I could hear my name. Lucian was calling me inside my head. I looked at him but he wasn’t looking back at me. His face was red, his clothes torn, blood seeped from everywhere, from several cuts, from his stomach where he got stabbed, from his nose and even from his mouth as he coughed. His head hung low down as if he couldn’t hold himself up. He was in extreme pain, I knew it.
“I think you have suffered enough…” Pierre said. “Lets make you suffer some more.”
Lucians head still hung down and his hair covered his face.
A soldier came with a water container. “Do you know what this is? It’s salted water, to help you heal. Am I not nice brother?”
“Stop it!!! Please! Stop it!!” I cried some more. I had been screaming and crying so much but to no avail. I knew it wouldn’t help but I couldn’t stop myself.
I fought some more with the soldier and he probably got tired of holding me so another soldier came to help.
Pierre Took the container from the soldier then threw the salted water on Lucian. I screamed but Lucian didn’t, he just shook voilenty.
Pierre chuckled almost nervously. “What are you?” He asked. “Still not dying after being poisoned, not making a sound even though you are in much pain. Really what are you?” He frowned but then shook his head, “Doesn’t matter. You are going to die anyway. Kill him!”
I don’t know where I got the sudden strength from but I freed myself from the soldiers and ran toward Lucian enveloping him in a hug before the guards tried to pull me away from him.
“Let her be.” Pierre ordered. “We should let the love birds say their goodbyes.”
The soldiers released both me and him. Lucian couldn’t hold himself up so he fell to the ground. I put my arm behind his neck and pulled him into lap.
“Lucian!” I called carefully removing some wet hair strands from his face.
He opened his eyes slowly and looked into mine. “Lucian…” Don’t die and leave me alone I wanted to say but he seemed to be in so much pain I couldn’t bring myself to say anything. I just kept crying.
“I am sorry…” He spoked inside my head. “I wasn’t able to keep my promise and protect you.”
“No I am sorry.” I cried. “I wasn’t able to do anything for you.”
He raised his trembling hand and I took it in mine. “That is not true. You did so much for me Hazel. I thought when I die that I was going to die alone, without ever being loved, without ever feeling happy.
You loved me, and you brought so much happiness into my life.” He coughed more blood and I held him closer to me while my heart broke.
“Hazel. I don’t want you to remember today. Just remember the happy moments we had together.”
“You are not going to die and we are going to have more happy moments together.” I cried.
He brought his other hand up and wiped some tears from my cheek. “I love you and I have never deserved you.”
I shook my head. “It’s not true.”
“If … if there is a life after death… I … I wish you to be in it, as my wife again.”
I cried uncontrollably,
“I will be watching over you.” He said then I felt his body become lifeless in my arms. A loud cry escaped my lips before I fell into an ocean of darkness.
The Devil watched as some soldiers dragged the dead body of his son on the ground. Yes, his son. The son he was supposed to kill after birth if that witch hadn’t gotten involved. He wondered if he really would kill his son then? Even though he didn’t want to admit it, he knew deep down he wouldn’t be able to kill him. Nyx would never forgive him and he could never do anything that would upset her. He couldn’t bear to see a tear on her eye and now he would have to watch her while she cried tears of blood.
The soldiers stopped when they saw a well. “Hey, water. I am so thirsty.” One of them said and made his way to the well. He sighed, “it’s empty.”
The other soldiers sighed as well. “Do we really have to go far to get rid off his body?”
“I say we throw his body in here. Even if he lived he would never be able to get out of here.” One of them suggested. The other agreed.
The Devil decided not to watch anymore of it. Using his powers he teleported back home to Nyx. He cursed inwardly. Nyx already knew, he could sense her anger, feel her pain and sorrow. She was blaming herself, she was blaming him.
He teleported himself to her room. She sat on the floor as tears rolled down her cheeks. She wasn’t looking at him but she knew he was there.
“He is dead. Isn’t he? Our son is dead.”