The matrons and Amura all shed their clothes, and Lymarith leaned on the bed to get a good view as Heilantu slowly slid her fingers up my legs. Amura glanced around, then took a position opposite of Lymarith to watch closely as Heilantu did her thing.
“Such a strange thing.” Heilantu smiled, arriving at my groin and taking my manhood in her hand again. “The things that bring you such pleasure. Never with a normal master would such acts be performed.”
She opened her mouth and ran her tongue from the base of my cock to the tip, making me moan and making my body shiver.
“Such a simple thing, but we know it is no lie how much you enjoy it.” She teased, then wrapped her lips around my dick.
My matrons were definitely sharing notes, Heilantu’s tongue quickly found all the great places Narusil and Lymarith had found in their experimentation. I was groaning and moaning as her tongue danced over my cock. Her gentle sucking and the massage of her lips on my shaft was great. They were still novices compared to the master cocksuckers of Earth, but man I wasn’t complaining.
I could both see and feel how pleased she was with the pleasure she was giving me, but aside from feeling sexy, I’ve never known a woman who got off on sucking a man’s dick.
She pulled off my dick and shifted to mount me and take my spit-lubed dick right into her slit. Her pussy stretched to accommodate my dick, making her groan and shudder like I had when her mouth had enveloped my dick moments before.
“Gods, Master, your penis is divine.” She groaned, lowering herself until every inch was buried in her.
In a display of muscular control, her pussy began to pulse and massage as she leaned down to kiss me. She took my hands and guided them to her breasts. I understood the assignment and started kissing her and squeezing and playing with her breasts as without even lifting off my dick, it milked me and massaged me. I could feel the blooming pleasure in her as she echoed my own pleasure.
She groaned, and I slipped my tongue into her mouth. She was startled initially, but I think she quickly discovered that making out was great.
I felt her reaching a peak, which was good because after the blowjob and how amazing her pussy massage was, I was going to be blowing everything I had in her.
I groaned as a particularly good pulse of her pussy drove me over the edge and I exploded into her womb.
The resonance of orgasms began. My orgasm felt great, and the elven orgasm induced by being filled with sperm resonated back into me as my orgasm drove her higher. She kept milking and massaging my dick as pulse after pulse of sperm filled her.
My matrons were all great in bed, but damn, Heilantu just might be the best. Lymarth’s mind-blowing orgasm was fabulous, but Heilantu’s skill with her pussy was just unparalleled.
“Fuck.” I groaned.
“Thank you, Master.” Heilantu groaned happily, as she finally slid off my dick and cuddled up to me.
“I don’t think I’ll ever tire of watching this.” Lymarith sighed happily.
Amura quickly dressed and left.
“Master, when are you going to include Amura in your lovemaking?” Tavorwen asked, leaning back, uncaring of her nakedness.
I sighed. “It’s a big question,” I admitted. “I’ll include her whenever and however she wants. She wants to watch, I’ll let her watch. But I’m not about to force it on her, that’s a line I’m not going to cross. I’m not going to force my slave into anything, not through the slave sigil, and I don’t want to force her into anything with it. I mean, I am not going to let her hurt anyone, but…”
“Slavery is an abhorrent practice.” Lymarith agreed. “We understand. But I also see where Tavorwen is coming from. Just watching makes you ache for it. Surely she wants it, but doesn’t know how to ask.”
I sat up, “Well, she’s not a kid. If she wants it, she’ll find a way to ask.”
All my matrons had now had satisfaction from me for the week. It was kinda nice, how one thorough fucking would leave my matrons content, and filled with sperm, for a week. This meant that tomorrow, after the Congress of Maidens, none of my current matrons would be feeling neglected, or passed over, in favor of the new pussies.
It was weird, all the combat maidens being gone, but they were clearly in preparations. I was getting excited for tomorrow.
“The Congress of Maidens is scheduled for an hour after sunrise,” Diamiutar noted when the notice came. “Are you excited to expand your house?”
