“Um… yeah… and some other stuff,” Taylor replied. “Look, yes, it was sexy. Yes, I may have gotten… tingly… but it doesn’t mean anything. I’m not in your harem. I can’t believe that it’s something that could be considered. I don’t know how Courtney could be okay with you doing all of that with Debbie. I don’t know how Debbie is okay doing that with Courtney’s boyfriend. I mean, it looked like it felt great, but… I’d need more commitment…” Taylor trailed off.
I waited a couple of seconds, then replied. “Courtney is okay with it because she cares for every girl who joins the harem. That she offered you a place in the harem means she cares for you. And Debbie is okay with it because I’m committed. I’m committed to every girl who enters the harem. I’m committed to making sure all of their needs are met. I know you’re probably going to masterbate after I leave. I didn’t need your pants to touch me to see how wet you were getting or smell how turned on you were. But you know as well as I do that masterbating doesn’t fully satisfy you, you need the connection of being with someone. That’s why Courtney and I are offering you a place in the harem.”
Taylor blushed. “I’m fine.”
“Whatever you say.” I conceded. “But the offer is there. Would you like me to leave so you can masterbate now?”
Taylor looked down. “… yes.”
I kissed her forehead. “Enjoy.” And I walked past her and left the room. I shut the door and started walking down the hall. I was confident that in a few moments Taylor would be lying on her back with her fingers on her pussy, imagining my dick inside her.
“Pst!” A quiet voice hissed.
I turned and saw Tamora poking her head out her door.
“What’s up?” I greeted her.
“Are you… busy?” Tamora asked.
“Um… not right now, no,” I answered.
“Can we… talk… in your room?” Tamora asked, licking her lip.
I grinned. We both new that even if she had gotten a doctor’s visit yesterday and gotten the pill (which she had run an errand in the evening), we couldn’t have unprotected sex for another week, but Tamora had been clear that excited about it or not, she planned on paying out her sex debt from our bet.
“Of course,” I told her, and Tamora stepped out of her room.
She was wearing a long jacket that looked almost like a trench coat, and wore black shoes with long white cotton thigh high stockings. I was curious, but Tamora hurried and I realized since her room was next to Ali’s, she was probably trying to avoid the other girls’ notice, so u just walked with her.
When we got to my room Tamora hurried inside and shut the door behind me.
Once inside, Tamora sighed, obviously relieved. Then she reached inside her jacket, pulled out a white lacy hat and put it in her head. She then turned to me, opening it and dropping it in one motion. Underneath the coat, Tamora wore a slutty french maid outfit. The skirt and apron only reached halfway down her thigh and if the low neckline was an inch lower, her nipples would be hanging out.
“Master, your slave whore is ready to be used. Her worthless holes ready to be fucked,” Tamora breathed.
I hated her deprecating herself like that, but knew I had to handle this properly. I walked to her and put my left arm around her waist, pulling her body against mine. I took my right hand and reached under her skirt, fondling her crotch and discovering that she wasn’t wearing panties under the skirt. I gently inserted a finger into her pussy.
“Slave, is this pussy tight for me?”
“Yes, Master.”
“Is this pussy mine to fuck as I please?”
“Yes, Master.”
“A good slave wouldn’t give her master anything less than the best pussy to fuck she could, would she, Slave?”
“No, Master.”
I smiled, and reached around grabbing a handful of her ass under her skirt and finding her asshole, inserting my index finger one knuckle, making Tamora gasp.
“Slave, to whom does this asshole belong?”
“My asshole is yours, Master.”
“And I get to fuck it how I please, right slave?”
“Of course, Master.”
“And your virgin ass is going to be tight for my dick, right Slave?”
“Oh yes, Master, just your finger feels so big in my tight ass, Master!”
“And a good slave would want her master to enjoy fucking her ass, wouldn’t she?”
“Oh yes, Master.”
This was going exactly where I wanted it and Tamora was getting shockingly turned on by it.
“Then in what ways are either of your holes worthless? Surely you would not insult your master by belittling his toys?”
“Forgive me, Master, I shall not insult thee in this way in the future,” Tamora almost moaned.
