Cara’s pov
We kissed our way into the library, my hands all over Luca’s thick back and shoulders as we danced over to the cluster of settees. My back connected with the plushness of the large chaise with a light bounce as Luca half straddled me, his mouth all over my neck, hot and scalding and driving me crazy.
I arched off the chaise to allow him pull down the zipper behind my dress, my heart taking off when he sucked hard on the spot directly below my jaw.
I sighed deeply at the delicious feeling, unconsciously tilting to accommodate more of his ministrations-kisses and nibbles in just the precise spots to make me quiver. Evidence that Luca knew my body better than I did.
“You’re terrific in this dress but even more mouthwatering out of it.” He said in a thick, sandpaper voice that rubbed my senses the right way.
My blood heated at his praise, sending a deep flush to all the way to my toes. Luca’s gaze licked at my skin, making my nipples tighten under his lustful scrutiny. I lived for his obsession with my breasts, with every part of my body. He’d seen me naked countless of time now, yet he still gazed at me with a new wonder like he was exposed to the beauty of a rare jewel for the first time.
It was devastatingly sizzling and altogether heartstopping, a fixed reminder that I had his love, was capable of being loved, something I’d been convinced was impossible at an early age.
His teeth grazed my engorged nipples, sending electric jolts through my torso and straight to the heaviness between my legs.
Luca spared me no pause, moving to the other puckered bud and repeating the same act. I arched off the chaise with a cry, my eyes coming shut in pleasure.
His sensual attacks continued for another couple of minutes until I couldn’t bear to take it anymore. I softly pushed him off with an incoherent sound, too overstimulated to think straight or speak.
Laughter floated in from the other side of the library door and it gave me a fraction of rationality. “We’re going to get caught.”
Luca’s head dropped down to my chest again. “We no longer have anything to hide.”
Bucking at his mouth on my nipple, I bit down hard on my lip to keep from crying out.
He was right, we no longer had to hide our relationship. Everyone was aware that I was his and he was mine but that didn’t mean I’d love to be seen getting plowed hard by him.
Even if the mere thought turned me on.
The laughter faded, indicating whoever had been in the hallway was now gone.
Luca released my sensitive nipple with a loud pop, blowing softly on the wet skin before rearing up on his back to take off his tux.
I assisted him with yanking it off, then his shirt and his sexy bow tie. His pants and briefs followed and Luca wasted no time with peeling off my panties and thrusting into me the next second.
I went off like a dynamite immediately, my chest pounding in my ears. Luca’s gaze was as impaling as his c0ck in me, doing all sorts of things to my body and mind and heart.
His hand slowly raked into my curls and held, the chaise rocking from the powerful force of his thrusting hips. His other hand lifted my leg up straight, his eyes locked on me as he took my toes into his mouth.
Sweet, baby Jesus.
A garbled noise spewed from my lips and I threw my head back, utterly overwhelmed from the erotic sight and the hard feel of him ramming into me. My insides were melting and my mind was a buttery mess.
“Don’t stop, please.” I begged on a ragged breath, my fingers running across his hard chest, gripping and digging.
Luca acknowledged my plea with a heavy grunt and gradually slowed inside me, pulling out and leaving only his tip.
I groaned in disapproval.
“Look at me,” he commanded, instantly bringing my eyes back to him.
My heart tripped when I caught his eyes, the wild fire in them, dangerous and of the good kind. He bit down on my foot and slammed back into me.
I almost launched off the bed like a rocket.
A surprise yelp tore out of me as my core shook in devastating pleasure, so much that tears pricked my eyes. Luca was relentless in his thrusts, giving me no time to recover. It was driving me crazy.
Luca’s hand in my hair held on tighter to stop me from thrashing around the chaise like a wild cat let loose. I felt something explosive ticking deep within me, where his powerful thrusts met my core.
“You love getting fucked hard, don’t you?” Luca growled harshly, his voice strained.
I moaned, bobbing my head, unable to clearly pronounce a word as simple as ‘yes’. My hips rocking, I begged him not to stop in a garbled mess of whimpers.
“Fuck!” he groaned, his face pinched as if in pain. Then he dipped down and kissed me like his life depended on it, biting hard on my lips.
I let the sweet ting of pain wash over me before doing the same to him. I felt ravenous, a ferocious little feline who wanted to tear him to shreds with my sharp, tiny teeth. I was so hungry for him my pussy ached even as he pounded into me.
Something in the center of my chest unlocked and broke free and I went supernova, exploding in a white-hot ball of fire into outer space. I convulsed around him, too overcome with emotion to keep in my loud cry.
Luca did the task for me, swallowing up my scream in a bruising kiss. I felt him stiffening and I opened my eyes to watch him come undone. He trembled, shuddered and made a low grunt like he was in pain before spilling himself inside me.
The spasms went on for another minute and Luca held me all through, kissing my face as our bodies gradually quieted.
“You’ve outdone yourself again, Don Salvatore.” I murdered lazily when my body finally came down from its high.
Luca’s tone was amused. “Oh yeah? What rating would you give that?”
I wound my arms around his neck. “Is there anything like a ten star rating?” My grin matched his and my lips opened willing to receive his searing kiss.
When he broke away. A deep, disappointed sigh left him. “I’d like nothing more than to go another round but we need to return to the party.”
A similar feeling passed through me and my good mood deflated a little. I understood what he meant, we had to return to find his father and try our possible best to get him to accept us. Although, I suspected I was the one going to do the heavy lifting.
Luca kissed me again, briefly this time, then proceeded to help me back into my dress.
