“Mom, you called for me?” Frances had waited till Abigail had finished her meal. From the way she fumes all the way from downstairs to her room, Frances could tell that she was very angry and that this meant serious business.
“I did, but first things first, can you fight?”
Frances could not understand the question; it was not the kind that someone would ask you just randomly. “Fight?” she asked, causing Abigail to give her a questioning look.
“I mean are you willing to do what I want you to do?” Abihail clarified. “It is a dirty fight are you willing to go all in?” she added.
“Of course,” Frances said, shifting till she was at the edge of her seat. “Why else would I stay with Cael like this until now?”
Abigail beamed to herself; she was so glad that she had picked Frances. She made a good choice; at first, she was worried that she would be too calm, but she was also as power-driven as she was. It made sense for her to fight this much at the end of the day; she would enjoy it as well.
“Cael has to be the chairman; it is only fair.” Frances could tell that Abigail had come up with another plan and was willing to share it with her.
“Of course, that is the only right thing to do. He is the only legitimate child in this family, so how can an illegitimate child take over?” Abigail said in spite, causing Frances to gasp. She had an idea of it, but this just confirmed her suspicions. It was, however, weird to him that Charles favoured the illegitimate child over the legitimate one. Cael was not helping matters as well anyway.
Abigail began to fill her in on what had happened; at this point, Frances was already so knee-deep that if she decided to pull out of anything, she was going to be extremely hurt by her actions. Abigail could easily turn the tables on her; she was the one always setting up the meeting at all times. She was the one who hooked Harper up to the new house and met with Green to tell them that they had to find a way to make Ophelia and Cade cheat.
“Can you imagine that after all I had done for this family, they think that they can throw my efforts out the window and bring a random woman from infertility and just make her the madam of the house?” Abigail murmured, clutching her skirt by the hems. “I will never allow that to happen; there is too much at stake for that to happen here.”
“I will contact Harper and ask her to get as much information as she can gather from Cade for us. I think we might need it.” Frances suggested taking out her phone and tapping on it.
“About that,” Abigail said, causing her to lower her phone and hands into her lap as she sat there watching Abigail as her eyes darted from side to side. “I do not think that we need to use those cockroaches anymore,” she added in a murmur.
“You do not want Harper and Green to help us?” Frances asked confused. Abigail had been really happy to hear about the plan that they had come up with to make them come down.
“We do not have time to make a long-term investment like that; we will miss our window that way,” Abigail replied. She was not going to leave anything to chance; waiting till two poor people did a job that was not even one hundred per cent certain and then having to start from the top after a few months did not make any sense considering how urgent the situation had become.
“Huh!” Frances began blinking rapidly. Her mind was blank because she was thinking of anything else she could do to fast-track the process. “Okay then, what do I tell them? Or should I just stop taking their calls?”
“I do not care about how you handle them; just handle them. And about the house we gave to Harper,” Abigail paused as she thought about what to do about it. They had provided her with that house, so she was closer to Cade and did whatever she had to do without thinking about the logistics involved. “About the house, tell her that she has just three more months to live there and I would need it back,” she added.
Frances was still overwhelmed with the thoughts of what she could do; her mind was barely processing what was happening. She wished they could fast-track the process so she could know the full scope of what she was getting herself into, even though there was no way of escape for her anymore.
“So what is your plan?” Frances was forced to ask since they just sat there in silence and it was killing her.
“Fiest things first; we get rid of those slowing us down.” She sounded more like a villain who was giving out his plan to the hero in a movie before they went into the final battle of power and wits. “And then you and Cael get married and try to get pregnant as fast as you can.”
“Married?” Frances let out a surprised voice. They had not even thought about dating for real, and she was already mentioning marriage. She wanted to know if this was the right thing for them now. “You want us to get married?”
“Yes, and if possible, by next week,” she said, standing up and pacing around the room.
“You want us to plan a wedding within a week?” Frances could not count the week they were in because it was already so close to the weekend and only a little could be achieved.
“See, right now you and Cael are here,” she said, suspending her hand in the air before adding. “Cade and Ophelia ate here,” she added, raising her second hand above the other one she had put down earlier. “If you get married,” she said, raising the hand below and putting it on the same level with the other hand that was above. “You would be on the same level in the eyes of the board members and shareholders. “If you ever dare to have a baby,” she raised her eyebrow, and the corners of her mouth followed.
“Perfect,” Abigail smiled because Frances had stolen the word out of her mouth.
“Yes perfect”
“Once you can get married, I would call an impromptu shareholder meeting and have him kicked out. He would have no rights as a shareholder as well.” Abigail said, reliving the evil plan as it formed in her head. “Since I am as kind as I can be, I would make sure he does not rot in jail,” she added with an evil smile on his face.
“Then I guess we have a wedding to plan,” Frances replied. “Next Saturday should be okay, shouldn’t it?”
“Can I leave all the planning to you? Cael and I need to meet with some board members and shareholders in advance to lay the groundwork.”
“You can; I will have my mom help me out; I am sure we will get it done in time.”
“Fantastic,” she said, calling her hand and giving her hand to her so she could stand up. Frances held the tips of her hand and stood to her feet. “I leave this in your hands because I know you will do a very good job.”
“You do not need to worry about the wedding; I got this under control,” Frances said.
“That is truly wonderful.” The room fell silent, and Abigail looked around. “And just for emphasis sake, the wedding must be worth what a Vale would do.”