“His mother is dead son. Leave him alone.” The woman who was his mother said.
The golden eyed boy looked down at his hands feeling all alone. He had heard people whisper that he was the reason his mother died. Because she had to give birth to a monster like him.
Indeed he was a monster, at least when he looked himself in the mirror and saw his eyes red and nails sharp like blades. He was terrified by his own image. He hated what he saw so he broke the mirror with a single thought and then sat in the middle of the shattered glass. Tears rolled down his eyes.
With a shaky hand, he grabbed a piece of the broken mirror and placed it on his wrist. Slowly he cut through his flesh but the pain was nothing compared to the one in his chest. He looked at his wrist, the cut had already healed. If only the wounds in his heart could heal as well.
Why was it so difficult? Why was life so cruel to him? He just wanted to be loved, to be held just once.
He wanted someone to tell him he wasn’t a monster and that he didn’t need to be scared.
But once again he sat in the corner of a dark room, scared, crying in his pillow to stifle the sound. He had almost burned his brother, with just a thought. How was that possible? Maybe he was a monster, who had killed his mother and almost killed his brother today. He deserved to be hated, he deserved to be feared. No wonder his father didn’t want him, he had killed his wife and could kill him as well.
The golden eyed boy who was now a teenager had accepted that he was a monster. His heart had become numb from all the pain and loneliness he had to endure so he shut his feelings down.
He had heard all kinds of bad things about himself. He had heard them so many times that it didn’t matter anymore. No one cared and nobody would ever care, so why bother? He isolated himself from everyone else but still, he couldn’t be left alone. His brothers would mock him every time they got the opportunity and his father would sometimes barge into his room in an intoxicated state.
“You!” his father would shout, pointing at him while trying to keep his balance. “You have made my life a hell! Why do you have to exist you repulsive thing? Why?!!!”
“Don’t! Don’t call me that. I am not your father!” he would scream. “And don’t look at me with those eyes!!”
His father hated his eyes and so did he. Some people said his eyes were made from hell fire while others said they were stones from hell. If people looked into them they would sin and eventually go to hell.
“Father? Why do you hate me so much?” the boy asked gathering some courage.
“Hate?” his father laughed. “I don’t hate you, I despise you.”
“Then why don’t you just kill me!” the boy yelled, tears falling down his face.
“I wish I could.” his father spat.
Later that night, the boy stood at the top of the castle’s tower, looking down. He took a deep breath. He was going to end his miserable life. No more pain, no more loneliness. He closed his eyes. This was the end he thought.
“Nooo!!” Hazel screamed and Lucian came out of his haze.
Startled he looked at her, her cheeks were wet with tears. He realized that she had seen his memories.
“Hazel.” He reached for her and held her tightly while she cried hysterically against his chest.
“I am sorry you got to see that. I didn’t mean to.” He said but she just kept crying.
Lucian cursed inwardly. How was she able to see his memories? To see him in pain was the last thing he wanted.
“Hazel?” He whispered her name while gently stroking her back. “That was a long time ago. Yes, I was lonely. My heart had frozen spreading the coldness throughout my whole body. I lived on, enduring until you came into my life.”
She slowly stopped crying and looked up at him. He wiped some tears away from her cheeks. It pained him to see her cry.
“You have given me a reason to live. You have brought warmth into my life, making the ice around my heart melt so it could beat again. And now my heart beats and it beats only for you.”
She looked at him surprised, blinking a few tears away and then wiping them with the back of her hand.
He could hear her heart race inside her chest. She knew what he was going to say and she waited for him in anticipation.
“I love you Hazel. I love you with all my heart.”
Then he covered her mouth with his and kissed her til she was breathless.
Married To The Devils Son.
Chapter 43
Lucian watched Hazel in her sleep. He had been watching her for a while now, but he never seemed to get tired. How could he? She was the only thing he ever wanted and now she was his.
He looked out the window, it was almost midday but they were still in bed and Hazel was sleeping. He was relieved that she was safe even though his demon had taken over completely last night. It had scared him but Hazel hadn’t been scared. She had still wanted him and for the first time, he hadn’t despised his demon. He had accepted it instead and it brought a strange feeling of freedom. No more demon crawling under his skin anymore, rather, he and his demon had become one.
This made him remember the strange man’s words. Don’t fight your demon too much, accept it instead.
How did the man know that he would find peace if he accepted his demon? Whoever the man was, he wanted to meet him again.
He gazed at his wife again. His foolishly courageous wife. To seduce him even though he had warned her clearly, it amused him. He traced her cheek with his fingers. She was indeed stubborn, very stubborn he thought. Her eyelashes were still wet from crying and her lips swollen from all the kissing. He should have gone easy on her, but how? He had waited so long. So long to hold her, kiss her, and touch her and now he could do all of that, without the fear of hurting her.
Tugging her into his arms, he closed his eyes.
I woke up with a smile on my face. The words I love you echoing in my mind. There has never been a happier moment in my life then that when Lucian, my husband, told me he loved me. The sincerity in which he said the words made all of my doubts and fears disappear.