My mother was nowhere around Manuel when we returned-praise heavens-so some of my anxiety withered. Luca squeezed my hand, letting me know I had nothing to fear with his presence and I drew comfort from it.
We made a beeline for the old Don and every step that brought me closer to him heightened my apprehension. Regardless of my deep hatred for him, Manuel Salvatore was an intimidating man. He might be tolerant of my mother but it was clear that his limits were not too far off. He has this cold, dreary aura about him and even now he looked rather detached as if he wasn’t the reason everyone in this hall were gathered.
However, I wasn’t fooled by his icy exterior. I knew a dangerous edge was hidden beneath. I’d seen it first hand many years ago after all.
Manuel spotted us halfway and his impassive expression morphed into a displeased frown. A cold breath left me in a shudder, here goes nothing.
“Father,” Luca said once we got to where he sat like a king on the throne.
“Son,” the older Salvatore’s tone was just as flat.
Nothing was said after that, the two men just stared at each other, raising the tension and stifling the air. It was almost unbearable.
Willing up a big smile, I inhaled deeply, stepping closer to the man whose approval I needed.
“We just wanted to render our well wishes and also thank you for the opportunity to celebrate with you.”
He raised his eyebrow.
I had to stop myself from cringing. This was not going well. “Also,” I waved around the room, “this is the most… exquisite party. You can tell Gina really put the best efforts in making this happen.”
Now that caused me to wince. I mentally smacked my head. Why was I babbling about the party as if a man like him would give a fuck about it?
Luca’s father’s face betrayed no emotion and I didn’t know if that was worse than a disapproving frown or not. Tired of beating around the bush, I sigh deeply. “To be honest with you, we are here for something else.”
Manuel’s eyes glanced over to Luca then returned to me. “I was wondering when you’d get on with it.”
I swallowed. Here goes nothing, again. “I know our last meeting was… well, a complete disaster but I’d love a second chance. I’m fully aware of the… peculiarities surrounding me and Luca’s relationship and I understand your sentiments but what we have is real and true and we are very much happy and I hope you’d at least consider that.”
Manuel suddenly leapt to his feet with a quickness that belied his age. “You’re saying you love my son.”
I leaned into Luca, my eyes shining when I turned to him. “Yes.”
“But is that enough?” Manuel cut in like a knife.
“Father,” Luca growled in warning but was ignored.
“You know who he is, what he is. The responsibility and burdens that rest on his shoulders. This is no child’s play girl, being with the Don of the Cosa Nostra would come with a lot of challenges and your silly notions of love won’t be enough to see through them. So tell me? Do you still want to be with my son?”
“That’s enough.” Luca pronounced, his tone sharper and loud enough to attract the ears of those around.
I placed a hand on his chest to calm him all the while inhaling all the breath I needed to say what I had to say. “You may scoff at love and devalue it but you have no idea what length a person can go because of it. Hate is not the only thing that’s powerful. Love is, too.
I love your son and I’d do anything for him and our love. A lot has changed since I met him and thanks to him I’m stronger and surer than I’ve ever been. My love for him inspired me to become a better version of myself and you may see it as flimsy but it IS enough to see me through whatever challenges I might face.”
I was breathing hard by the time I was done, my eyes flashing with anger. How dare he trivialize what I felt for Luca? He had no idea what we’d been through, no idea of how far we’ve come and how farther I was willing to go for his son.
Luca was staring at me in an awestruck light before a slow smile broke out on his handsome face. His hand wrapped around my waist, pulling me tighter to his side before he faced his father again.
“If I’m being honest, I couldn’t care less if you approve of Cara or not. I don’t need anyone to vet our relationship but Cara thinks getting your blessing is important and that’s why we’re doing this. I’ve never felt this way with anyone before and I know she’s the only one for me. So, whether you accept us or not, it won’t change how I feel about her.”
Manuel regarded us in silence, his eyes difficult to read. I wondered if he was about to lose that cool exterior of his and yell at us to leave his presence or worse, make Luca choose between me and his family.
But the man did the least expected thing, he smiled. Although small and faint, it was a smile all the same. “You two remind me of your mother and I.”
I blinked, wide eyed while Luca’s eyes narrowed in suspicion.
Manuel’s smile grew and he leaned back into his throne-like seat. “You really do love her?”
Luca’s response came with hesitation. “I do.”
Manuel interlocked his fingers. “Very well then. You have my approval.”
None of us moved for a second, too stunned to. Luca was the first to recover, his voice soft even he said, “Thank you, father.”
Manuel acknowledged him with a nod then looked over to me. “I apologize for my earlier hostility. I do hope we can start afresh on a clean slate.”
A teary smile took over my face. “I’d like that very much.” I turned to Luca, beaming at him. We did it, my expression said. We won his father over. I was so overcome with relief and joy and lost in the adoring light in Luca’s eyes I almost didn’t notice when a new company joined us.
I dragged my eyes from Luca to find my mother with a fake smile on her face. I stiffened at once.
Luca held me even tighter. “Amanda, it’s good that you’re here. My father has just given us his approval and I presume you, too, have no issue with our relationship.” The stare he gave her indicated he wasn’t asking for her opinion on anything.
My mother’s smile could cut through glass. “Of course not,” she tried her best to look appalled. “This calls for celebration and to add to the good news…” she turned around and stepped aside.
I froze, my smile wiping clean off my face. No it can’t be
“My son is here to celebrate with you.” My mother finished.
My pulse went into overdrive, my breathing took off, fast and uncontrolled.
Ash blond hair, a lean muscled frame and that sinister smirk drew closer and closer until he was right in front of me. “Hello, Cara.”
It took all of me to not shatter into pieces right where I stood.