At least it was slightly warm enough inside the ice palace for them to push their furred hoods back and take their goggles off. Behind them two somber looking men, who looked like they were as white as the ice around them, bore the body of the Maiden on a litter between them.”Blow me,” James retorted as they were ushered in for their audience with the Queen.”Sorry, don’t swing that way bro and I’d hate to take Ashley’s job.”*Lily gasped when she saw the body of one of her sisters being brought into the court. She then watched fearfully from her seat off on the side of the massive throne room as the Queen wailed in anguish, an anguish that was felt by all of the Winter Fae. She could feel that her Queen was outraged and hurting all at once by the news that the Vampiric Delegation had brought. While she listened intently at what the black and white humans from the Vampiric Court had to say, which pretty much amounted to the fact that the Renegades had pretty much declared war on the Fae, Lily couldn’t help but stare at the body as the guards took her past. Tears fell from her eyes, turning to ice when they left her face, as she remembered how much fun her and Amaryllis had playing in the ice caves when they were children and how much fun they’d had when they occasionally played pranks on the humans during the winter months. But all that was gone now. Around her, her surviving sisters in winter all reacted in their own way which ranged from openly weeping to openly expressing hatred towards the werewolves who’d done this. Not only had the werewolves killed one of their own, but had done it while in the process of defiling her. It was inconceivable to think of such horrors happening but the proof was undeniable. The Vampires had cleaned up the body as much as possible but the savagery of what happened was still visible.”Hunter Parker, Liaison Gurley,” her Queen spoke in an obvious attempt to keep her voice as even as possible though one could detect a slight quiver in it, “I thank you for bringing this to my attention and for bringing my daughter home to us. I also thank you for the news that her attackers have all paid for this atrocity. We are indeed in your debt for this service and we shall not forget this. Please relay my compliments of your deeds to your Prince.” She gave a slight nod to them, and they formally bowed back to her, before she waved her hand to dismiss them. The Queen waited until the massive doors of ice at the end of the hall closed behind the departing humans before she rose from her throne to address her children and subjects. “It is obvious now that we cannot merely operate in the shadows any longer. When it was just Humans pursuing us it was easy. But now, with members of the Werewolves openly taking us in such a way, we will need protection. We will need soldiers in far greater numbers than what we have now in order to combat this threat. Guards, you are to increase recruitment and training at once.”Lily watched as the Queen turned in place, knelt down next to Amaryllis’ body, and placed a kiss on her pale white forehead. Lily caught the glisten of tears as they fell from the Queen’s eyes and landed on Amaryllis’ still, peaceful, and lovely face. The Vampires had done an excellent job of cleaning her up before bringing her back here. The Queen straightened up and looked around to her people. “Our Maidens will be the most vulnerable when they bring forth the cold this year. Maidens; go forth and select your champions, your protectors. Choose well for they will be the ones on the front lines of this new war we suddenly find ourselves in.”Inside her chest, Lily’s heart leapt with a single strand of Joy. She knew just who she was going to pick.