“Very good. But you have spoken thusly twice, and you must be punished. What would be an appropriate punishment for a slave who devalues her master’s property?” I asked the submissive maid in front of me.
Tamora’s face paled a little, “Is master going to punish his slave by forcing her to drink his urine?” she gasped.
Clearly she and Ruth had talked, and just as clearly I needed to clear something up.
“Slave, you clearly misunderstand. It is not a punishment to drink my urine, or any of my bodily fluids, it is a reward, and speaking of consuming my fluids in such a way clearly shows you are not worthy of it.” I informed her, “Only one privileged enough to desire such an experience may receive it. Forcing such an experience on a slave or any other member of my harem would only belittle the experiences of those who take joy in it.”
“Forgive me Master, I have much to learn about being your slave. Perhaps one day, I too shall crave this experience,” she bowed, slightly forward.
I circled Tamora then sat in front of her and made a ‘T’ with my hands. “Okay, time out on the master/slave thing. Sit down. We need to have ground rules before we go further.”
Tamora looked confused, but sat down. “Am I doing something wrong?”
I shook my head, “No, it’s more like I don’t want to do something wrong. Doing this master/slave thing is sexy as hell, and I can barely wait to fuck you, but that doesn’t mean I shouldn’t be conscientious of you and your boundaries and limits. For example, I NEVER want to hurt you. Like, deflowering you and breaking your hymen is one thing, but I’ve read online about things like this were the guy got things out if hand and like… fucked the women’s ass hard without lube, caused anal tearing and she ended up in the hospital. That kinda thing is unacceptable from me.”
Tamora squirmed, uncomfortably.
“What’s wrong?” I asked.
Tamora searched for words for a minute, “Um… this feels weird. Like isn’t a man supposed to just fuck his girl how he wants, and if she breaks, she was too weak?”
“Where did you hear that?” I gaped.
Tamora lowered her eyes, “That’s what my dad always told my mom when she complained he was being too rough.”
I felt my heart drop.
“No… no, that’s not how this works. A woman should always feel safe with her man. Did your father know you were watching?” I asked.
“No, he and mom never figured out I was watching, and they always tried to be quiet. But yeah, Dad would strap mom down to the bed, facedown by her wrists and ankles and put his dick in her pussy or ass. She never liked him fucking her ass and asked him not to, but he always said she was his wife and he’d use her body however he wanted… isn’t that what you’re going to do to me?” Tamora pressed, still confused.
“That sounds like a terrible experience.” I told her, “So while yes, I intend to enjoy your body in a variety of ways, know that if anything hurts, that means we’re doing something wrong and it should be fixed… God, what lube did your father use when he fucked your mom’s ass, do you know?”
“He never used lube,” Tamora replied with certainty, “why that a problem?”
I closed my eyes in pain for this poor girl’s mother. “The anus, or asshole, does not produce any lubricant. So, where your vagina produces a liquid that makes sex go easy and feel nice, your ass doesn’t. God, does your father still do that to your mother?”
“He did until he died,” Tamora replied, “Are you saying he was mistreating my mother? I know they loved each other.”
I judged my words carefully, “Your father might not have realized what he was doing, but he was not treating her how a loving partner should.”
Tamora’s lip quivered. “I… I don’t understand… I always wanted a relationship like the one I saw my mom and dad had, and you’re telling me that… it’s abusive?”
I nodded. “I can give you good experiences, I can give you experiences where you are objectified or degraded, I can give you domination, and I can give you punishment, but I never want to hurt you, and I never want to abuse you.”
Tamora thought for a moment. “I… I can work with that, I think.”
“But ground rules, I want to build you up, not tear you down. Even when I am degrading you… I want you to walk away feeling good about yourself and our relationship. Like, I can call you my whore, or my slut, but damn, I want you to feel special for the privilege of being my whore or slut, and you are the best damn whore or slut you can be, and you have a man who loves you. I will happily fuck your ass, but I will use lube and while sometimes it can sting for a second when we start it shouldn’t hurt during the actual fucking, but you may be sore afterward. If it ever hurts, I want us to have a safe word. It will be a word that if something ever hurts, or I push you to do something you don’t want to do, like drinking my piss or something, you use the safeword, and I know that I need to change what I am doing,” I explained.