Book:Ex-Luna's Revenge Published:2024-9-8

A grand party was held to celebrate the new Beta, Tania, by the council members and also with Sir Derek’s help.
After the announcement, we all went down to the venue and celebrated Tania, who was able to blend in with everyone, including my business partners, who suddenly grew an interest in my new Beta.
“I bet you can handle project works like your Luna,” One of my partner had said to Tania while talking with the others.
She had given them a smile, speaking intelligently to them. They were impressed with the way she spoke, like one who has been in the position for long.
“No doubt, you are fit for this job, ” They all laughed along with Tania, clinging their glasses of wine together.
I watched all these from a few she’s away, while standing with the councils, who were talking to the press. They wanted to get some info from the elders and me as well.
As they asked their questions, my eyes ended up searching for Brielle, who seemed to be missing from the event. “Where is she?” I wondered, hovering my gaze around, looking for my Luna.
I was beginning to get bored of the press and their questions, that I chose to search for my woman. But now I don’t know where she is.
“I hope she’s okay?” I became worried, slowly drawing away from the councils and the press.
“Alpha, where are you going to? ” One of the elderly men asked, holding me back.
I drew closer to him and whispered, “I’m looking for my Luna. I’ll be back.” I patted him gently before leaving to search for Brielle.
I asked a few waiters who were serving the guests, for Brielle’s whereabout. Only few pointed out to the balcony of the hall, revealing where she was.
And when I got there, I found her right at the balcony, staring into the sky, quietly. She just stood there in her lovely sparkling green dress, leaning on the banister.
Pleased to have found my Luna, I walked up to her from behind and carefully held her close, wrapping my arms around her waist, with my face falling next to hers.
“What happened? Why did you leave the party?” I asked.
She bummed with a shrug, answering my question, “I just came out for some fresh air. Inside was choking.” She leaned back with her face meeting mine. I could feel the heat of her body with her lovely scent streaming into my nostrils, blooming my heart.
She gave out a sigh and requested, “Can we head home? I feel so tired.”
“No problem. I’ll send the guard to get the car ready,” I said, honoring her wish.
She tilted her head to have a look at my face, giving me a smile. And just looking at that beautiful face made me happy. I smiled back at Brielle, planting a kiss on her forehead.
As promised, I contacted the guard outside with our car, and told him to get it ready. Soon, we left the party and returned to the mansion.
The following day came in a swift. I decided to take Tania to the company and show her around. I introduced her to the workers and showed her where she’d be staying.
“This is your new office,” I said, pointing at Jerome’s old office, which I got rearranged for Tania. “All your works would be carried out here, ” I said, showing her around.
Tania was thrilled with her new life. I watched how she went from one corner to the other, admiring her new work ground. “Thank you, Alpha. Trust me, I’m going to do my best and make this pack proud, ” She assured me, grinning out widely.
I’m not used to all this feminine stuff, but somehow I felt calm with Tania handling the position as the new Beta and my assistant.
We attended to some works for that day, before returning back to the mansion that evening to join Brielle at the dining.
She had made a special dinner arrangement. “I thought I should fix something for you two. I hope you like it,” She said, setting the table with the maids.
I wasn’t pleased with the fact that she went ahead to carry out this work in her condition, but still, I showed my appreciations in her effort, so as to make her happy.
We all sat together to have our meal, before Brielle retired to bed earlier than Tania and I.
I soon went to my room after a while, feeling pleased with my new life with Brielle, and our unborn baby. This is the goddess’s doing. She has given me a second chance to make things right in my marriage.
“You have a lot of work face, Argon. Be the man your father always wanted you to be,” I reminded myself, remembering my late father and how he wanted Brielle and I to be a happy couple. I know it took me too long to use my brain, but now I understand everything and hope it goes well.
“Fifteen missed calls? ” I stared at my phone in the morning, surprised to see that the security guards at the company had called all night, trying to reach me.
This felt so strange. Why were they calling? What’s the problem?
Curious, I had to call back to know what had happened. It’s the first time I’ll be getting calls from my security guards.
I hope there’s no problem?
At last, I got a response. I immediately asked the guard, “What’s the matter? Why the missed calls?”
“Alpha, there’s a problem.”
“A problem?” I lifted my brow, stepping closer to the window of my room and carefully dimming the volume of my voice, so that no one passing by would hear me. “What kind of problem?”
“Last night, someone stole the truck that brought in the ordered goods from our business partners.”
