“If you had given me any other answer, I would have given you a ringing slap for lying to me. Never do that again, dear; I could always tell when your father was trying to slip one past me, and I can do it with you as well!”
“David, you should have told me instead of trying to deceive me, how do you know I wouldn’t have just kept my mouth shut forever? You must learn to trust in your family a little, Richard and I, I mean, and the boys, not that bunch of dried-up, miserable old harpies Richard spends so much time and effort avoiding!”
Lori was relaxing, obviously feeling that a lecture on manners was probably a good sign, given the circumstances. Sophie stepped over to her, to gently brush her cheek.
“This makes no difference to me, dear; in the grand scheme of things it’s barely a hiccup, but I just wish you’d told me sooner. If I were you, I would find somewhere safe, really safe, somewhere the rest of the family have no access to, and keep all these photographs away, safe and sound. Richard won’t be told; I doubt he’d care, to be honest; he’s absolutely bewitched by you and wouldn’t hear a word said against you; I really do think he’s starting to believe he’s your father!”
“Besides,” she smiled, “It’s not like this hasn’t happened before, you know. If we’re going to let skeletons out of the closet, they may as well all dance together! I’m going to tell you another deep, dark family secret, it might just illuminate your situation a little better. David, dear, Loretta once told me how you were amazed at Richard’s resemblance to your grandfather; that is no coincidence. Your grandfather had a younger sister, Louisa, Richard’s mother, and she was an absolute corker when she was young, petite, green-eyed and golden-haired, a famously beautiful young woman. When she married Richard’s father, she was two months pregnant.”
I was trying to see where this was going, and suddenly a light came on.
“Are you telling me…?” I began, and Sophie nodded.
“Louisa was in love with your grandfather, her older brother, and he was in love with her. Tragic, I know. Anyway, she became pregnant. He couldn’t marry her, of course, and so he arranged her marriage to Richard’s supposed father, to prevent her name being dragged through the mud. I understand quite a lot of money changed hands, most of which got drunk by that dreadful man. The upshot is, Richard is truly your uncle, your father’s half-brother, not his cousin, although I think they both somehow knew or suspected; they were so alike in so many ways, more so than cousins should be, more like brothers would be.”
“That’s why your grandfather paid for Richard’s education, and made sure David remained so close to him, close to his older brother. It must have been terrible for him, terrible and heartbreaking, to see his oldest son so often, to look at his face and see his own face there, and never be able to acknowledge him. But he gave Richard a good start in life, for which I am profoundly grateful. So you see, I do understand, I’m not such a judgemental old dragon, now, am I?”
“Aunt Sophie, how do you know this stuff?” I asked with a grin.
Sophie smiled back.
“David dear, women do talk you know. Louisa and I were close, and she needed someone to know, so she told me. When your grandfather died, she was devastated, so much so that she died a few weeks later. The doctor’s said it was a heart attack, I know it was of a broken heart. She was a wonderful lady, and terribly, hopelessly fond of your father; she always felt she should have been his mother, if fate had been more kind, or society more forgiving. She felt her whole life that she’d been robbed of her true happiness, and spent her life pining for the man she loved but could never have. Of course that Grant man knew, and he never missed an opportunity to throw it back in her face; I suppose that’s why he consoled himself with an endless succession of actresses and housemaids, in between drinking like a bloody fish! ”
Lori was in tears as the tragic story unfolded, but Sophie took her hand, gently stroking her cheek as she dabbed away her tears.
“That was in the past, dearest girl, you two will never have to go through anything like that, but I hope it points-up to you that you are not the first, nor I daresay the last, young people to do this in defiance of prejudice and law. What I will say is, my lips are sealed, I will not reveal this to anyone, and you will not try and deceive me again. Is that clear?”
I grinned, and pulled her in for a hug, startling her for a moment, before she hugged me back.
“Beside’s dear,” she smiled, “I’ve got a wedding planned in three months, you both absolutely have to be there!”
Lori started giggling, joined by me, then finally Sophie, the tension in the room draining away as we laughed.
“Another thing, dear, I noticed that your dear mother bore an almost uncanny resemblance to me; we could almost have been sisters. Poor David, he certainly knew the type of girl he wanted, eh? That is why Lori looks so much like me; she’s a dead-ringer for her mother. Even Richard noted the eerie resemblance between Lori and me at the same age!”
