The Bitch’s Car:Ep>23

Book:Horny Wives Revenge (erotica) Published:2024-10-8

We packed up our equipment and went to check out the festival. There was a small carnival set up, and when the older kids wanted to ride we split up. Jim and Crystal took the three oldest and Moira and I took the baby, four year old Jan.
She wanted to ride too, so we took her to the kiddie rides. She insisted we both ride the ferris wheel, all sixteen feet of it, so the height wouldn’t scare her. She and Moira rode a few more, I was just too big.
While I was watching them ride, a man came up and commented on how beautiful my wife and daughter were, and how lucky I was. It was simpler to just agree with him so I did. He introduced himself as a reporter for the local paper, out to get some color stories.
Moira and Jan came up and we exchanged pleasantries for a minute. He asked Jan if she was proud her parents were in a band. She thought he was talking about her Dad and beamed.
“They’re the bestest” she said proudly.
One of the perks of the house we had was free newspapers. The next morning Megan came running into the house shouting that we were famous.
The paper had put out a special festival issue, and we were on the front page. They had snapped a shot of Moira standing on my chest while Jimmy was singing. The caption read “Crockett Music Festival, Let It Rock” and said to turn to the entertainment section to read about us. Of course we went right to it.
“Once again, Sam Wilkins has done an excellent job of recruiting top acts for the festival. The opening group, Two Thirds Irish, were astounding. I have never seen three people make so much noise! Led by the beautiful and talented Moira ‘Clapton’ Stewart, a guitar virtuoso, the other members are brother Jim O’Sullivan on percussion, and husband Wiley playing anything he can get onstage. They all sing and share lead vocals, with the harmony that only family ties and years of practice can achieve. Do not miss them! They play again at 2:00 today. As daughter Jan can ascribe ‘they’re the bestest’.”
There were three more photos of us individually.
We were grinning like idiots until the husband and daughter bit sank in.
“Wiley, did you tell the reporter we were married?”
I couldn’t tell if she was amused or pissed.
“No, not exactly. He just assumed and I didn’t correct him. Of course, I didn’t know he was writing about us. I’ll get a retraction printed.”
She was grinning.
“Don’t bother. Everyone important knows better. Besides, I’ve always wanted to be married to a musician. And how else are we going to explain our close family ties and years of practice?”
Our crowd had almost doubled when we played that afternoon. Of course, it was Friday and a lot more people were there, but I like to think we were the cause of part of it. We had to do three encores.
Sam was grinning ear to ear.
“Thanks Wiley. Because of you guys, I’m officially a genius. I’ve got one more favor to ask. People want to hear more of you. I don’t have a slot open for you tomorrow, but you think you could warm up for the headliner? Just one set, to get them in the mood. I’ve been authorized to double your fee if you can.”
I didn’t have to ask. Double our money? Duh.
Once again Moira and I had babysitting patrol, but this time we had all four. Crystal and Jimmy didn’t get much alone time, and she made sure they took advantage. They were going to see an honest to goodness, non Disney, adult movie, by themselves. Alone.
Pizza for everybody. We didn’t want to cook.
It was funny. Nobody remembered me, but everyone recognized Moira. Several actually came by the table to thank us for our show. One lady looked at the four red haired children and grinned.
“I bet I know what you guys do in your spare time.”
Before I could correct her Moira took my arm and snuggled.
“Well, everyone has to have a hobby” she said with a grin.
I saw the looks of envy on some of the men’s faces, and hugged her back.
I was impressed. They moved the start time of the other acts up an hour to give us time to play.
We were on the big stage. The expected crowd would be in the thousands. We walked out on stage and looked around.
“So this is what it’s like to be in the big time” said Jimmy, with just a touch of awe in his voice.
The stage was huge, and pretty high up. Wouldn’t pay to get too close to the edge. I had actually played to large crowds with the beach band, but it was still intimidating.
We were doing the sound checks when I heard someone call my name.
“Wiley, is that you?”
I turned and there stood Freddie aka Chance Blaze.
“Yep. How’s things? I understand your latest song is up to number six on the charts. Not bad. You’re ready for the big time for sure.”
He seemed uncomfortable but pleased with the praise.
“Yeah, it’s doing well. I got four more dates on this tour before we take a break. The next one out will be as a headliner.”
I was genuinely glad for him. Very few get as far as he’s gotten.
He changed the subject.
“Are you the sound tech?”
Moira heard him as she came up.
“Worse, he’s your warmup.”
He did what all males do when they first meet her. He lost his train of thought.
She looked at him like he was a child.
“He, rather we, are your warmup band. It’s our job to get them whipped up for you.”
He looked at me.
“I didn’t know you were a professional. I thought you were a businessman who could play a pretty good guitar. Anything else I should know?”
Jimmy came up while he was talking.
“Well, you should know he’s damn talented. With Moira and I behind him, we’re gonna light this stage up. Hope you can follow us.”
He said it with a smile to take the sting out.
Freddie looked at me with a half smile on his face.
“Well, good luck.”
The crowd had swelled. At last, it was time.
Sam was MC again.