His mother looked shocked and turned to the dick. “Kyle? I thought you said she wanted to break up?”
Old penis-breath had turned bright red. “It’s not like that, Mom. I swear. He’s making stuff up.”
Teri peeked her head around my side. “No he’s not! You’re a horrible person Kyle. I tried to be the best girlfriend I could, and you treated me like crap. And . . . and you have a little tiny dick!”
His sister giggled, while I could see the veins popping out on his head.
“What do you say asshole?” I said. “You and me go outside so I can kick your ass again?”
Kyle’s Mom was turning three different shades of red. “There won’t be any fighting,” she said. “You apologize to her, Kyle! I didn’t raise you to be a jerk!”
“I didn’t do anything wrong,” he said. “She wanted it.”
I knew it had to be killing him. “I’m sorry,” he mumbled.
Teri stepped around me, still clinging to my arm. “Sorry? Sorry for what? For all the lies about you liking me? For treating me like crap? For taking my virginity on a bet and dumping me? For making my first time as miserable as possible? For making me suck that little tiny dick of yours? For taking pictures? What?”
“I’m sorry, alright! It was just a joke. And I didn’t take any pictures.”
I took another step toward him, and the little bitch moved behind his mother. “No, you let your friends in the room, and they took pictures, before you told them they each owed you ten bucks. That’s all my sister was worth to you, was ten lousy bucks? If any of those pictures see the light of day, I swear to God I’m gonna put you in the hospital, if I don’t put you in a grave.”
It was easy to see his mom was horrified. “You bet ten dollars on this poor girl?”
He shook his head. “It was forty dollars. Ten each.”
His mother looked royally pissed. She dug into her purse, and came out holding a fist full of money, pushing it toward Teri. “Here, take this,” she said, with a backward glance at the asshole. “He’s going to pay me back every penny. He’s not going to profit off of treating you like that. And I promise, if there are any pictures, they’ll be destroyed. I’m sorry.”
Teri shied away from the money, but I took it for her. “It’s not your fault he’s a complete jerk and an asswipe,” I said.
His mom shook her head. “I raised him better than that. I can’t believe he’d pull this kind of stunt. And you don’t have to worry about kicking his butt. When I tell his father what he’s done, he’ll do the job for you.”
Old dick-head turned pale when she said that. It made me smile. “Sorry I interrupted your shopping, ma’am. I just couldn’t let him pull that shit with my sister.”
She nodded. “It’s good that you stand up for her. Kyle could learn a lesson from you.”
“He will, if he ever tries anything like that again.”
We walked away, and I was waiting to see if Teri would get mad at me. I was surprised when she pulled my head down and kissed my cheek. “Thanks. I think.”
“I didn’t mean to embarrass you, I swear. I just want to kill him.”
She giggled. “Me too. Now it sound like his old man will do the job for us.”
After that she was a whole lot more cheerful, talking up a storm on the way home. I felt good.
An hour later, we were back home, the dinner cooking in the kitchen, and Teri had counted out the money that her ex-boyfriend’s mother had given her. It was more than $40. A lot more. One hundred and fifty-seven dollars, to be exact.
I was sitting in the living room, when she plopped down beside me. “I don’t think I should keep this money. It doesn’t feel right,” she said.
“I know. I feel kind of weird about it too. But you have to understand, it’s not like he’s paying you. It’s part of his punishment. His mother is going to make him pay it back. I think you should keep it.”
She sighed, leaning against me, and I put my arm around her, giving her a squeeze. “I don’t know,” she said.
“Don’t worry about it, alright? Put it away for now. You don’t have to spend it right away. Hang onto it, and see how you feel a little while from now.”
Mom chose that time to walk in on us. She was smiling. “It’s good to see you two like the old days. Now break it up. Dinner’s ready, and I need help.”
There’s not much more to say about that night, or even the next day. It was Christmas, like a million other homes across the country. We ate a big dinner, snacked on leftovers, watched hokey Hallmark movies, and drank spiked eggnog, with my mother’s blessing.
The next day we got up early, and gathered around the tree. We only had a few presents each, but it seemed to me that everybody was happy with what they’d received. I knew I was. Teri got her first cell-phone, which I thought was a long time coming, but she was ecstatic. Mom adored her car stereo, as well as the smaller gifts we exchanged. We had a few presents from other relatives, books, music, clothing, gift cards, all the usual.
Mom’s gift to me was cash. Two-hundred dollars earmarked for college spending money. I was happy to get it, although she seemed embarrassed.
“I didn’t know what to get you, and I know how hard you work for your spending money. I wish I could do more, Travis.”
“No Mom. It’s perfect. Being here with you guys is a great present. This will help a lot.”
Teri got me a couple of things. A game I’d been looking at, and a new wallet, which I have to admit was kind of lame. She made up for it with her last gift. There wasn’t a lot to it, just a T-shirt that said “World’s Best Brother.” I liked it. I’m not sure I’d wear it very often, at least not away from the house, but it made me feel good.
Then Teri opened her gift from me, and I braced myself for the shit-storm I expected.
She held up the naughty pink lingerie I’d purchased, and the matching pair of tiny frilly panties. She turned bright red. “Travis?” she whispered.
“You’re a woman now, Teri. You’re not a kid. You’re a beautiful young woman, and you deserve to have something special to wear as beautiful as you. Maybe your next boyfriend can appreciate it.”
I don’t know what I expected, but to see her run off in tears wasn’t it. I sat still waiting for my mother to tear me a new one.
After a long wait, I looked up at her, to see how much shit I was in. She had tears in her eyes. She looked at me, and slowly smiled. “I’m not sure how appropriate that was, but it was a beautiful gift. Just what she needed right now. You’re aware of some of the issues she’s having, I take it?”
I nodded. “That Kyle is a complete asshole. She deserves a lot better.”
Mom came over and sat beside me, taking my hand in hers. “You’re right, honey. I received a call from his mother, late last night. She was mortified, to say the least. Thank you for standing up for your sister. I’m not sure that was the best way to go about it, but I guess it’s better than beating him up again.”