“Four designers have decided to work for us. While we took three from Nexus, the other one is from Lorexto Ltd,” Jane said, standing in front of me in my office.
She placed four files on my table. “These are all the information about them,” she said.
“What about the others who were reached out as well?” I asked, scanning through the Chinese man’s file.
“We reached out to ten designs from Nexus in total. Five outrightly rejected our offer, while three accepted. The other two are yet to get back to us.”
I wasn’t pleased that they rejected my offer. Since the offer was mouth-watering, I had expected that they would jump at it.
“Why did they reject it? Were they not satisfied with the money?” I asked.
“I’m not quite sure.” I doubted that it was because they were being loyal to their company.
“I’ll get back to you on the response of the other two, probably at the end of today,” Jane said, then she bowed slightly in respect before stepping out of the office.
I bit the inside of my mouth. Closing my eyes, I leaned on the headrest, turning the chair side by side.
I was disappointed by how slow things were going. I wasn’t getting the results I wanted, at least not yet.
My phone rang, disrupting my thoughts; I groaned at the sight of her name, which popped up on the scream. This was the third time she had called me in just one day.
“Yes, Nora. What is it this time?” I asked.
“Well, I wanted to hear your voice. I missed you.” She said, and I got more irritated.
“You don’t have to do this?” I decided to be clear with her.
“What do you mean?” She sounded confused.
“I mean this calling and playing the role of a wife. It’s getting tiring.” I said.
“But you played the role of a husband first. Don’t you remember?” She countered. I massaged my temples.
“That was a mistake,” I said. After I took her home from the hospital, I allowed her to stay in my room as per the request from Lucas.
She must have told him we didn’t stay in the same room, though I was mad at her for telling him I decided to let it slide and welcome her back to my room.
“I don’t care what it was. We were intimate, and you said you loved me.” I gritted my teeth, feeling stupid for my terrible mistake.
I had taken care of her in my room. Then, one night, I came home drunk, and we had sex. I swear I thought she was Andrea.
I saw Andrea that night, and I made love to her. I confessed my feelings to Andrea and told her how I’ve not been able to live without her, and she told me she loved me too.
But to my greatest disappointment, I woke up to see Nora lying naked in my bed the next morning.
“I didn’t mean it. I didn’t expect a mistake to have so much effect on a grown woman.” I picked the harshest words I could find, “we’re adults, and things happen all the time; if you can’t handle the fact that it wasn’t real, you deal with it and don’t even think of including me.”
My chest heaved up and down in anger. “But I…”
“Move your things out of my room before I get back. And if you keep calling me, I’ll have no option but to block all your credit cards.” It wasn’t an empty threat; I meant every word.
I hung up before she could say anything.
I placed the phone on my table with a thud, and my day immediately turned sour.
I stood and walked to my window, looking into the city.
One hand was stuck in my pocket. I blamed myself for allowing Andrea to have so much effect on me. It wasn’t easy for me. And each time, I couldn’t help but wonder if she had forgotten about me.
Later that evening, Jane came into my office. “We have a slight problem,” she said, and I straightened up immediately.
‘What is it this time? We haven’t even gotten what we wanted, and we were already having problems.’
“Speak,” I ordered when she hesitated.
“Nexus CEO has asked for a meeting,” She said.
“A meeting with who?” I asked.
I scoffed, “Why?” Is he afraid that I’ll scout all their designers already? I haven’t even started yet.
“He sent this message.” She showed me her iPad.
“He isn’t pleased with the recent activities and would like to speak with you about it personally,” Jane said.
My eyes scanned through the one-paragraph message. He wanted to meet me tomorrow. I didn’t like the sound of that.
I was not afraid, but I didn’t have the luxury of time to waste on him. If he wants me to stop, then he should do all he can to prevent his workers from leaving.
“Fine. I’ll meet with him.” I was suddenly curious as to what he had to say.
“I’ll schedule a place then,” Jane said before leaving.
That evening, I was glad to see that Nora had taken my threat seriously. She had moved her things.
I sat at the edge of the bed. My eyes moved to the nightstand where a car toy resided.
I smiled at the sight of it, my mind drifting back to the little boy I bumped into at the hospital.
Two weeks ago.
While inside the shop, I turned to see a familiar figure moving behind the door. I was about to follow her when the waiter in front of me asked for my order.
I told him my order, deciding to ignore the girl. I must have been mistaken. When I stepped out, she was still outside. This time she was on a call.
As I walked towards her, a lady’s purse fell close to my foot, making me pause. I picked up the purse and handed it back to her.
