Siran put on his shirt, aware that the day was young and that he still had things to do, but he was satisfied leaving his wife with a radiant smile in the bed wrapped between the sheets and who was delighted with her half-dressed figure.
-Don’t worry about rushing, Hades is well entertained with his new acquisition. It had been a long time since I saw him so motivated-
The beta combed his blonde hair back in the beautiful, immaculate waterfall down to the nape of his neck, which Sara loved to ruffle just to annoy him.
-You could not mention that wolf to me, I still remember when she attacked him- -As spiteful as ever. She had no control over herself-
-Sara, let’s not talk about it, I don’t want to spend the rest of the day in a bad mood-
Siran had to stop the pillow that was directed at him.
-But what…-
The she-wolf had risen up in bed and was calling him with her finger.
He sighed and approached, letting her draw him by his shirt and place a kiss on his lips.
-Don’t reply more grumpy wolf- she smiled against his mouth -or I’ll punish you-
-I would like to see that- he kissed her again, leaving her on the bed and walking towards the door, if he stayed there I don’t think he will fulfill the tasks that he had left for the whole day, and surely his alpha would scold him, after all, to deviate from his work to satisfy certain needs was not appropriate.
Sara rubbed against the pillow of her wolf that still remained by her side and breathed in the scent of her husband. She adored it. She loved every part of him and would fight tooth and nail if they tried to take it from her. Memories of her past came back to her head and she smiled. She had suffered, but in the end it had paid off. She just hopes that in the next heat she could have puppies, she was sure that would make Siran more flexible. She rolled onto her back and closed her eyes for a moment, letting his mind drift back several years.
She walked on snow, white, pure, cold, cruel and lifeless. The frozen air penetrated every cell of her young body. The guts had long ago stopped ringing when they realized that the food was zero.
So it was. Now she was alone in that remote inhospitable place.
The afternoon of a few days ago, her father had proposed to go out for a run. As she had always refused, her relationship with him was not exactly rosy. Although at such insistence of his mother, she had no choice but to accompany him. She did not know how many kilometers it had been but when she reached the edge of a ravine her father had pushed her and left her to fate.
Now she was alone. A she-wolf barely coming of age, small and unprotected, walking aimlessly.
She did not know how to return, her father had taken her to a place she did not know and the trail had dissolved with the snow. She was tired and devastated. Her family had been able to abandon her just for not meeting their expectations. It sat on its hind legs and licked the front legs, removing blood traces from the wounds.
She let out a plaintive moan, another. She wanted to be at home, with her pack.
In the distance she felt the branches break.
Sara backed away, sticking her body to the ground when a huge wolf with dark fur was visualized among the snowflakes. Her first thought was to run, to escape, but it would be useless. She would be caught in seconds.
The wolf approached without symptoms of attacking her, his steps were slow and cautious. Sara rolled over on her back showing her neck in total submission. The fear that the animal instilled in him vibrated in his blood.
The wolf looked at her from above and rubbed his nose between her neck smelling her and realizing what a puppy she was. Sitting up, he turned, nodding for her to follow. She hesitated at the action but his growl made her react and follow him. To contradict him would be tantamount to death, and she felt more at ease with this stranger than even with his parents.
Maybe they walked hours. Her legs started to hurt again and she thought she would stay behind. However, the guide stopped and waited for her until she was close again and resumed the walk.
After several kilometers a small encampment lined between the ledge of a large rock, with two tents and a fire, was visualized and there they headed.
Siran stopped what he was doing and couldn’t believe his eyes. His alpha walking towards him with a smaller wolf behind. A female, a very cub. The scent of youth that had not yet reached its first heat surrounded her and he could feel it. He growled. What the hell was he doing picking up more individuals. The herd was already large.
-What crazy thing are you doing now?- He replied to his alpha when they arrived.
Hades regained his human form and began dressing without paying much attention to his not-so-young beta.
-Shut up Siran ordered him calmly taking a set of extra clothes and put them in front of her, kneeling. It was very small.
-Put this on, we’ll give you food later. I am Hades. Alpha of the Silver Pack, you will now be under my protection. You have nothing to fear-
Sara looked at him and the truth was reflected in her beautiful orbs. She wagged his tail and began to transform slower than normal, feeling his bones creak and ligaments stretch.
Her barely developed, adolescent body trembled before the winter cold and took the pieces of clothing putting them on as fast as she could, being so young she was not yet able to regulate his body temperature, unlike an adult wolf.
-Damn, Hades- that voice once again scolding his savior- Sometimes I wonder what goes through your mind, being pampered and overprotective with the cubs one of these days will take you to the grave- the tall man, thin but with widths shoulders and slightly short hair, refinedly combed, stopped by her side and gave her a glance -And you?- He addressed her with barely any interest -What’s your name?-
Sara was speechless for the moment. His eyes shone and his heart beat as it had not in a long time, and with an energy that he did not know where it came from, he jumped and grabbed the neck of the wolf with a low surprise look, encircling his narrow waist with his legs.
-You -she smiled from ear to ear showing a row of white teeth -You will be the father of my children-