My Kisses Are Stolen::15

Book:Crazy Pleasure (Erotica) Published:2024-11-22

She resumed her backwards press and together they drove his entire length into her until his groin was pressed into her buns. They both realized that they’d been holding their breath.
“You okay, Jess?” he asked, just now worrying about hurting her with his slightly over-sized tool.
“Uh huh. You’re so deep. So very, very deep. Gimme a sec,” she panted. “Okay, now do me.”
“Like, gently or…”
“However you want. I’ve already come and I can tell I’m going to come again pretty soon no matter what you do. This feels fantastic.”
He began sawing a few inches in and out of her tight rectum gingerly.
She urged him on, reaching back to pull his hip into her. “It’s all right Tunny, I won’t break. Take me. Take my ass. Your little sister’s ass. It’s yours. I know you like it. You’ve been admiring it for years. I’ve been saving it for you.”
“I don’t want to hurt you, sis. I have no idea what I’m doing. Wait, you haven’t done this kind of thing before have you?”
“No, but it’s okay. I… err…. I prepared. The coconut you smell, I put some of my lotion up inside me… where you are. Thank god I did. You’re really big. And it feels really good like this – all nice and slippery.”
“Why you little…”
“Yell at me later, Tunny. Right now, fuck me.”
He began to sodomize her steadily. Jessica slid a hand between her legs and began to touch herself again. Winston watched the blanket move as she masturbated. Then the moving stopped and he felt something slender rub his cock from inside her. She was toying at the entrance to her now-dripping vagina. She teased herself and him through the thin membrane that separated her pussy and ass. She slid her other hand down between her legs and used it to frig herself at the same time.
The utter depravity of their joining and the fantastic sensations raced through them both. They came together. Winston lurched forward to bury his full length into his sister’s ass, Jessica grind back against him to hungrily accept every inch. He spurted his seemingly endless supply of cum inside her as she used his cock in her ass together with her fingers in her pussy and on her clit to stretch out her orgasm until she couldn’t stand it any longer.
The intensity of their release, the late hour, and the rum had them both fall asleep immediately. Neither of them so much as stirred when, a few minutes later, his softened cock finally slid free of her well-used and no longer virgin ass.
Winston woke up first. He fidgeted slightly and realized that they were literally stuck together. The brief but painful tearing sensation he caused peeling his dried, cum-coated cock off his sister’s butt cheek woke her up too. She rolled over to face him and cuddled into his neck, kissing it softly.
“Morning handsome.”
She was demonstrating none of the horror that Winston almost hoped she would unleash over what had happened. “Jess, we need to talk.”
“About what?”
The nonchalant routine again? “About what we did last night.”
“I needed you again and you were there for me. You’re very dependable, brother dear.” Her hand slid down his muscled stomach and bumped against his morning wood. “Feels like you’re the one in need now, Tunny.”
“Stop it. That’s just a morning thing.”
“Suit yourself, I’m going to take a shower then, I’m all covered in…”
“I know what you’re covered in!”
“Come… join me,” she grinned at her own pun, “in the shower. We can have more fun if you want.”
“No more fun!”
“Okay, okay. But I’m still going upstairs to shower. If you want to keep yelling, that’s fine, you’ll just have to follow me.”
He did follow her. As they climbed the stairs behind her, he fought not to stare at his kid sister’s perfect adolescent ass. He followed her into the bathroom and watched as she carefully removed her bra and turned on the shower and stepped inside, closing the glass door behind her.
What words would make her understand that this was all terribly, terribly wrong? He ended up sounding more like a parent than he intended.
“Sis, this is incredibly irresponsible. On both our parts.” He watched as she soaped her body and he continued to rant.
Jessica went about her showering as if nothing was wrong. When his ranting slowed, she calmly replied. “What’s irresponsible about it? Nobody got hurt. We both enjoyed ourselves. I have a particularly large patch of evidence that you enjoyed yourself dried on my butt cheek over here.”
