The only sounds in the room were gasps and groans and the sounds of cocks plunging in and out of wet pussies. When Zach saw Krista scramble out from beneath Rolf and lean over to take his glistening, gooey cock into her mouth, her cheeks billowing as he came, he, too, lost it, pumping cum into Gretchen’s pussy while Susan continued to lick and suck on her clit, finally replacing Zach’s cock with her mouth when he finished cumming and his cock slid from her pussy.
Nudging Susan aside, Zach stuck his tongue into Gretchen’s pussy, pleased that her tangy juices immediately flowed onto his tongue, slurping on her as she held his head tightly against her pussy while Susan turned to Rolf and sucked on his cock, tasting Krista’s pussy all over him as she sucked him clean.
“What incredible women,” Rolf finally panted as they all lay back sated.
“I’ll say,” Zach agreed, extending his tongue to lash Gretchen’s clit once again, causing her to gasp and writhe in orgasm.
“It is 160 miles to Al Ashkhara where we will meet the sheikh,” Rolf explained. “Normally it is a 4-hour drive, though it can easily take 5 hours. Omani drivers aren’t the world’s best and there are a lot of accidents. The road is narrow, so it is easily blocked.”
“When will we meet him?” Krista asked.
“Around sunset today,” Rolf replied. “I suggest that you check out of the resort. This is low season, so if you should decide not to accept Sheikh Hakeem’s sanctuary or he should decline to offer it, you will not have any trouble checking back in if you should so decide.
“Is there a chance that he will not grant us sanctuary?” Krista asked.
“Anything is possible,” Rolf replied.
They all went for a swim in the suite’s private infinity-edged pool, then dressed to leave, stopping first at the Sultanah restaurant on the ground floor for lunch, enjoying a seafood medley that included succulent lobsters, clams, mussels, and freshly grilled fish, all washed down with a couple of bottles of Villa Maria Cellar Selection Marlborough sauvignon blanc from New Zealand.
After checking out and at Rolf’s suggestion telling the reception that they would be going to Salalah next, they piled into Rolf and Gretchen’s beat up Range Rover for the trip to meet the Sheikh. The first 60 miles or so to Sur were on a coastal road heading south from Muscat, the cerulean sea on their left.
“I cannot believe how desolate it seems,” Susan said as they drove through the blast furnace of a desert along the sea.
“It’s particularly hot now,” Rolf explained. “It can easily reach 50oC during the day, approximately 120oF. That’s one of the reasons we are traveling at the height of the day’s heat; nobody in their right mind is out right now. They’re all hiding from the sun until later this afternoon.”
Krista thought that she had never experienced such heat, the contrast with the cool breezes of Bora Bora making it seem even hotter as they drove along the rough Rt. 17, passing through the villages of Qurayyat, Dibab, Bimma, Tiwi, and Qalhat before they got to Sur and turned onto Rt. 23.
Turning onto Rt. 35 at Al Kamil Wal Wafi, they drove through Jalan Bani Buhassan and Jalan Bani Buali before they finally arrived at Al Ashkharah on the shore of the Arabian Sea.
“I can’t believe how exhausted I am,” Susan said, fanning herself, her face flushed from the heat.
“It took us a couple of years to get used to the heat,” Gretchen said, “though you really never get used to it, only learn to tolerate it to a degree.”
“We should get something to drink before going to meet the Sheikh,” Rolf suggested. “You don’t want to meet him looking like something the dog dragged in. Better to collect yourselves first.”
Despite his misgivings, Zach found that the sweet mint tea that Rolf ordered for everyone — he had wanted a beer or three — was very satisfying, quickly quenching his thirst as he felt his heart slow down while the fan slowly circulating the hot air did little to help.
“My only advice is to be completely truthful with the Sheikh,” Rolf said as they drove down towards the sea. “He’s an uncanny judge of people, which is why he is a leader.”
They arrived at a collection of three tents, one very large with two smaller ones flanking it, right by the water’s edge. Exiting the Range Rover, Susan and Krista made sure that their burnooses were covering them properly as Rolf and Gretchen led them to the entrance to the largest tent.
A dark, swarthy man at the entrance indicated that they should enter and they stood blinking while their eyes adjusted to the dim lighting in the tent, large enough to be roomy even with the dozen or so people inside. The ground was covered with layers of oriental carpets. To their surprise, Gretchen removed her burnoose, followed by her clothes until she was naked, smiling at the looks on their faces.
“Sheikh Hakeem has decreed that I am only to enter his tents naked,” Gretchen explained. “All of his women are required to be naked inside his tent.”
“I’m going to like this guy,” Zach chuckled as he once again admired Gretchen’s body, seeing her pale nipples hardening on her breasts.
At a sign from a big bearded man sitting on the ground amongst a bunch of large pillows, they were urged forward. Sitting next to the big man were two women with black hair, completely naked, their whipcord bodies lean and muscled, one with large breasts, the other with smaller, both of them with large dark nipples.
“Rolf, Gretchen, it is good to see you again,” the man said in an upper-crust English accent, his bright smile gleaming in the muted light.
“Thank you for welcoming us to your tent, Sheikh,” Rolf said as Gretchen stepped forward, dropping to her knees before him as he leaned back, parting his robes to reveal a huge, thick black cock which Gretchen wrapped a hand around, then leaned over and took into her mouth.
“These are the ones you mentioned?” Sheikh Hakeem asked, nobody paying any attention to Gretchen sucking his cock, Zach noting that she had no trouble taking all of it into her mouth.
“They are, Sheikh,” Rolf replied.
“You wish sanctuary?” Sheikh Hakeem asked, looking at Susan and Krista directly for the first time as Gretchen continued to suck his cock.
“If it wouldn’t be too much trouble,” Susan replied.
“You speak for everyone?” Sheikh Hakeem asked.
“I speak for myself,” Susan replied. “My life is threatened. Already attempts have been made to kill me. I have nowhere to turn.”
“Why do you not go to the American police?” Sheikh Hakeem asked.
“I do not trust them,” Susan replied. “The people threatening me are very rich, very powerful. It would not be beyond their ability and means to coopt the police.”
“And how long would you require this sanctuary?” Sheikh Hakeem asked, now placing a hand on Gretchen’s head as she noisily slurped on his cock.
“Perhaps six weeks, sir,” Zach spoke up.
“And who are you?” Sheikh Hakeem asked.
“He has been my protector,” Susan replied. “As has Krista. Without them, I would already be dead.”
“I see,” Sheikh Hakeem said, then groaned as his cock exploded in Gretchen’s mouth.
They all watched in rapt amazement as Gretchen sucked him off, gulping down his cum, not sitting back on her heels until she had sucked him dry.