My Kisses Are Stolen::18

Book:Crazy Pleasure (Erotica) Published:2024-11-22

He fell forward next to her on the bed where they both lay gasping for several minutes.
“You got your stuff in my hair,” she finally laughed, giddy in the aftermath of the lovemaking she’d wanted for so long.
“Complain too much and I’ll aim for your face next time,” he threatened, reaching an arm around her and pulling her in to his chest.
“That might not be so bad,” she replied cheekily. They rested a few more minutes until, lifting her head, she kissed him. She recoiled in mock horror. “Don’t take this the wrong way, but you need to go brush your teeth. All I can taste right now is my ass.”
He chuckled. “You weren’t complaining earlier.”
They clambered out of bed and into the bathroom. He brushed his teeth while she relieved a post-coital tinkle.
When she was done, he paused his brushing. “Jess, you said you put an enormous amount of energy into this…” He raised an eyebrow.
His sister sighed. “I got you drunk on purpose last night, Tunny. The drinks I fixed… mine were just Coke. You got a double dose of rum.”
He nodded, not entirely surprised.
“And you know that I actually lubed my own butt with coconut lotion just in case I could convince you to take me that way. But… I also broke my vibrator on purpose and left it out for you to find the night before. And it was my idea to show you my breasts and have you touch them before the surgery.”
Winston closed his eyes and shook his head as he processed what she’d said.
“How long, Jess?” He finished brushing and rinsed his mouth while waiting for her to answer.
When he looked at her in the mirror, her eyebrows were knitted together with worry.
“How long have you been feeling this way? Working on this? Working on me?!” he said more sternly.
She winced. “I planned this whole thing. I scheduled the breast implant surgery for now so you would be home from school. So we would be alone and you would have to take care of me.”
“Yeah but Mom and Dad would have been…”
“I orchestrated Dad’s trip to Africa. I just had to plant a couple of seeds in his head about the British colonial period, the summer being the perfect time, their 20th wedding anniversary, yada yada.”
Jess was talking in a rush now, trying to blurt it all out and get it over with.
“It started before you left for college, I saw you with your girlfriend in the backyard one night. I watched her blow you. You both looked so happy. For only a moment, I was horrified like I should have been. Then, I don’t know, something else happened? I got really turned on. Then I got jealous. Seeing you like that made me realize how I felt about you. That you were more than just a big brother to me. So I started talking nasty to you. I needed to wear away at your image of me as your innocent little sister. The gay accusation stuff was a ploy too. I wanted to goad you a little – make you want to prove to me you weren’t gay. I also did it to throw Mom and Dad off.”
Winston finally found words. “They don’t think I’m gay.”
“No, but they think that I think that you’re gay. And that’s almost as good.”
Again he felt the magnitude of his sister’s effort. “Wow, okay, that’s so scheme-y that it’s a little scary.
She looked up at him through her mussed dark hair. “Look, I wish I could say I feel bad about all this but the truth is that I don’t. Well, except… Tunny, I’m not on the pill. That was a silly last minute fib. I just really wanted you, without a dumb condom in the way. I’ll go on the pill, I swear.”
Winston allowed himself a little satisfied smile. “I can at least contribute on that part. I’m reluctant but I’m not dumb.” He opened the medicine chest next to him and pulled out a vial. He shook a pill out onto his hand and handed it to his sister. “Morning after pill. I picked a few up at the store this morning.”
She stared at the tablet a long moment. He could feel her weighing the decision.
“Kids someday Jess, just not yet. We’re young. We have plenty of time to work that out. Together. No scheming, okay?”
He could tell that it wasn’t what he’d said that made her put the pill in her mouth and swallow it. It was the way he’d said it. Casually. Comfortably. They were going to be together for the rest of their lives.
She knew that as soon as he said it, she could count on him. He was, is, and would always be, dependable. He was her rock. Her immoveable object – well, nearly immoveable object. That last thought made her smile to herself.
She filled a cup with tap water and took a gulp to wash down the pill. When the cup came away from her lips, he was waiting. She hadn’t seen it coming because she couldn’t see around the cup and she didn’t think he really liked their old game anymore.
She was wrong.
He stole his kiss quickly, his lip curling up just a little smugly at one end like it did when they were kids.
“One up,” he grinned.
Jessica eyed her brother carefully. Stealing a smooch in broad daylight, standing right in front of her, in a bathroom with a huge mirror in it was pretty slick. It had required a perfect sense of timing, a subtle shift in his posture to make her turn towards him and away from the mirror without her realizing it, and a keen awareness of her line of sight.
Maybe he wasn’t so rusty after all. No, perhaps not quite as rusty as she’d thought.
How does the irresistible force move the immoveable object? Deception. It convinces the immoveable object that it isn’t moving while it does. The irresistible force lies. Just a little. Just enough.