Her Pussy So Interesting:>Ep8

Book:Crazy Pleasure (Erotica) Published:2024-9-10

I went into the living room and was going to watch some TV to clear my head, except Carly was already there in dad’s recliner. She had it leaned all the way back and had one leg kicked up on the arm, staring at some chick flick on the screen. Her smooth, toned legs jutted out tantalizingly from under her t-shirt. I couldn’t tell for sure, but I didn’t think she had put her shorts back on.
“Oh. I expected you’d be in your room for a while,” she said when she saw me, pulling her leg back down and sitting the chair upright again.
“I needed … some air.” I stammered, trying not to look as she pulled the t-shirt down bashfully over her legs.
“I should have … I’m going to go and put some shorts on.” She started to sit up.
I laughed a little. Here she was all shy about being seen in her panties, but she could sure laugh while seeing my dick hanging out. “Don’t bother. We’ve both seen enough of each other today. I think I can handle you in your underwear.”
“At least mine aren’t around my knees,” she snorted as she stretched back out.
“At least you’re wearing some this time,” I shot back.
“That was in the bathroom. That’s different than out here in the open,” she reasoned.
“So, it’s ok to see each other naked in the bathroom?” I was shocked at the awkward implication.
“Maybe, I don’t know. This is kind of weird.” She looked away. “I didn’t mean to walk in on you. I kind of thought I was safe to run in and out really quick. I figured you were going to take longer to … finish.”
“I always thought girls were the ones who took a long time to get off. You know; lighting candles, soft music, the works.” I said, recalling every cheesy B-movie I’d seen.
“Sometimes. And sometimes we just need to get off hard and fast.” She was matter of fact about it.
“Same thing for guys. Minus the candles and stuff of course.” I laughed a little.
“Don’t knock it until you’ve tried it.” She winked. After a silent moment, she piped up again, “So, was it good?”
“What?” I was thinking when she spoke.
“When you jerked off a minute ago. Did it feel good?” Good old to the point, blunt Carly was back.
“Well, yeah.” I paused, unsure if I should ask the follow up. “You?”
“Mmm Hmm,” she moaned, absent-mindedly squeezing her boob right in front of me. “I needed that tonight.”
“Ok. I think I’m going to try to do some more work.” I said, turning to go.
“Oh, you’re not going to stay out here and have another sex talk with me?” She batted her eyelashes at me comically.
“I mean, I can if you want me to. But you better go get a towel to sit on,” I said with a grin.
She laughed. “Ok, ok. Go then.” I started to head to my room. “Hey Trevor?”
“Yeah?” I turned back around.
“I, umm … you looked pretty nice in the bathroom earlier.” She caught my eyes as I looked over. “All of you looked pretty good, in fact.”
I was floored. “Thanks, I guess?”
“I thought guys might need to hear that too sometimes.” She smiled genuinely.
“It helps, for sure.” I smiled and headed towards my room. I stopped in front of Carly’s room.
There was no way I was going to get any work done now. I stood there, staring blankly at her open door. I could see her bed. The picture of her and Karina lying together in it filled my head. I walked back out to the living room and sat on the couch.
“Changed your mind?” she asked as she looked back over at me. She had the recliner leaned back and her legs were askew again.
“Kind of. There’s no way I can concentrate right now. Too many weird thoughts filling my mind.”
“You want to talk some more?” she asked sweetly.
“Not really. I think I need a break from all that. Can I just sit here with you and watch TV for a while?” I sighed.
“Sure thing, brother. I’m binge watching this series right now.”
“That’s fine. Just need a distraction for a while.” I wasn’t lying. I stretched out on the couch and got comfortable. Carly turned the volume up and British accents filled the air. The show wasn’t bad but, as always, had a sexual theme to it. Don’t they all? I managed to block everything out and be mindlessly entertained for a good while.
The ‘Are you still watching?’ message popped up. Carly scrambled for the remote and I took the opportunity to stand and stretch. “Getting a drink. Need anything?” I asked aloud as I walked to the kitchen.
Carly didn’t even get to answer. The front door burst open, and Karina came floating in, a goofy smile on her face. She climbed right up into Carly’s lap and started talking really fast about how well her date had gone. I stepped out of the kitchen with a can of soda and some chips to catch part of the conversation.
“And then he ran his fingertips along my thighs as we made out. Mmmm. He was so smooth. I didn’t even notice he was touching me right away. It was so hot. I wanted to rip his clothes off!” she squealed. “But I managed to stay in control and keep my panties on. I could feel his hardness through his slacks. Girl, you don’t know how hard it was not fuck him silly right there in the car!” She pressed her body into Carly and hugged her tight. “Maybe you can help me out later tonight? I’m so wet right now,” she giggled aloud.
I heard all of this from behind where she sat. Carly was silent the whole time. She whispered, “Trevor is right there in the kitchen.” Karina whipped her head around and looked right at me. Her eyes were wide, with a deer-in-the-headlights expression on her face.
“Shit. Trevor. Hi.” She blinked and blushed at once. “I guess you heard all of that?”
“About how horny you got and how much you wanted to rip Derek’s clothes off? Didn’t hear a thing.” She buried her face in Carly’s tits in apparent shame.
Carly laughed “Don’t do that. You’ll give the poor boy another hard on.”
Karina giggled and looked back up at me.
“Not yet anyway,” I deadpanned. “I’m going to do some work. You gals have fun.”
I heard them whispering as I walked out. I wondered to myself; would Carly tell Karina about walking in on me earlier? Probably. They seemed to share everything together, and Carly had told Karina about walking in on me in the shower, obviously. The thought annoyed me at first, but today had been such a weird day all around. I decided it didn’t matter. I had seen my sister naked, talked to her and Karina about them messing around and her seeing me after we had both gotten off. It was a lot to process.