“Yeah… though will it really be an expansion?” I asked. “I have seven spots open and six maidens. So that’s only one more person.”
“You think you’ll choose all your maidens?” Lymarith asked curiously.
Valentrine, Sarvourn, Tellarin, and Ignamith all tried and failed not to perk up with interest.
“Isn’t that the point of having maidens?” I asked in confusion.
“Well, yes and no,” Diamiutar explained. “Yes, it gives them a chance to present themselves and put their best foot forward, but it is not, and should not be construed as a guarantee that they will be selected. If not selected, it still gives them a chance to learn skills and prepare for the day they may be selected. But the sad fact is not every maiden desiring to become a matron will become one, and even those maidens who spend time in the house of a master cannot assume that it will guarantee their selection.”
“What do you mean?” I asked.
“Well, in their hundred and twentieth decade, a maiden becomes of childbearing age. This can be anywhere between a hundred and twelve years old and a hundred of twenty years old, usually in their one hundred and sixteenth year. They will continue to be capable of childbearing until they are twelve to fourteen thousand years old. Since most masters can have six matrons at a time, most males can begin taking matrons at one hundred and twelve years of age and can continue to bear children with them until their time has expired. Masters often live just longer than your average elf, between twenty-five and twenty-seven thousand years. That means that over the course of his life, a master who can usually support six matrons will have at least eighteen matrons. But during that same period, every twenty-five years, a new maiden serves for each matron.” Diamiutar explained. “That means that over the course of a Master’s time with eighteen matrons, hundreds of maidens will take the opportunity to serve in his house.”
The reality of that sunk into me. The math was cold. If a master lived twenty-seven thousand years and had matrons since they were a hundred and twelve, that meant there were about twenty-five thousand and eighty-eight years, divide that by twelve and that was what, a hundred and three maidens? And if you have that per matron, and you had six matrons, that meant six hundred and eighteen maidens. And if you started with two matrons, and only chose matrons from the maidens that had served in your house, that meant that sixteen of the six hundred and eighteen maidens could be chosen, leaving six hundred and two maidens who didn’t get chosen.
With odds that bad, why would you….?
Because for the six hundred and eighteen maidens, there would be fifteen to thirty masters and they might choose them too. Who knows, maybe the maiden would serve in each master’s house so she could hope to be chosen by any one of them.
“If you choose the maidens who have served in your house, that is your prerogative.” Tavorwen assured me, “But that will not be sustainable, not in the years to come.”
Damn. I had six battle maidens for two battle matrons. If I went up to nine battle Matrons, and we kept that ratio, I’d have twenty-seven battle maidens alone. Add in household maidens, and the number of elves that would come through my house was huge.
But, it’s not like I’m fucking all of them. Just potentially getting to know them and letting my matrons teach them how things go… right? I thought.
“Thanks… That’s probably some good insight.” I noted. “So if I don’t pick one or more of my battle maidens as my new battle matrons… there won’t be hard feelings about it?”
That thought seemed to confuse Diamiutar. “Would that be cause for offense where you are from?”
Probably, I thought.
I admit that I was kinda stressed about what the next day would bring, so I retired to bed early.
I don’t know when Narusil joined me after I fell asleep, all I know is I woke up with her cuddled up against me.
Damn. I thought. I’m getting complacent. I slept through coming in, climbing in bed, and apparently starting to cuddle her in my sleep. No wonder Amura had been able to come in and stand over me, contemplating murder.
I rose, careful not to disturb Narusil, and dressed for the day. There was no one up on the terrace when I got up there for a pre-dawn workout, leaving me to review my sword forms and do some simple strength exercises. I have definitely noticed a difference in my PT results since the meeting with X’Thallion. I’d been able to pump out 55 pushups in a minute during my last test, but now I might have been a few seconds off with my timing, I got off at least 70, and I wasn’t even feeling it in my arms or chest. After 150 sit-ups I just gave up. I wasn’t sure what was happening with my body, but the results were impressive.