Author’s POV
Inside the warm and comfortable space of the Alpha’s room, Raider was comfortably lying down wrapped in the soft sheets. His deep breaths created a peaceful and calm rhythm that filled the surrounding air, making the atmosphere very serene.
Meanwhile, Cassandra slowly opened her eyes and woke up. She looked around the room with her bright eyes, making sure that the only sounds she could hear were the gentle breaths of her partner as he slept soundly.
Very quietly she gently slipped out from under the warm covers of the bed, being very careful not to make any noise that might disturb him. As she stood up, the coldness of the floor sent a sudden shiver running through her body, making her feel a bit uncomfortable.
The chilly draft in the room made her delicate gown wrinkle and flutter around her. She paused for a brief moment to look back at Raider who was lying there, his strong and powerful figure reminding her of the life they had built together.
However, tonight that reminder felt somewhat suffocating, almost like a heavy weight on her heart that she desperately wanted to escape from.
“Just for a moment,” she said softly to herself as she held the door latch and opened it to escape the noticing eyes of the world outside.
Cassandra slipped down the hallway like a shadow, the soft light of the moon coming through the windows lighting her way just enough to help her see. She arrived at the hidden hallway, a spot known only to her and one other person.
She stopped in the doorway breathing deeply as she quietly hoped for good luck. The hallway felt heavier than normal tonight, as if it was full of secrets waiting in silence. She finally got to the meeting place, a dark opening beyond the trees. The air was calm, heavy with heat and tension.
Using gentle fingers, she put out her torch, bringing darkness all around. The usual worry twisted in her belly as she looked at the shadows, thinking about when he would show up.
“Is he coming?” she whispered to herself with her heart pounding in her ears.
Just as she started to doubt, a sudden show of motion from behind her made her panic. Strong arms grabbed her waist, lifting her up for a moment-she nearly let out a shocked scream.
“Quiet, it’s only me! It’s just Rax,” he said in a calm and soft voice.
The stress faded when she saw him, and she felt a wave of relief. Rax let go of her, and they faced each other, drawn together as they hugged tightly.
“I didn’t think you would ever get here,” she said softly, tilting her head back to look at him as if looking for something in those dark brown eyes.
“Do you ever question me?” Rax smiled while tucking a loose piece of hair behind her ear. “I would never make you wait.”
“You’re lucky I didn’t yell,” she joked, even though her heart raced from his nearness.
“Ah, but my Luna knows better than that,” he said, gently pulling her closer until she could feel his warmth through her dress. Their lips touched in a hot kiss, lighting a fire that had been held back for too long.
Cassandra moved back a bit panting. “What if someone spots us? What if Raider finds out?”
“He doesn’t know a thing,” Rax said with a smug smile running his fingers along her jaw. “He’s too caught up in running things while we’re busy planning our future.”
“Future?” she repeated, feeling both excited and nervous in her chest. “Don’t rush it. We have to be careful.”
Rax took a step back with his face becoming serious. “Cassandra, it’s time. We can’t hide forever.”
“I don’t know. I’m not sure whether it’s safe yet,” she said quietly. “Raider could find out if we rush things.”
“Then we can go at our own speed, but we can’t stay hidden here forever,” Rax said urgently. “I hate being a secret. It feels stifling.”
“I promise you everything will be okay.” Cassandra smiled gently at the same time taking his hand and squeezing it comfortingly. “We just need a bit more time.”
Rax took a breath he didn’t realize he was holding, and his hand squeezed hers tighter with the warmth of his skin, reminding him of their bond. “Okay, but I need you to help me do this. I can’t stay hidden forever.”
“Soon,” she said, softly kissing the back of his hand. “I promise. Just a bit longer, alright?”
Rax looked at her face, trying to find any signs of doubt, and when he saw none, a playful smile appeared. “You always know how to calm me down. You’re amazing, Cassandra.”
“We need to return before Raider wakes up.” It was like a spell had lifted. She stepped back and looked at the dark space beyond the trees. “I can’t be away too long.”
“Can’t we hang out here a little longer?” he asked, with his voice quiet and gentle.
She bit her lip, stuck at the moment. “Rax, you know I wish we could. But if he learns…”
“I can deal with Raider,” he cut in with fire showing in his eyes. “There’s nothing he can throw at me that I can’t handle. How about you?”
Her heart ached with worry. “He believes in me and I can’t let him down. Not now.”
“Trust is a delicate thing, Cass,” Rax said, his voice serious. “You have to consider your own happiness too.”
“And you do too,” she replied, with her determination growing. “Let’s not talk about this now. Please.”
With a tired sigh, Rax nodded, realizing that forcing her would only make her pull away more. “Alright. Just promise you won’t hide things from me for too long.”
“I can’t promise that,” she said with a playful smile, “but I’ll always hold you dear to my heart.”
“I’ll remember that,” Rax said, bending down to kiss her again, this time gently enjoying the moment. “Now go before I convince you to stay.”
With one final kiss Cassandra turned with her heart pounding as she walked back down the hidden hallway. The darkness felt thick around her, softly sharing its own secrets as she headed toward the Alpha’s room.
Once inside, she shut the door gently behind her, the latch clicking shut in an unsettling way. Her breath sped up as she stopped looking around the dark room.
And she felt her heart sink…