Winston stripped down to his boxers and hopped into the tub behind his sister. He swung a leg over the other side of her and settled down, then pulled her back to lean against him.
Jessica exhaled slowly as the bruised muscles in her torso relaxed. “I’m really sorry I yelled,” she said quietly after a couple of minutes.
“Heh, that was a pretty good one. I haven’t heard you scream like that in years,” he replied gently. He briefly recalled the tantrums she used to throw.
She settled herself into him until her upper back was pressed against his chest. Her head lolled at his shoulder. She sighed happily as she rested the side of her face onto his chest.
His sister’s dark hair brushed his cheek, tickling Winston’s beard stubble. Her bare chest was well above the water and just beneath him, he was looking down her shoulder. Jessica’s new breasts were large and firm and perfect. There was no fighting his body’s natural reaction under these circumstances so he didn’t. His erection struggled to grow to its full eight inch length, pushing its way up his sister’s lower back. She shifted slightly to let it finish hardening then leaned back against him to trap it between their bodies again.
“Well, it feels grade ‘A’ anyway,” she whispered.
“You’re not helping, Jess.”
“Sorry, thought you’d like to know though.”
“Thanks sis.”
“Turn off the lights, Tunny? I’d like to soak in the dark for awhile. That all right with you?”
“Sure.” He flipped the light switch next to him and the bathroom went pitch black. With any luck, the situation would be easier if didn’t have to look at his absurdly hot sister.
Winston was wrong.
He couldn’t see her breasts anymore, but things got worse because… well, what happens when you can’t see? Yep, his other senses sharpened. He smelled her more intensely now. Her hair was musky – they’d have to wash it soon – but it was a good musk. A young woman’s musk. He heard her every breath too. Even her breathing was cute – innocent belly breathing through her nose and mouth. He felt her every twitch. He felt his own heartbeat too. This was not relaxing.
Perhaps having the same problem, or sensing his, Jessica started humming softly. He focused on the sound to drown out the other sensations. It took him a minute to recognize the tune. It was the lullaby that their Mom sang to them when they were little. Even that was English. No “rock a bye baby” for the Kendall kids. No sir-ee. That would be too damn normal.
“Do you realize what you’re humming?” Winston asked his sister.
“Mom’s lullaby right?”
“Do you know the words?”
“Mmmm… no I don’t remember.”
“It’s called ‘Lavender’s Blue.’ ” He cleared his throat and sang the first verse, the only one he could recall:
Lavender’s blue, dilly dilly, lavender’s green,
When I am king, dilly, dilly, you shall be queen.
Who told you so, dilly, dilly, who told you so?
‘Twas my own heart, dilly, dilly, that told me so.
Jessica chuckled. “You remember the weirdest things. The freckle next to my cooter. Now Mom’s lyrics.”
“Yeah, I guess it popped in my head because we’re sitting in this lavender bath stuff.” Another memory prompted by a scent.
“Funny. You know, I’d be your queen Tunny. Like in the lullaby, I’d be your queen.”
It was his turn to chuckle.
“Push my back up a sec?” she asked as he laughed.
He helped her upright and she used that opportunity to plant a palm on his chest and twist into him. It was dark and they were talking about lullabies so he didn’t see it coming. She kissed him – that quick, soft peck on the lips that scored their game.
“Two up, Tunny,” she sighed and he swore she lingered a moment in the perfect dark just millimeters in front of him because he felt her warm breath exhale out onto his face and the cool vacuum of her next breath inwards. She finally turned her back to him and reclined against him again. “You’re not as good at this game as you used to be, I think you’re rusty.”
The intensity of her closeness, their mutual near-nudity, and the dark gave him the courage to say what he was thinking. “I’m not even sure what game we’re playing anymore, Jess.”
“Same game, honey.” She searched for his hand under the bath water and took it. She squeezed it gently. “Just higher stakes.”
They lingered in the dark, in the bathtub, each thinking their own thoughts. Jessica went back to humming their Mom’s lullaby.
Winston’s head was a swirl of emotions. They shared so much history. Was it helping? Or was it hurting?
Thankfully, the bath began to get cool.
“Ready?” He finally asked. “I’m turning into a giant wrinkle back here.”
” ‘Kay,” came her short, soft response. She sounded disappointed that their bath time was ending.
Leaving the lights off, he carefully helped her from the tub and slipped out of his waterlogged boxer shorts. He toweled her dry from head to toe, grabbed another dry towel, and wrapped her in it.