After Chase’s trial concluded, the days became intertwined with a mix of various emotions and interrupted rest. I remained anxious throughout the days and anxiously reacted to each notification about Zoe’s devices.
One of those sleepless nights brought me to my feet in the kitchen looking for comfort with chamomile tea. Loud breathing could be heard from upstairs as Zoe’s subdued snores drifted down. I presumed that Alessandro was sleeping until I saw a silhouette behind the back door nearly sending my cup flying.
“Brianne?” That single word conveyed genuine concern and his voice was calm. “Are you okay?”
I tried to smile warmly while holding my cup. I find myself struggling to rest.” Tea usually helps.”
Alessandro understood what I said with a nod. With sweatpants and a worn t-shirt on him, his hair looked untampered from sleep. I realized that he appeared quite different from the neat dude my parents wanted me to marry before this whole Chaos, but I had no feelings for him then. Yet he appeared more genuine and reflected his true nature.
“Mind if I join you?” he started toward the kettle.
I indicated no with a gesture and sat down in one of the kitchen seats. At that moment of quietness, I watched Alessandro make his tea; the usual act provided comfort.
“Want to talk about it?” he spoke his thoughts finally as he settled into the seat next to me.
I looked into my tea and noticed the steam slowly ascended. I frequently think of the case against Chase. I’m often thinking about the trial’s situation and the things that could arise.
. I’m terrified, Alessandro. For the project and our future efforts as well as for myself. Because I think he might drag me down with him.
He took his hand across the table and enveloped mine. The heat of his grip hit me unexpectedly.
He stated it calmly: “Nervousness is quite understandable.” Do not forget that you have support here. We’re all in it together.”
I raised my head and found his eyes. During that instant, the genuineness of his gaze and constant returns totally clarified the difference between this and past interactions with Chase.
I realized that Chase also believed in these kinds of statements. He consistently backed me up while we were inseparable. Nevertheless, something stood out.
His forehead tightened gently. “Different how?”
I had trouble saying it clearly while memories surged back. During our relationship with Chase, it often seemed that there were restrictions. He expected romantic ties to go hand in hand with his help. If I challenged him or questioned how he tackled something, his backing stopped instantly.
New recollections came to light as I shared what I had pushed down or justified. He shaped events in a manner that doubted my feelings. When I mentioned issues related to the project, he might suggest I lacked dedication and that my feelings were interfering with my judgment.
Alessandro grasped my hand firmly with his hand to show support.
To this day, I remember when I spotted flaws in some information we hijacked from The Raven . When I presented it to Chase, he brushed it aside and told me I was imagining things. He laughed off and devoted the next hour to showing that my doubts were unfounded. I apologized to him for wasting his time as it concluded.
When I turned my head towards Alessandro, a combination of concern and fury shone in his eyes. I apologize for what you suffered through. That form of deceit is stealthy. It slowly enters unnoticed until you are already deep.
His remarks struck me forcefully and cleared away years of uncertainty and confusion. Yes. It seemed to me he took advantage of me. I murmured in a low voice as my eyes began to water. What made me blind to these facts?”
Alessandro sprang up right away and got down on the floor next to me. He replied sharply and firmly as he held both my hands. “You weren’t blind, Brianne. He capitalized on your faith in him. It’s not your fault.”
I continued to watch our hands and turned my eyes towards Alessandro. The absence of criticism struck me as radically unlike what I had always encountered from Chase.
“How do you do that?” I spoke with a slight hiss.
“Do what?”
“Make me feel… safe. Heard. I believe my emotions carry true meaning even if they are complicated or chaotic.
A kind expression caressed Alessandro’s lips. These emotions are credible for you, Brianne. All of them. Your anger and confusion along with the lingering concern for Chase define you and your life experiences. I will never want to negate or undermine any of that.
His expressions eased pains I didn’t recognize were alive. I positioned my forehead on his and paused before reaching out. As he slowed down, Alessandro appeared to take a sharp intake of breath.
I gently said thank you while my eyes closed. You were here for me, and you heard what I said. For being, you.”
