Book:The Merciless Alpha(erotica) Published:2024-11-18

I woke up feeling really good. I couldn’t tell if it was the sex right before falling asleep, or the supplements that Brittany had gotten for me, but I was feeling really good. I woke before Courtney and cuddled her until the alarm went off.
We ate a quick breakfast of eggs and toast, with hot cocoa because of how cold it was getting. Dressing for warmth wasn’t as sexy, but Courtney still looked great. I would have to be good and not be too distracting today, so it was okay anyway. We had a big day ahead of us.
Classes were preparing for midterm exams before Thanksgiving break, so we had some in class exercises today, and tonight we’d do another study session with the harem, and our last standing invitee.
Khloe was an interesting case. She was as in desperate need of sexual satisfaction in her life. She was also highly religious and clinging to her incredibly high standards. Courtney told me that she was certain that her man would be a religious studies major, who was a virgin, and had never so much as looked at porn. In this day and age, that was almost an impossibility. I hated to tell her that she was narrowing her field too much. Religion was great and all, but I didn’t think God wanted us all to drop everything necessary to live and just try and preach to each other all day long. I know there was a section somewhere in the Bible where Jesus told his disciples to basically not worry about anything and do his work, but I was pretty sure that section referred directly to his apostles, and last time I checked they were all dead by 100 A. D. People could argue the Pope, but I had done too much research into the ancient catholic church. When I learned about the Pope wars, the female pope, and all the other garbage the Catholic church didn’t want to tell you about, then it became clear that Jesus’s church had died with his apostles. Maybe someday there would be a Prophet again, or Jesus would return, but all of the ‘prophets’ I’d heard of were wearing a sandwich board in Vegas begging for money, and everyone claiming to be Jesus returned again ended up in a mental hospital.
So as far as I was concerned, Khloe was an obsessed girl who’s obsessions were getting in the way of her needs being met. I couldn’t figure out how to help her. I couldn’t do it. Suki was working on her, she said there was something she was working on, but I had no idea what it was.
Class was rough, but passed quickly. Before I knew it, 4 o’clock was here and the girls were all showing up. First to arrive was Sarah and Brittany, then Debbie, Tina and Abby, and finally Suki and Khloe.
We started studying. I helped where I could. The girls quickly figured out that I could read over even high complexity, specialized information, and talk through getting enough understanding with them in their fields enough to help them figure it out. There were a lot of doey-eyed looks sent my way, and appreciation. In general, the harem tried to be respectful of Khloe’s presence, but Debbie didn’t care, pulling her shirt out in thanks to let me see her tits. Suki kissed me in thanks, and Abby gave my ass a ‘thank you’ squeeze.
Finally, Khloe had enough, “You all are disgusting!” She declared, springing to her feet. “I can’t believe you are all okay, fornicating with the same man!” She put her hands on her hips, “Until a few weeks ago, I felt I could belong in this group. We were all pure young ladies. Now you have all been corrupted by this man, and I am unable to tolerate such sin in my life! If you can’t all stop then I will have to stop hanging around with such harlots!”
“Khloe, I think you’d find God doesn’t want you to be a miserable, loney, and unsatisfied woman.” Sarah said. “God has always had exceptions and has even given contradictory commandments. Have you even given thought to the options in front of you? If you insist on having no love and intimacy in your life until you find a man who meets your highly exclusionary criteria, what if you never find such a man? God has put an option in front of you.”
Khloe smiled, like Sarah had just fallen into a trap. “If God wants me to join this harem, he will let me know.” Then she threw her hands skyward, and spread her feet wide in a stance like Moses preparing to part the sea, as she cried, “God, if it is your will that I join this harem, give me a sign!” Khloe looked triumphantly at the ceiling for a second, as the girls were all silent. You could have heard a pin drop.
Then there was a quiet “snap”. For a second, a confused look covered Khloe’s face, then horror. Then as she stood there petrified, the culprit became obvious. Khloe’s panties slid down her legs, to rest on top of her feet. A quick look revealed the cause, the elastic had failed and snapped. Khloe’s face was horrified. She seemed incapable of moving, as she stood their hands raised in supplication, her panties down at her ankles.
I was so confused, what had just happened. Then Suki caught my eye and winked.
Holy shit. I realized this was Suki’s plan. I had only known Khloe for a few days, but I could see this being a regular thing. I only wish I knew how Suki had sabotaged Khloe’s panties so they would snap the next time she made this maneuver, but clearly she had done it and Khloe had walked right into her trap.