“Jess, you are my sister for God’s sake. Look, that first night, I wanted to help you. Last night, we got drunk. Sis, seriously, it’s wrong. Really wrong. We have to stop.”
“I don’t see it that way. We love each other. We’re attracted to each other.”
“It’s not supposed to be like that…”
She finally paused in her shower routine to look at him directly. The perfect, ivory expanse of her body was covered in soap lather. It ran down her flat, smooth belly, dribbled down her long tapered legs. She was an erotic dream. If only she weren’t his sister!
She leveled her surprisingly serious green gaze on him. “Things have changed, Tunny. You’ve been in me. In fact, two out of three holes now stud.” She turned and braced one hand against the shower wall then bent deeply at the waist. “Two days ago, you were here.” She ran her forefinger up and down the smooth lips of her pussy. “You were there just a little. But just enough.” She shivered. “It was the largest orgasm of my life. Well, until…” She traced her fingers upward and circled the fleshy knot of her sphincter, “…until last night when you were here. All the way in.” She slipped the tip of her forefinger into her own ass briefly and pulled it free. “I liked it. A lot. Deny it all you want but you liked it too.”
She stood and looked at him through the water beaded glass. The shower was cascading down her shoulders and streaming over her beautiful new breasts. Her eyes were emeralds, bright and fierce and beautiful. “Look at me, Tunny. I love you. I’m in love with you. And I want you. We can’t take it back. I wouldn’t even if I could. Would you?”
Winston didn’t have an answer.
“Are you coming in with me?” she asked softly. The invitation meant more than just this one shower.
It was several seconds before Winston whispered hoarsely, “No.”
Jessica’s shoulders fell. She sighed sadly and shut off the water. He waited for her to open the shower door then handed her a towel. She quickly pressed her dark hair dry than wrapped her long slender body in its terry cloth.
She stepped out and stood in front of him. “If I misread you, if I am really and truly wrong about this… about us… and I’ve hurt what we are… I’m sorry.” She leaned in and kissed him softly, gently, chastely on the lips.
“No points,” he smiled weakly as she pulled away.
“That one was free,” she reached up and carefully traced his jaw with her hand. She turned and left him alone in the bathroom. He heard her footsteps come back and her smirking face appeared through the doorframe. “But, Tunny, you really ought to get in the shower and wash yourself off. You stuck that big thing of yours in your little sister’s dirty place.”
“Jess!” he cringed as she disappeared again. But he was glad for the humor. It felt more normal, this kind of teasing exchange between them. He was smiling to himself as he took her advice and stepped into the shower.
He was rinsing off when his sister peeked in. “I’m headed out on errands. I’m looking forward to actually getting out and about for a little while. Be back in a bit.”
The house felt emptier as soon as she was gone. He had one errand of his own but was back before her. He ended up whittling away the hours reading, watching TV, and checking e-mail. He sat at the kitchen table to eat a slice of leftover pizza, brooding as he chewed. As tortured as he felt with Jessica around, he was now miserable without her.
She breezed in through the back door, wearing a short denim skirt and a tight red V-necked t-shirt that put her new cleavage on display. She was carrying a few bags. “Wow, it was nice to get out of the house.” She paused and smiled brightly when she saw him. “You look sad, Tunny. Don’t be sad.”
She plucked one of the bags from the rest and slid it across the kitchen table in front of him. “Here, I picked up a few things.”
He peered inside. It held a new vibrator and a pack of condoms. He looked up at his sister and rolled his eyes.
She smiled. “Take me to bed.”
“No,” it came out with a little less conviction than it should have.
“Come on. Upstairs. I’m not doing it on the couch again.” It was like she didn’t even hear him.
“I’ll be in your room waiting for you. You go ahead and have your last little internal struggle down here. Then come on upstairs and make love to me. I’ll be the half-naked girl on your bed.”