When I turned back, the girl was gone.
As I walked into the hospital, a boy bumped into me. He fell on the floor on his butt. When he rejected my hands when I offered to pick him off, I wasn’t shocked to see the same boy from the airport.
“It’s you,” I said, pointing to him as if I had been anticipating him. “We meet again.” He wiped his butt and smiled.
“Are you sick?” He asked me in his small childish voice, which sparked joy in me for some unknown reason.
I shook my head.
“I am perfectly fine.” “Then why are you here?” He inquired.
“I can ask you the same,” I said, enjoying the conversation I was having with him.
“I am sick.” He said, and I nodded as if I wasn’t aware. It was clear he was sick since he wore a small hospital gown, which was his perfect size, making him look undeniably adorable.
“Then why is a sick little boy running around alone?” I asked.
“I’m grown up.” He said.
“How old are you?”
“I’m five.” He said boldly. “And where is your mom?” He bit his bottom lip.
“She went out. “So you are here alone?” I asked, and he shook his head. “My Dad is with me,” he said proudly, and I nodded.
“I have to go now. Bye.” He said and ran past me.
“Don’t run…” but it was too late; he had already taken the closest hallway.
Reminiscing about the time with him, my lips stretched into a smile. I could still envisage him perfectly.
I traced the toy. If only the toy had been with me then, I’d have handed it to him.
I placed the toy close to my bed, deciding to take it with me anywhere I went. I could only hope I would be able to meet him some other time.
After dinner, I settled on the couch in the sitting room. Although I still had a lot to do, I decided to relax.
Nora soon walked into the sitting room, disrupting my quiet time.
“Did you speak to Lucas today?” She asked.
“No.” I didn’t want to ask her anything at first, but I decided to do it. What if something is wrong with him?
“Is something wrong?” I asked, and she shook her head.
“It’s just that I am so proud of him,” she paused and took her phone, scrolling down before stopping and turning the phone towards me.
“He held a press conference today concerning the partnership with AJ groups. It’s all over the news. Don’t tell me you’ve not seen it.”
“I saw it, and we spoke about it,” I said.
Though I was aware of the press conference, I had totally forgotten about it and hadn’t seen it till she showed me.
“Lucas is progressing very fast.” She said, and for the first time, it was something I could agree on.
“He is, and I am proud.” “Me too.”
After a while, she added, “He will make a good heir. I can already see him leading Costa Enterprises to greater heights. You should consider leaving him everything; he is ready,” she said.
I nodded. I was already considering it. “At this point, you don’t even need to specify it in a will. Everyone knows he is the next leader.”
I just smiled while confirming her words.
Lucas was my only son, my heir, the next leader of my empire, and I am glad of the steps he was taking.
“Have you thought of his marriage?” I raised my brows at this question. I wasn’t expecting her to ask this. Not when I’ve never even thought of it.
“Marriage?” I asked, furrowing my brows.
“He has to get married. I was worried. I have been reviewing a list of eligible young ladies in the city. It would be nice to get him married to someone who can support his career and make him strong as the next leader of Costa Enterprises,” Nora said.
“That is not important now.” I studied her face. She was about to speak, but I raised an arm, stopping her. Then I continued, “Lucas is young, and I will leave that decision to him. We won’t be picking a bride for him, so your list is useless.”
She wasn’t pleased with my statement, but I couldn’t care less.
“So we don’t have to bother ourselves. If he wants to get married, fine. If he doesn’t, it’s also fine.” She shrugged, a line appearing on her forehead.
Later that night, Lucas called me. He was so excited about his successful conference.
“I am proud of you, son,” and I meant it.
The next day came faster than I wanted it to.
I was seated in the car heading for the meeting venue with the CEO of Nexus.
“Has he sent any message regarding the discussion we will have today?” I asked Jane, who was seated next to me.
“No, sir.” She replied.
I looked out the window, my eyes taking in the busy streets.
In my hands was the toy car of the little boy. Just like I had decided, I held it with me, twirling it in my hands.
The car soon pulled over in front of a restaurant.
I stepped out and walked inside.
“We made a reservation,” Jane’s eyes swipe across the restaurant.
A waiter led us to our table. I heard footsteps behind me, but I didn’t turn.
Just as I was about to sit down, the toy I was twirling fell.
I turned to see a lady, bent down. She grabbed the toy and handed it over to me, “Thank y…” my words were stuck in my throat immediately after my eyes landed on her.
My eyes widened, my heart pummeling in my ears. Andrea was in front of me. Is this a dream?
I watched as her eyes widened; her mouth was left hanging.