He bent and kissed her nose, beginning to press into her, then back again, then in. She was wet, and once her juices were spread, coating his hardness, he moved easily within her, feeling her close around him, tight, gripping him as he moved.
“Feels good, Jan,” he murmured.
She grinned up at him. “Good? Feels fuckin’ great to me, Jack.”
“Looks fuckin’ great, too,” said Patti, crouching beside them, the video camera recording the slither of Jack’s prick in Jan’s pussy.
Jack had never stopped his gentle thrusts, and he lengthened his stroke slightly, pushing deep into Jan’s pussy, then pulling back until he almost left her, then pushing back again. Jan’s breathing was even at first, but as Jack’s prick moved ever more audibly in her juices, her breathing began to quicken, almost imperceptibly at first, but it wasn’t long before her breathing was louder in his ears, quicker, not panting but close to it, her excitement building in her even as his own did.
There was no way it could last, for there had already been too much sexual tension built up in the room. Jan’s breathing quickened even more as Jack’s hardness moved in her wetness and heat, so that now she was almost panting, her breath coming quick and short, her fingers on Jack’s shoulders claws now, digging into him. Her panting had been almost wordless, but now Jack could make out that she was saying “fuck me,” over and over. He was close himself now, and was just going to warn Jan when he felt her pussy clutch convulsively at his prick, her panting became a strangled scream in his ears, and she came, her belly rippling, pussy clutching, triggering his own climactic explosion, so that his hips jerked in orgasmic release, driving him into her, his cock jerking with every thrust.
Slowly, they stilled, until there was only the occasional spasm for either of them. Jan’s teeth had been gritted, her mouth a rictus of pleasure, her eyes closed, but now they opened and she stared up at him for a long moment. A smile spread slowly across her face and she stretched up to kiss him. She nodded.
“That was good. Very good. Super-extra good. In fact it was fucking incredible.”
Jack grinned down at her. “You liked it.”
It hadn’t been a question but Jan nodded. “Yep.”
Movement at the bedside reminded them there was a third person in the room. Patti, looking slightly dazed, held up the camera. “I hope I caught the expression on your face when you came, Jan, ‘cos yours was awesome as well.”
“That, I want to see,” said Jan, laughing. She looked up at Jack. “Good for you, too?”
“You need to ask?”
Jan laughed. “Not really. If it was that good for me, it ought to be that good for you, too. Right?”
“In a nutshell.”
“Ease out, hon, please. You’re a little heavy.”
“Oops. Sorry,” said Jack, easing himself out of Jan’s pussy. He sat back on his heels. “Patti? Pass a tissue or two, please.” It was the work of moments to ease the condom from his prick, and wrap it in layers of tissue, drop it in the waste bin.
Patti sat down on the edge of the bed. “What now?”
Jack looked at his watch. Almost seven-thirty. “Have you two eaten yet?”
Patti grinned. “Only you!” She shook her head. “Not yet. Any ideas?”
“We could phone for pizza or Chinese? On me.”
“Sounds good,” said Patti. “Pizza?”
“Fine by me,” said Jack. “Jan?”
“Yeah, me too. Get extra mushrooms,” she said, eyeing Jack’s half-hard prick. Patti giggled.
It was the work of moments to phone in the order. “About eight-fifteen, they say,” said Patti, hanging up the phone. “Almost forty minutes to kill.” She glanced at the others. “Any ideas?”
“A shower,” said Jack. “I was on my way for one when you two kidnapped me.”
“Can we share?”
“Of course. We’ll shower, dress for a while, and have our pizza. Then I believe you lovely ladies were going to put on a show for me to film?”
“Okay,” said Patti. “Shower time! Mom and Dad’s is biggest, if we’re sharing.” They spent some laughing, giggling minutes washing bits of each other’s anatomy, then separated to their various rooms to dress. Jack opted for tee-shirt and shorts in the summer warmth. Jan was in snug halter and shorts, and Patti in a loose halter-top sun dress which, revealed as she passed in front of the evening-sunlit window, was patently her only garment.
The pizza turned up dead on time and for the next twenty minutes conversation was desultory as they concentrated on the food. Finished the pizza, and the ice-cream they’d had for dessert, they sat back.
“I know you want to film us with the strap-on, Jack, and I’m willing,” said Jan, “but I need a little time to digest that pizza first.”
“Fair enough. Anything else you want to do in the meantime?”
“You mean, like slob in front of the TV?” said Patti.
Jack laughed. “That’s one option. Especially if we connect the camera and watch your efforts.”
“Ooh, yes! I’d almost forgotten about that!”
It took only a minute or two to connect the camera to the TV, for Jack to check the instructions, and in a short while the three of them were sat on the couch together, watching as Jack ate his sister.
“Way to go, hon,” said Jan, grinning at her friend.
“I didn’t think Jack was working so hard,” said Patti, a flush on her face as she watched herself being eaten by her brother.
“You were enjoying it too much,” said Jack. “Oops, that’s where I had to lift up because my cock was getting so hard.
“Yeah, and that’s when I started getting even wetter, anticipating.” Jan giggled. “Worth it, too. Hey! I caught it. The expression on your face when you came. ”
“Ohmigod!” said Patti. “Do I look like that when I come?” said Patti, staring at herself.
“You did then,” said Jan. “Just look at you!”
“I am,” said Patti. “It’s you getting nailed next.”
“I’ll pause it there,” said Jack. “I’m thirsty. Anyone want a beer?”