The Bitch’s Car:Ep>25

Book:Horny Wives Revenge (erotica) Published:2024-10-8

This triggered a free for all with everyone getting soaked. We were all screaming and laughing while Crystal, with her ever present camera, snapped away.
When they left, with handshakes, kisses from Crystal, Moira, and the kids, and all the leftovers, Freddie pulled me off to the side.
“Hand me your phone.” I did, and he programmed his number in.
“DO NOT give this number out. Call me when I’m around. If you’re playing, I might stop by. And thanks for today, it was fun to be with real people for a change.”
When he left, everyone started packing but me. Sammi was coming up for a few days for some vacation time.
We had made more for four and a half sets than we normally did for six days’ work. We had shared the stage with an up and coming country star, and I had slept with my arms wrapped around a beautiful woman. It would be a long time before I forgot this trip.
Moira was the last to leave. She looked around with a sigh.
“I can’t remember when I had this much fun. I’d love to stay.”
Without thinking I said “I wish you could stay too.”
We looked at each other, only inches apart physically but worlds away from each other.
She brushed my cheek.
“But you’re engaged.”
I captured her hand and kissed those long, sensuous fingers.
“And you’re married.”
She nodded, tears forming.
“Life isn’t fair. Call me later this week, let’s see if we can work out this band thing, all right?”
I watched her drive away. She was right, life isn’t fair.
Sammi showed up in a cloud of dust, all long legs and sensuality. We barely made it inside before we lost our clothes. For the next three days the only time she dressed was when we went to town. She got a nice all over tan lying by the pool.
Life went on seamlessly for the next five months. Sammi was nearly done with school. It was only an associate degree, but she would be the first in her family to earn one.
Her Dad was long gone, no one knew where. I liked her Mom, and she liked me. She was always telling me what a positive impact I was having on Sammi.
When we reached the end of our agreement with Soundwave, Jimmy and I took the keyboard player with us and changed the band name to Half Irish.
We were very popular, especially in Crockett. We played there so much that Crystal was urging Jimmy to move. Moira all but never mentioned her husband anymore.
Sammi continued to ignore maintenance schedules for the Mach 1, so I would drive it once every two weeks, just to keep an eye on it.
About a month before our wedding date I took it to have the oil changed. Sammi was messy, so I took it to be detailed. When I picked it up I noticed my mini recorder lying on the seat. They had found it stuck under the shifter boot.
I carry one in every vehicle, so when I get an inspiration I can record it. It works out well for me.
This one had lain so long the battery was dead. I put it in my pocket and took it to my office, where it lay for several days. One day I decided to check it to see if I recorded anything I wanted to follow up on.
I replaced the battery and hit play, listening while I replaced the strings on my newest acquisition, a Fender Precision bass. I preferred short scale basses, but this one was such a good deal I couldn’t pass it up. It would soon be up for sale.
It was my usual rambling, but I had recorded a bit of lyric that sounded promising. Suddenly I heard the sound of two doors closing and the rumble of the engine. I grinned, Sammi must have accidentally switched it to voice activation. I was about to hear what kind of music she played.
Instead, I heard a male voice.
“Damn this is a nice ride. When do I get to drive it again?”
Sammi’s voice broke my heart.
“Anytime you want, honey. Wiley’s up in Crockett with his red haired slut, we got until Sunday afternoon.”
“Do you really think he’s sleeping with her?”
“Not really, he’s too much of a Boy Scout. But the bitch has the hots for him, I can see it in her eyes. I just keep making accusations to keep him on his toes.”
I recognized the voice. Gary slick hair Smith. her boss.
“Enough talk” said Sammi. Suddenly all I could hear were grunts and squeals, then a steady slurping noise.
Son of a bitch! She must be blowing him right over the recorder. I could hear his grunts.
He yelled out “here it comes baby! Oh damn, you’re so good at this.”
Soon she was giggling.
“Enough warm up. Give it to me, Gary!”
“Give me a minute, I think the top of my head just caved in.”
“Hurry. I have to be home to answer the phone. He always calls on his last break to tell me goodnight.”
“Why can’t you talk to him on your cell?”
It’s a security thing. Sandy messed him up pretty good. It makes him feel better knowing I’m at home when he calls.”
“Well then, let’s go. You can tell him how much you love him while I’m balls deep in you.”
“NO! Never in his house, and especially his bed. I owe him that much.”
“If you feel that way, why are we screwing around?”
“Because he’s gone a lot, and frankly, I’m a bit oversexed. But let’s be clear here. I actually love him. You’re just for fun, and when we get married and he gets a job keeping him home, play time is over.”
“Over? Never again?”
“Well, maybe not forever, I’ll still have a high sex drive.” The bitch was giggling again.
“Ever thought what would happen if he found out?”
“He won’t. I would never do it to him while he’s around. We’ve been together at clubs, but we always come separately and I never leave with you. He knows I go out with my friends while he works, and he doesn’t have a problem.”
She paused, in thought I guess.
“If he does find out, I’ll claim loneliness and alcohol. Besides, after we get married, he’ll have too much to lose. He hasn’t said anything about a prenup, and he left his file cabinet unlocked. I snooped. My little coyote is rich, baby, more money than you’ll ever have. And half of it will be all mine.”
“Now, we’re on a time limit, let’s start lovin'”
He wanted to do it on the backseat but she laughed.
“Seriously? I’m flexible and double jointed, but not that much. Let’s do it on the hood while it’s running, I bet the vibrations will feel great.”
I heard the doors slam, and then a squeaking noises. Sounded like I needed new shocks. Fifteen minutes later the doors opened and closed again.
“Damn baby, that was great!” I could almost see him smirking. Then I heard a squishing noise.
Sammi was cooing.
“Honey, don’t start again, I’ve got to get home.”
Then, “Ooh, that’s so nasty! What are you doing that for?”
“This way ever time he grabs the shifter, it’ll be like grabbing my cock.”
He was actually rubbing their combined juices on the shifter! Sammi didn’t know it, but she just lost a ride.
I carefully put the recorder in my safe. We had been living together for almost a year, the wedding was in five weeks. Not that it was going to happen now.
I sat and wondered. What was so wrong with me that I couldn’t keep a woman?
Then the anger kicked in. The bitch was gonna pay, somehow. And ol’ slick hair was gonna get his too.