“You can tell your roommates, I have a spare bedroom and bring a few changes of clothing over.” Courtney told her, and we returned to the main living area.
“Girl, I’d move in if I could. Latisha keeps eating my food.” Brittany said, “But I don’t want to be a leech.”
“You wouldn’t be.” Courtney said, then glanced at me. “Um, you’re the first of the girls I wanted to talk to… but… If Tom and I had a bigger place… so all the girls could move in… Would you?”
“Are you serious?” Brittany asked, kind of incredulous.
“Yeah. I am serious.” Courtney affirmed.
“Courtney, a house like that would cost millions of dollars.” I told her. “Would your father really buy you a place like that for you to live in while you go to school?”
“He seemed open to the idea. I told him I wanted to start, like, an unofficial sorority for my girlfriends. He said he thought that was a great idea. I told him it would need a Sorority House, and if we were doing that, we might as well offer my girlfriends a place to live. He said he’d look into it and tell me at Christmas.” Courtney replied.
“So you want to get a giant mansion where we can all live together and have unfettered access to Tom?” Brittany asked, verifying.
Courtney nodded. “I know the real estate guy my dad used and reached out to him. He verified daddy was looking into places. Apparently, there is a place about 2 miles from campus, 25 bedrooms and 22 bathrooms. It has all your basics: indoor pool, hot tub, indoor gym, home theater, massage room, three kitchens, four dining rooms, but only a 10 car garage. I think some movie star wants to get rid of it, but he can’t sell it. I bet daddy could get a good deal.”
Brittany and I looked at each other. “That place must be a pain to clean.” Brittany finally said.
“Oh, come on. You know I don’t even clean this place. And I could have my chauffeur come in and we could carpool to campus. Tina could use the in-home gym to start doing those online workout classes she’s been talking about. Suki could do her cheerleader workouts without dealing with the bitches on the squad making fun of her. Sarah could use one of the dens as an office. I’m sure it would be great for everyone. I could have one of the butlers start making sure the pantry is stocked… please, just tell me if you’d do it.” Courtney begged.
“Courtney, I’d be happy to. I’d have to find some way to contribute.” Brittany explained, “That can’t be cheap.”
“The chauffeur and butler are already working for daddy, they’ve helped raise me and take care of me up until I went off to school.” Courtney shrugged the cost off. “It’d probably only be a few hundred dollars a month to feed everyone.” She continued completely missing the fact that the house she’s talking about had to be at least 30 million dollars.
“And you could be a great help like this!” Courtney proclaimed, lifting the supplements. “By helping keep us all healthy and in prime shape for enjoying each other’s company.”
Brittany laughed, “Tom’s the main one I was worried about. He is pumping out protein and amino acids like a fire hydrant. But I guess having a med student in the house wouldn’t hurt.”
“Britttany, you graduate in a year and a half with your doctorate. You’re practically a doctor. And a doctor in the house is always a good thing.” Courtney informed her.
“I’d still need to do my residency and pass my medical licensing exam.” Brittany explained, “And I still need to decide which of my specialities to focus on.”
“What specialities are you thinking about right now?” I asked.
“Well, right now. Either being a family doctor or an obstetrician-gynecologist. I mean, I guess some doctors do both.” She told me.
“Wait, obstet… isn’t that a… um… doctor for women, especially pregnant women?” I asked.
“Yeah, basically. I mean, there is more to it then that. Women’s health is a surprisingly big thing. So much can go wrong.” Brittany explained. “You need pap smears, regular checkups, and so much more.”
“I’m sure some of the girls would much rather have a doctor in the house to take care of them that way.” I told her.
Brittany laughed, “Okay, but it is going to be like four years after I graduate before I am a full doctor. And if I can’t get accepted for residency locally, I’ll have to move to where I can get it.”
Courtney set her jaw. “When do you have to get accepted for residency?”
“I start applying in March. Last applications would be in September, and if I don’t get accepted next March…. There are some programs that might help, but I may be stuck for a year and trying to take a spot the year after.”
Courtney was determined and I could see she would be working on her friend’s behalf. “Are there nearby hospitals or clinics you’d want to do your residency at?”
Brittany began explaining about her top choices.
