“Oh, no, Missy, please!”
I stop scrubbing the bottom of the dried-up fountain as Alberta makes me stop to look at her. Pushing my hair back, I see her running towards me completely shocked.
“What are you doing here? Weren’t you arranging the flowers?” She asks, making the omegas working on cleaning the fountain around me hold their breaths.
“Yeah,” I answer with a smile. “But we were done with it, and I figured my help was needed here.”
I also needed to get some aggression out of my system and I figured that scrubbing would be a nice exercise to achieve that.
Naturally, as I woke up, I smelled Fynn’s scent again. And since his disparaging words were constantly resounding in my head, it couldn’t possibly be, so I must have been hallucinating.
Stupid me.
And stupid mate bond.
Also, my two other mates were walking around me on eggshells this morning, driving me crazy as this was absolutely the last thing I needed right now.
On top of that, as I arrived at the town square with Cayden to help them redecorate the square and help with some tasks, everyone was absolutely lovely. And I felt like a royal who was there on a visit to shoot pictures for a magazine while acting like I was helping instead of being of any real help.
So, let me scrub, Alberta. I need that!
She takes a deep breath and grabs my arm gently to help me up to my feet. “Oh, I can’t possibly have you scrubbing dirty floors. What would Alpha Blackwood think?”
“Don’t worry, Alberta. I will gladly take it up with him if he has something to object to in this matter. We are nearly done. Let me finish here, and then you can give me some task that is supposed to be nicer.”
Gasping for air, she tries to find the right words and even looks at her staff lost. “But… your head… the Alpha…”
“It’s alright. I will let you know if I’m feeling sick or dizzy. Our Susan here is keeping an eye on me and will tell you right away if I were to collapse due to the hard work,” I say, making Susan jump behind me.
“Yes, ma’am. I’ll observe her strictly,” Susan shouts, making me giggle.
Alberta nods slowly, and I squeeze her arm. “I’ll talk to Cayden. He can’t resist my puppy dog eyes anyway.”
A round of ‘aaws’ resounds around us, and I laugh.
Those people are out of their minds.
And I love it!
I slowly begin to understand all those people living happily in those happy-farming cults as I feel delighted at arranging pots along the stone walls of the alleys.
Susan is humming as she is plucking at the flowers next to me. The rhythm of her song mixes with the chattering voices and the happy screams of the playing children and calms my soul better than any meditation technique.
Suddenly, the atmosphere seems to change as the voices get louder, and the chatting gets more intense.
Turning around, I see Matthew walking towards me with a big smile, as he manages not to fall over the pups running around his legs.
I giggle as he reaches me and gives me a kiss. Susan bows respectfully with blushed cheeks as she greets him before scurrying away.
“Looks like you are popular,” I say jokingly, making him laugh.
“They are just so blinded by your beauty that they mistook me for the Alpha.”
“Aaaw,” I slap him playfully. “You are too cute to be true.”
He lifts his arm, scratching the back of his neck, as he turns shy. “Listen, Missy.”
I smile at him patiently as he clears his voice being cutely nervous. “Yes?”
“You had quite a rough time the last few days, and I was wondering if I could treat you tonight… Like with a nice dinner perhaps.”
My smile brightens as he lowers his arm. “Are you asking me out for a date?”
“Would that be okay?” He asks, making me nod.
“I would love to have dinner with you tonight, Matt,” I answer his invite, making him look like he just won the lottery.
“Oh, wow. Awesome.” He beams, and I chuckle.
“It’s not really a surprise that I said yes, isn’t it?” I ask, and he scoffs.
“Are you crazy? I was concerned about having my heart shattered across the town square.” He jokes, making me shake my head.
Pulling at his shirt, I get us to diminish the already non-existent distance between us. “As if I could ever do that. I really like you, and I can’t wait to spend the evening with you.”
“Oh, man,” He breathes out. “I have to go now. Before I snatch you away.”
I lower my voice to a whisper as I scrunch up my nose, “Wouldn’t really mind if you did, honestly.”
“Bad way to answer, mate.” He groans as he smirks at me.
Leaning in, he kisses the corner of my lips gently, making me close my eyes to enjoy his vicinity.
“See you later, Missy.” He whispers, having my insides tingling.
“Can’t wait,” I answer.
He waves at the people standing around us, and like the happy cult-pack they are, they cheer as they wave back at him.
I laugh and watch him walk away, careful not to lose myself in my indecent thoughts as I admire his muscular body.
Maybe I can get him to take a few of my aggression away from me too, when we meet tonight.
As I finish helping with the easy tasks around the town square, I actually can’t help but feel more fulfilled than ever.
Seeing the decorations click into place and the place changing its atmosphere is actually amazing.
It doesn’t help me with my growing anxiety, though.
As the hours pass by, and my date comes closer, I can’t feel nothing but excitement and nervousness.
I want to stretch out the distractions as much as I can, but soon enough, everyone is pushing me to go back home to get ready for my date.
Before I can protest, I find myself taking a relaxing bath to ease my nerves.
And boy, am I nervous.