“What brings you to call me so early in the day?” Ophelia asked.
“I have news from the commissioner of police,” Carter said over the phone.
“Already?” Ophelia was shocked at how fast they got to work because her dad asked them to. She wondered if the Vale family’s power was not as much as theirs or if they were discriminating against him because he had not yet announced the chairman of the company.
“Get Cade to meet me at the police station; I will be going there too,” Carter said.
“You too?” Ophelia was shocked. “Is it serious?” she asked because her father would not leave his busy day and go there for no reason.
“Why would it not be regarded as serious?” Carter asked like Ophelia was being ridiculous and asking that question. “This is the case of a stalker; of course it is serious,” Ophelia blinked.
She wondered if her father would have reacted this way if she had been the one who was a victim of the stalking. She wanted to hope that he would react in the same way and be genuinely concerned about her. She wondered if he was doing this just to seem good in the eyes of the public.
Of course, if he showed up with Cade, everyone would tag him as a concerned and caring father-in-law who took time from his busy day to come with his son-in-law to check out a crime he helped him report. “Are you there? Tell him to meet me there in an hour; I will wrap up what I am doing and go there too,” Carter asked when Ophelia said nothing.
“I would let him know,” Ophelia said, turning to Cade.
“What is it?” He mouthed to her, and she raised a finger as she waved it to him, telling him to wait.
“Is that all?”
“Of course”
“Bye,” the words were barely out of her mouth when the call was beeping dead. “I swear that man loves me,” she said in the most sarcastic voice she could muster.
Cade licked his bottom lips, trying to stop words from going through his mouth. He was not a stranger to coldness from family members after all. “What was that about?” Cade asked after a few seconds of her staring at her phone.
“Ehn?” She made a sound at the back of her throat as she looked up at him.
“What was that about? Was the message not for me?” he asked again when she looked at him as if she were lost.
“Should I come with you?” she asked, and he blinked.
“Come with me to where?” he asked, confused. She needed to let him know where he was going before he could know if she could tag along. “Is this about the stalker?” he followed up, and she nodded.
“Have they found the person?” he asked.
“It seems like it, but you have to go there so you can know for sure,” Ophelia said. She sounded normal again, as though she had snapped out of the trance she had been temporarily put under.
“Am I to go now?” Cade asked, ready to bolt out the door. He wanted to have any news about the incessant text messages. Recently, he had barely had any of them, but he knew that with the way the person acted, it would not take a while before they began to message him again. He could not change his line every time. He had to catch them and put an end to it once and for all.
“He said you should meet him in an hour.”
“Okay then,” he said, slapping his lap gently and then standing up.
“Should I come as well?” she asked, causing him to turn to her.
“Do you want to?” he asked, and she nodded.
“You can come.” Ophelia convinced herself once again that she was going because she needed to give a good public impression and not because she was worried about him. Her father was going, and it was not because he was worried but because he wanted to be seen as the benevolent good father-in-law. She should be seen as a good wife as well.
“Okay then, give me a minute so I can change into something more comfortable.” Ophelia looked down at the clothes that Frances had picked out for her. They were not clothes one wore to the police station. She could not deny that the girl had great taste after all.
Ophelia bolted out the door and was in her room. She put on a pair of jeans and a T-shirt. She tied her hair into a low bun and tried to tame it as much as she could before she put a baseball cap over it. Her hair was not in good condition; she needed to visit the hair salon soon so that she could take care of it, but for now, she was going to make use of any hat she could find.
She touched her face a bit with some powder and lip gloss. “In case I get my picture taken by the media, I do not want to appear bad in it,” she said to herself as she dropped the lip gloss bottle into her handbag. She took many double looks into the mirror before she left the room to meet him downstairs.
“We are matching.” She pointed to his clothes as she got down. He had also changed into a pair of jeans and a T-shirt. He put his hair back so the bangs he had to cover his face were gone and held back by a baseball hat.
“We are”
“I guess this is kind of good publicity for us,” Ophelia said. She was trying her best not to feel like a couple who loved each other so much they had to wear couple outfits.
“Shall we?” Cade asked it because he was sick of hearing about their public image all the time. It was like he was always doing something to improve the image, and all he wanted to do was go out for once like a normal human who was going through a trying time and was trying to get answers as well.