Turns out, Brittany didn’t know her dad, and her mom had a regular stream of men in her life, whichever sugar daddy would take care of her at the moment was who she was living with. Brittany wasn’t even sure her mom checked her email, and her phone number and address were constantly changing. Her mom had wanted her to just find a sugar daddy and settle down, but Brittany had been determined to break out of that life. So she buckled down in high school, and despite the crappy inner city school she had gone to, she managed good grades, and got scholarships to college for her pre-med. She had gone to a Community college, then gotten into Med school here. She didn’t know of any relatives so family wasn’t a draw. The closest thing she had to family was her friends and now the harem.
There were several local hospitals and clinics she was hoping she could do her residency at. Including a couple that would let her do both her specialities, but the one she really wanted was a well known clinic and demand was high. She was scared because while she had tried to do everything she could, she didn’t have connections and sometimes that was all that mattered.
Courtney assured her she’d do great, and Britteny left after pushing me to take the supplements she’d left for me, morning and night.
About 10 minutes later, Courtney got the text that the deliveries were almost there. Courtney confirmed we were ready and shortly later a giant box truck pulled up.
The delivery men were efficient and careful. There were soon four large dressers and the biggest bed I had ever seen.
“Holy crap, what size bed is that?” I gasped.
“That would be an Alaska King.” Courtney announced. “Nine feet wide, by nine feet deep.” And she finished signing for the deliveries and the men left.
“You’ve been doing research haven’t you? So how long has the Sorority House been a thing you were talking about with your Dad?” I asked Courtney when we were alone.
Courtney glanced at me worried, “You aren’t mad, are you? You told me not to try something like this and I kinda went behind your back.”
I laughed, “Courtney, he’s your father and if he’s willing to drop, what, 30 or 40 million dollars on his daughter’s whim… I guess he’s got even more money than I give him credit for. I wouldn’t call talking to your father about something ‘going behind my back’. Especially if it is something I just grew up too poor to expect was a possibility.”
“What do you mean?” She asked.
“This place has four beds and two baths, my family of five lived in a place like this and considered it luxury.” I told her.
“What about your summer house?” She asked.
“We didn’t have a summer house, some years we couldn’t even afford to go on vacation.” I informed my wide-eyed girlfriend.
“I had a hard time believing the girls when they said that last year, when I invited everyone to our summer house in Colorado.” Courtney shook her head in wonder. “I guess it must be true though.”
“Yeah, those are some serious luxuries, and most of the girls probably haven’t even dreamed of having that.” I told her.
“So sad. I always looked forward to trips to the Summer cabin. That was one of the few times I got to spend time with Daddy.” Courtney said sadly.
“Well, that’s the tradeoff, most of us had less money but more time with our parents.” I explained, “I saw my father every day, and he taught me to throw a baseball and catch. We played games as a family… but we didn’t have as much money and we had to do everything for ourselves. I had to save up and buy my first car. It was a trashed up beater, a 1998 Toyota Camry.” I told her.
“You didn’t get a car for your sixteenth birthday?” She asked.
I shook my head. “No way was that happening.”
“I could see why believing my father would buy me a second college home would be hard to believe then.” She conceded.
“So you’re going to keep this one?” I asked.
“Yeah, daddy said he wanted me to have a place that was just mine in case the Sorority thing doesn’t go well.” She explained, “And it would be great for private getaways if you and me, or one of the girls, needed it.”
“Well, if it works out, that would be great.” I told her.
“I’m glad you aren’t mad.” Courtney told me. “I was really worried.”
“You know, there are things that I will do or say that I am sure will make you mad one day too.” I told her, “Just so long as we can forgive each other, and remember the good times, I think we’ll be alright.”
Courtney kissed me deeply.
“You still spent from Brittany, or could I have a turn, I really want to make love to you right now.” Courtney breathed.
I felt the stirrings and was confident, so I lifted Courtney up and carried her to the bedroom. She kissed me the whole way, our tongues each trying to tie the other’s in a knot.
I laid the queen of my harem on the bed and slowly peeled her clothing off of her. The other girls were great, each offering their own little something, but Courtney was still my favorite. Nothing could beat the way she surrendered 100% to my will. Her vagina always strained to please me and her breasts fit perfectly in my hand and mouth. Her ass was the perfect mix of firm and supple and fit in my hands like it was made for them.