We went out to dinner, the house was in too much disarray for us to even think of preparing a meal, and after a pleasant meal, with some very good wines, we all walked back to the house, enjoying the late-evening breeze off the sea. The packers were coming in the morning, and Lori and Sophie were going to supervise them, so we decided on an early night; besides, I had picked up from Lori that she had something on her mind, so a little bit of bed-exercise seemed in order. As we were heading up, Sophie called up to us.
“Dears, I’m going for a stroll, I think I’ll take in some of the lovely sea-breeze, I’ll be back in an hour!”
I looked at Lori, she winked back at me, and the penny dropped. Aha, so the women in my life were scheming and plotting were they? I grabbed her, tickling and pinching, making her shriek and giggle, chasing her into our bedroom.
Lori stopped and looked at it for a moment, her eyes a luminous, deep violet in the dusk, and said, “There it is, the magic bed.”
“What do you mean, sweetheart?” I asked, and she turned to me, arms going around my neck, to kiss me.
“That’s where you fell in love with me, that’s where you asked me to marry you, that’s where I said yes. It’s a magic bed, and it always will be!”
I felt an instant surge of love and faith in this girl, a deep belief in her, and a deep conviction that we were doing the right thing.
“You forgot one thing, “I chided her, smiling, “that’s where we made our baby!”
Two big tears of happiness rolled down her cheeks, making her look young, vulnerable, and sweet, and all I wanted to do was hold her forever.
Lori started kissing me, while I slid my hands up under her sundress, cupping and kneading her lovely globular buttocks, lifting, weighing and pulling them apart, making her squirm and rub her mons against my growing erection as her tongue probed my mouth.
I stopped groping her long enough to slip the straps off her dress, letting it fall to the floor, leaving her in just her tiny panties. I ogled her in the dusklight, struggling out of my own clothes while she posed for me, stripping down in ten seconds flat, and pulling her onto the bed next to me, my hands slipping up to catch and fondle her breasts, thumbs flicking over her nipples and making her sigh and catch her lip between her teeth. Her hand snaked out to capture my cock, now at full stretch, and she began pumping and squeezing as we made out. I slipped my hand down to her pussy, rubbing one finger along the her labia, feeling her lubrication start to run freely as I kept my hand pumping between her legs, rubbing and probing. Finally, I slid one finger inside her, making her groan as I rubbed at her clitoris, feeling the little bead start to harden and swell. Lori writhed and hunched up against my hand, her own hand pumping harder, squeezing my cock to get me ready for what was to come next.
I slipped my lips over her nipple, teasing, licking and nibbling the stiff rubbery little nub, making her gasp in time to my flicks with my tongue, before she let go of my cock to pull me over her. Her eyes were fixed on mine as she guided the tip of my cock between her labia, and as I lowered myself to slowly enter her, she raised her hips, engulfing me and pulling me in. We began the slow pumping rhythm that Lori likes to start with, adjusting to me all over again, my weight, as always, on my elbows, my lips glued to hers, and my hands slid under her to slide one finger into her anus as I squeezed and pulled her buttocks in time to my thrusting.
Lori began to hump faster against me, her arms about my neck pulling me harder into her, her breath coming in gasps and moans as her climax approached. I was lost in a world where only she existed, my whole being dedicated to loving this girl, and so I thrust and thrust again, my own orgasm also building. We kept this increasing tempo, me thrusting and Lori pumping, until, all at once, it was too late to slow down. She came with a loud guttural groan, shuddering and shivering with the intensity of her climax, her legs locked around my middle as she thrust her pelvis up to meet me, tipping me over the edge, my orgasm thundering in my ears and making my eyes bulge with the intensity of my release.
I pumped jet after jet of my spunk into her hot vagina, her uterine walls constricting and releasing my cock in a constant sucking sensation, making my cock spurt until I had nothing left. Eventually, my heart stopped trip-hammering as I calmed down. Lori slid her arms around my neck, pulling me in for a long, loving kiss.
“Love you, Doctor Man!” she whispered, before slumping back, utterly exhausted.
Just then, the front door opened, and we heard Sophie call out “It’s only me! Goodnight children, remember, we have an early morning!”
Lori giggled at that, making me giggle as well.
Two days later, the house was packed and labelled, and we took Sophie to the airport for her flight back to Boston, Lori clinging to her, reluctant to let her go, but Sophie reassured her she would see us within 2 weeks or less, so with a few sniffles all round, me included, we sent Sophie off. I was sorry to see her go; having her around was almost like having Mother back a I remembered her; I felt a distinct wrench as I watched her board her flight, and I knew Lori was feeling it even more poignantly than me, but that would soon pass, and we had our new life ahead of us.