich bastard’ bit pretty well, except all my wealth comes from Courtney.”
Berkley shook her head, “Robert has already set things up. You’ll be taking over for him, with or without Courtney at this point, though he’s confident you two will get married, harem or no harem. By 24 years old you’ll be a co-partner in one of the biggest investment firms in the United States. Do you think Hugh Hefner cared about consent and safe words? His wives were bound to him with golden handcuffs. If they didn’t have sex with him, he’d divorce them, and they’d be penniless. Hell, when he died, his wife got none of his money and no stake in Playboy.”
Berkley continued, “Courtney has her trust fund. As I understand, does Miss May. The rest of your women would be starting their careers and maybe scraping together a good living. Your security staff? Women make up less than 4% of bodyguards and security workers in the US, and it is a male-dominated field for a reason. Women are starting to open up the field, but it’s tough. They’d probably be struggling financially. The housekeeping team? Ha! Most of us have done housekeeping since we were in High school, and I’m the only one on the team with a degree. Not exactly the fast track to wealth. The gardener, the drivers, maintenance, whoever gets hired as an engineer? We definitely are not financially secure. Now, if you WERE a rich bastard, you’d do what Hugh Hefner did. We’d all be clamoring to have sex with you to ensure we got to stick around for free room, board, and nice clothing. The minute you figure out we were not interested in having sex with you, we’d be on the streets.”
I was confused about where she was going with this.
“What have you done? The opposite.” Berkley continued. “I’m contractually obligated to stay on with you for six months, and after that, if I REALLY wanted to, I could retire with my harem member trust fund. Two million dollars in a trust fund can go quite a long way. Not ‘live in New York City’ money, but I could live comfortably in Ohio, or Georgia, where my family is. And I’m the only one with the time clause. Bridget and Bristol could retire and go back to the UK where they’re from. K tomorrow. They are set up with the same retirement program. You gave us financial and sexual freedom, and essentially just asked us to live with you and take care of the business. And the longer we stay on the better our retirements get.” Berkeley pressed on. “So where the rich bastards you are associating yourself with control their women by controlling their money and demanding the women sleep with them to maintain access to money, you are doing the complete opposite. You are being very generous, making sure we are financially secure for our futures and giving us every freedom we could want. We can leave without issue or losing access to our funds. Hell, I have a six-month minimum, but there is no requirement for sex or even living in the same house as you. So if you did force me to do something I didn’t want to, I could spend the rest of my contract at the primary Carmichael estate managing everything from there. But your concern is encouraging and reassuring, so I’m hoping we work out. At this point, I am more worried about women using you for money than you using women for sex. I hope we filtered out all the gold diggers from the applicants. All it will take is one girl getting her fund and running and telling every slut how she retired at 20 and we’ll have to seriously amp up our interview process.”
“See, honey, you’re fine.” Courtney laughed.
All of the harem was nodding along, including Parker and Elaina. And I begrudgingly accepted that while I was literally paying for a harem of young virgins with my girlfriend’s family money, apparently they were okay with it and decided I was a good guy despite it.
Elaina had finished changing into the new outfit, now she was wearing a white button-up top that ended just below her bust and tied loosely at the bottom. Her midriff was completely exposed and the outfit was completed with a plaid miniskirt, for a slutty schoolgirl look. She had thigh-high white nylons and her skirt barely covered her panties.
“Okay, that is hot,” I admitted.
“And the top can easily slip up,” Elaina told me, demonstrating and flashing her bra.
“Okay, how many outfits do we have?” I asked.
“Um… Looks like about twenty.” Berkeley replied.
I asked for and got a notepad and we went through the outfits, ranging from bikinis to crotchless panties and cupless bras to corsets to sundresses. We ended up deciding that, I guess in theme with everything else, the staff would have a dozen uniforms they could wear and be considered to be wearing. The girls would all get together and vote on which outfits would mean what. Tamora and Debbie had argued about which outfit the “rape-play” outfit should be, so it was determined it should go to vote, as well as other options. The general consensus was that not wearing panties, or wearing the crotchless options, would indeed mean I was free to use the exposed pussy or anus as desired.