He lifted his hand and lightly placed it on my skin. “Always,” he whispered.
An invisible energy linked us as our feelings were not expressed. I understood the warmth of his exhalation and recognized the minor jitter in his palm. Gently, almost unnoticeably, we started to approach one another.
My heart raced anxiously along with a hint of fear. Some thoughts of mine aimed to embrace that last separation and find solace in the comfort Alessandro provided. A different part of me paused when refrains of former suffering and treachery crossed my mind.
As we were about to kiss unexpectedly, a crash from upstairs caused us to react. We pulled apart swiftly like flames had caught us and Alessandro almost fell backwards while trying to rise.
“What was that?” I took in a short breath as my chest raced with emotion.
Before I could give Alessandro an answer, Zoe’s voice sounded from upstairs under a blush. “Sorry! Knocked on my laptop stand. Everything’s fine!”
The vibe of the room shifted, and we all laughed nervously. With a gesture I had noticed before, he fidgeted with his hair, showing his unease.
He stated he may try to sleep despite not looking at me.
I responded with a nod for a combination of relief and letdown. “Yeah, me too. Your conversation meant a lot to me. It… it really helped.”
He smiled warmly and authentically then. “Anytime, Brianne. I mean that.”
Once back in his room, Alessandro left me at the table with my long-cooled tea. My thoughts raced through what happened last night the awareness of Chase’s tricks and the close encounter with Alessandro.
I contemplated going after Alessandro to finish what we had initiated. Still, the sound reasoning acknowledged that we needed to take our time to think. The relationship we held important felt like it needed careful consideration.
I returned to my own space and felt more grounded than in weeks. In bed that night my smile grew despite the intricacies of the moment. I saw for the first time that I was genuinely validated and grasped.
Tomorrow there may be news about the trial or progress at work, but I realized I wouldn’t face that alone. And for now, that was enough.
Sleeping turned out to be easier that night and my dreams featured both shadows and light. I saw Chase’s countenance, but it revealed less control compared to before. I remember Alessandro’s smooth eyes and caring hands. They signified a new beginning and a true connection.
As I drifted off, one thought resonated clearly: I made a decision to quit permitting the remnants of my history to shape my future. Coming next did not matter; I would approach it honestly and warmly with people who genuinely cared in my corner.
Though the almost-kiss was cut short, it revealed a path ahead. Even with my concerns and misgivings present in mind, I eagerly anticipated to approach that experience together with him.
As dawn broke through my curtains I was awakened from the deepest and longest sleep I’d had for weeks. Every bit of awareness returned, while I also remembered our chat with Alessandro last night. The memory of Chase and the kiss reached me suddenly and stirred up emotions I hadn’t yet faced.
In my bed for an extended period of time, I looked upwards and worked on making sense of my emotions. My sense of anger towards Chase was sharper and had fewer scars of lingering love and confusion. Realizing the nature of his actions manipulation did not remove the pain. He helped me weather the difficulties more easily.
Alessandro followed shortly after. Remembering him filled my heart with comfort and a slight nervous thrill. With Chase being judgmental and biased. His focus on me was clear and unbiased. I found it soothing.
A gentle tap on my door stopped my thoughts. “Brianne?” Zoe’s voice called out. “You awake? I have something for you that you will want to listen to.
I got up from bed and tucked my hair back in place. Without haste, I answered the door as I yearned to rise from my bed.
With her laptop in one arm and a mug of coffee in the other hand, Zoe approached me. She appeared to have been awake for an extended period with her eyes sparkling in that intense vitality we all associate with a breakthrough.
I investigated the facts of Chase’s trial while taking a seat on your bed. It appears that I discovered a point that may hold great value for us.
The mention of Chase triggered a familiar tension in my gut of dread and hope. I ignored my feelings and concentrated on what Zoe said. “What did you find?”
She reached for her laptop and turned it on, so I could look at the screen. It appears that the event is focused on early encounters with the Raven. A time when he captured you. Why did he let you go without doing anything to you?