I remember now.
Well not everything, I remember Ariana, I remember the sex, I remember the tunnels.
I remember my last words to her before I fell into the ocean with Silvio.
I’d been awake all day and the doctors had been going around and around in circles, wondering how I’m able to build back most of my memories so fast.
For some reason Ariana helped, I kept seeing her face, her straight long hair tormented me and for a brief second I thought I heard her voice.
I did it again, I came out of my body and I’d seen her sitting beside me that night, the night she touched me.
I wanted her just as badly as she wanted me.
I remember now.
“Don” Dr Alonzo started, “you have made a truly miraculous recovery, the x-rays look good and with enough physical therapy you could be walking in a few months” he started.
I nodded and smiled, I was grateful, I couldn’t wait to be myself again, be a man.
“What about my dick, that was the reason for the surgery if I remember correctly” I inquired, the doctor went quiet, he glanced at his other teammates before he looked back at me.
“What the hell is going on, “im waiting” I replied.
“Um sir, I think it is best you ask your wife” he replied, “if you don’t spill it in 2 seconds I’ll order the guards here to blow your balls off!” I roared.
“Sir there was a complication after the crash, and we needed a swift response, we had to save one” he started.
“What the hell are you talking about?
Save what?” I asked, pushing myself up on the bed with my arms.
I was starting to feel my body parts again, my legs tingled a little bit but I couldn’t move them yet.
“Speak!” I thundered.
The doctor shook anxiously, he trembled as he spoke, “sir” he started, “We gave your wife a choice, we could either save your legs or repair the damaged nerve,” he paused, too afraid to continue.
“I don’t understand? what the hell did she choose?” I asked.
“She chose your legs baby” I heard Becky say as she walked in and my wife followed shortly after.
“Excuse me she what?” I asked my wife, “You did what? You chose my legs over my dick!” I was furious, how dare she choose for me!
“Mateo, I had to, it was either that or your legs, I had to save your legs” she answered moving closer to me.
“You had no right! Who told you you could choose for me? Did I make you Don dictate how I get to live? What the fuck Ariana! I can’t believe it” I roared.
I turned to the doctor and urged him to come closer, and he fearfully did, I grabbed his coat with all the energy I could muster, “fix it!” I growled.
“I’m sorry sir, but it’s impossible now, it’s too late,” he replied.
I let him go and leaned against the bed frame, “why didn’t you consult me?’ I asked him.
“We couldn’t sir, you were not in the capacity to make that decision sir” he replied.
“Why the hell didn’t you ask Becky!” I yelled, “She.. She’s not your wife sir, she is” he replied, gesturing to Ariana.
“She’s not! Fuck! What are you saying? Im never going to fuck ever again?” I asked, my hands sweating anxiously at the thought of never feeling the warmth of a woman’s pussy ever again.
“I’m sorry sir,” the doctor said.
I clenched the bed rails as I glared at my wife, how dare she do this to me, she stood there wearing what seemed to be a man’s shirt.
“Where the fuck have you been, for a wife you are doing a shitty job!” I growled.
“I’ll tell you” I heard Becky say, I turned to her and I could tell something scared Ariana from the way her eyes dropped in fear.
Ariana’s pov~
“She’s been fucking her bodyguard” Becky finally said, she turned the whole thing and now Mateo’s eyes are strange to me.
“What?” he exclaimed, “Mateo it’s not true, she’s lying to you, she’s..”
“I have evidence, but I had to snatch my phone before she could get to it” She smiled before stroking his hair.
“Oh my God, Mateo, it’s all a lie, she’s lying to you! I could never cheat on you! You know that!” I cried.
“I don’t know that Ariana, as it turns out I don’t know you at all! Not only did you make a life-changing decision without me, but now you are stepping out on me?” I heard him say.
My heart broke as he glared at me, I couldn’t believe it, how do I defend myself against this bitch.
“She’s lying! Mateo, she’s the one with the secrets, I found out..”
“I followed her to the edge of town to her love nest, where she shacks up with her right hand Alessio” she interrupted again with mockery in her tone.
“What!” he clenched the rails tighter.
“I don’t even need to go much further, ask her whose shirt she’s wearing,” she added.
I wanted to reach for her and grab her neck, I wanted to kill her.
Tears welled up around my eyes and they soon fell.
“Ariana, is this true?” he asked in a low tone, for a split second I recognised that tone, he sounded like the Mateo I knew.
“Yes I’m wearing his shirt… but…”
“Where the hell is Julius?” my husband asked.
I slumped onto the sofa as Becky spun her lies in his ears, “I gave you authority and this is how you use it? Did you get rid of Julius because he found out about your love affair?” he asked.
My heart was heavy and so was my mouth, I couldn’t defend myself, Becky had done a number on him.
Alessio walked in, he stood at the door as he addressed Mateo, “Sir this is all a big misunderstanding if you would just let Ariana speak”
“Ariana? Do you call her by her first name? Are you trying to defend this despicable truth that has just come to light? Guards!” he called before pointing at Alessio.
“Take him away!”
As the guards approached Alessio who stood unshaken, I blocked them from touching him “No! He has done nothing wrong! Mateo, she’s lying to you!”
It was obvious that this caused a great deal of discomfort to Mateo, “are you defending your lover? Have you gone mad?” I heard my husband yell.
“Ariana it’s okay, you need to finish this without me, let me go” Alessio smiled, as tears flowed down my cheeks. “No! This is not your fault I’m not letting you take the fall for this, I won’t..”
I heard a gunshot, the bullet pierced Alessio’s chest and he fell to the ground, I quickly grabbed his head before it touched the ground and broke his fall.
I held him in my arms as he coughed up blood, splattering them all over the shirt he gave me.
My husband had shot him, I saw Mateo’s eyes as he glared at us with hatred.
without remorse….
“we … we .. had a .. a good run.. Didn’t we?” he smiled as he choked on the blood.
I nodded as I stroked his hair, “I’m sorry for not treating you well, I wasn’t good to you” I cried,
“You.. you were.. An .. alright boss.. Maam..” he reached for my face and touched it softly.
“The.. the” he coughed again, “the.. Most.. beau.. tiful… boss.. i’ve.. ever.. ha.. had the .. pleasure of serving” he smiled as tears rolled down his eyes.
As he laid dying in my arms, I noticed his eyes were the same color as mine and they were beautiful.
He quickly snuck something into my hand and before I could react, I saw him take his last breath.
“Alessio!” I cried.
“Take her upstairs! Remove that trash from my presence, you dare cheat on me!”
I heard my monster of a husband roar in anger.
I kicked and screamed as the guards snatched me, “You bastard! Mateo you bastard! You will rot in hell for this!”
As they pulled me away towards the door I saw Becky flash me an evil smile before embracing my angry husband.
The last image I saw was them kissing as they carried out Alessio’s lifeless body.
He was a good man, in another life, maybe just maybe I could have been his.