“Well, Khloe… I kind of think you got your sign.” Sarah murmured, trying not to laugh.
“No…” Khloe muttered, still holding her hands aloft, “Lord, why would you send me this sign?”
Khloe stepped out of her failed panties, and picked it up. The waistband didn’t look sabotaged, it was broken along the seam. Clearly, Khloe wore loose cotton panties, and with the elastic compromised. Khloe held the panties like it was a fallen friend. The struggle in her mind was obvious. Finally, Khloe walked over to me.
“I don’t know why I have been given this sign, but I asked for a sign and I was given it. I am yours, I submit myself to you and accept the invitation to…. To join your harem. I merely have one thing to ask of you, as your concubine, when the time comes to bear children, will you permit me to bear you children.” Khloe declared a slight quiver in her voice, as she handed me her failed panties.
“Are you sure this is what you want?” I asked her.
“It is.” She stated, “I cannot deny that I have… wanted to partake, in the pleasures of the flesh that my sisters have enjoyed, but so long as the Lord’s commandments restricted me, I could not. With this sign, it is clear that as David of old was told to slay all and spare not, directly in contradiction with his commandment to not kill, so am I to submit myself to you.”
“Well, before you join the harem and participate in those pleasures… I do have to ask you to get tested for STDs…” Courtney told her. “I don’t think you will have any problems, but you still need to do it. Rules are rules.”
Khloe blushed, went to her backpack and pulled out a paper. She wordlessly handed it to Courtney.
“You… you got tested on Monday?” Courtney asked, incredulously. “You would have to have been there at the same time as Abby.”
“I saw her and had to hide.” Khloe admitted.
“Well, then you have been invited and met the requirements, welcome to the harem.” Courtney declared.
“So… you’ll let me bear Tom children?” She asked.
“Well, hopefully not right now. That would make finishing school hard, but once we’re graduated and everyone is settled, I have no problem with it. And you know if you do find your man, you are welcome to leave the harem at any time.” Courtney told the newest harem member.
“Oh, I know I’m not going to find him.” Khloe admitted, “Honestly, the thought of laying with a man is… terrifying. I knew the only way I’d ever do it was if God sent me the perfect man. I figured that would be the sign he gave me… but I guess he sent me a different one.”
The other girls rushed to welcome Khloe to the harem. Hugs and back slaps were given.
“Do you want to seal the deal and enjoy your privileges? Debbie asked excitedly.
Khloe took a deep breath. “If I don’t do it now, I might be too scared to come back… but I just want it to be me and Tom… until it’s done. You want pictures to prove and if Tom wants that, he’ll get it. But I want it to just be the two of us…”
“Get ‘im girl.” Debbie encouraged her.
“If that’s what you want, shall we?” I asked, extending my hand.
Khloe grabbed it and clung as I led her to the bedroom. I closed the door, and turned to Khloe who was sitting on the bed. I placed her ruined panties on a shelf, I’d keep them as a treasure, and a trophy of Khloe entering my harem, as much as I would the picture of what K was about to do to her.
I sat on the bed next to her, “Is this not quite how you saw things going?” I asked.
“That’s part of the problem, I haven’t thought about how this would go… I’ve never even seen a penis, except when you and Debbie…. when she joined your harem. I thought you saw me in the hall. I mean, you guys said I could watch.” Khloe admitted. “I’ve never imagined myself having… sex. I mean, I want to be a mom, so I knew it would have to happen. And… I want it… I want to be yours… I couldn’t see very well from the hall… so I don’t know what to do.”
“Wait, do you know how sex works?” I asked.
“It looked like your… penis… went in Debbie’s butt, right? And then the sperm swims up to her stomach, where, if she wasn’t on the pill, they’d grow into a baby. Right?” She speculated.
“Not quite, have you ever used a tampon?” I pressed on.
“No, mother said they were sinful. Like touching the spot you pee from.” Khloe repeated.
“Okay, and I’m guessing you have never kissed a boy?” I confirmed.
“The only people I’ve ever kissed were my parents and grandparents, and that was on the cheek.” Khloe confessed.
“Okay, so just so you know, that’s where we’re going to start. You don’t have to get naked right now, and we aren’t going to go nearly as fast as Debbie did. Debbie is a bit extreme, and talking with Sarah, it seems that Debbie is what we call kinky. She likes extreme sexual things. That would not be my ideal introduction for you into sex.” I comforted my harem virgin.