“What?!” I exclaimed, shocked to here this info. Something that has never happened before in my company? How come?
The guard went on to narrate how this mysterious thief drove out of the company with the truck, after all the goods were off loaded, leaving the original driver behind, struggling to head back to his own pack. “We were trying to reach you last night, but you didn’t pick up. But we managed to get the fellow a cab, so he could leave,” The security guard shared.
I was still astonished to hear this news. Who is the animal that snuck into my company to take that truck? But why take the truck when nothing was inside?
This felt strange yet disturbing to me.
“I’ll be on my way, ” I said, ending the call and rushing out of my room quickly.
I didn’t bother to tell Brielle or Tania about what was going on. I just didn’t want to trouble my Luna’s mind with matters like this.
I even met Tania at the entrance of the mansion, all set to leave for the office. But when I drew near, I ordered her immediately, “Stay back for today. Something came up.”
” Is everything okay? I hope it’s not serious?” She asked, looking concerned.
Looking at her face, I thought about Brielle. “If I tell Tania what is happening, she would tell Brielle, and that will only make my Luna worried. No, I don’t want that. I won’t say anything, ” I reasoned within.
“No, it’s not serious. I… I just want you to stay with my Luna for today, ” I said, coating the truth from her.
Tania accepted the order and went to stay with Brielle, while I rushed out of the mansion, into my car, and straight down to the company.
On arrival, I met the head of the factory that hired the driver in bringing down my goods with the missing truck, talking to my security guards. The latter didn’t look pleased with what he was hearing, and demanded to see me.
When my car came pulling right next to them, I came out and joined the gathering, requesting to know what exactly had happened last night.
Again, the security guards repeated what had occurred and how the thief drove off with speed. “It seems the intruder wasn’t here for the goods but something else,” One of the guards pointed out, indicating where the truck had parked to offload the goods.
And when I looked at that direction, I realized that the truck had parked close to the company.
That’s when I realized something. “He came along with the truck.”
“What? That can’t be possible,” The fellow said, refusing to accept such. “The thief must have snucked in when the guards were absentminded. There’s no way he followed my truck,” He accused, pointing hands at my guards.
My watchmen didn’t take his words with a smile. They almost started a fight with the fellow, but came all shut when I pointed out something, ” It doesn’t look like the thief came for the goods or the truck. How much does he want to get from that vehicle? I think he was here for something else.”
I drew my steps closer to the building and began to pick a scent. It smelt familiar. “Can you smell that?” I asked my guards, trying to sniff this odour with full focus. They couldn’t pick it. They were just clueless.
The moment I gave in another smell, my body triggered at once on realizing whose scent it was. “Jerome?!” I identified with no doubt.
“Wait, your former Beta? Is he the one?!” The fellow asked, drawing closer to take a sniff as well. But he couldn’t pick it.
This scent was a bit fresh. It was clear that Jerome was here at the company, last night!
“I thought that fool was kicked out of the park?!” I groaned, following the scent which soon led me into the building.
This began to trouble my heart as I kept trailing my old beta’s scent, seeing how it directed me through the stairs and right at my office floor.
On arrival, I was shocked to see my door yanked aside, while my staffs stared in shock.
That’s when Jerome’s scent puffed harder into my nose, showing that the bastard was here!
“Shit! What did he do?!” I stormed into my office to check around, opening my drawers to find… “It’s still here,” I said, pulling out all my important documents meant for both current and future projects with my Business partners. They were still intact.
I know how valuable they would cost, if taken to be sold to someone. And when I saw my door wide opened, I got worried that Jerome must have taken the documents away.
But seeing that the documents are still here… “Why was he here?” I wondered in confusion. “If he didn’t steal these files, what did he take?” I hovered my case around, trying to see if anything was missing.
Now knowing who our culprit was, I contacted the authorities and told them about Jerome’s action. “He invaded my office and stole a truck in the middle of the night! That man isn’t supposed to be in this pack after being banished!” I roared, venting my anger at them.
They began to apologize and assured me of a quick feedback. “We’ll search around for the truck and your former Beta.”
“I know he’s still in this pack. I reached out to the guards at each exit, and they said they didn’t see any truck leaving Wolf Crest, ” I shared that information, so they’d take note.
With the plate number in their hold, they promised to head out immediately and search for the vehicle. Once they can find the truck, they can also find Jerome.
“Good, just keep me updated,” I said, ending the call.
Even though I gave the authorities the go ahead to find that crook of a man, I couldn’t sit back and wait. I was feeling restless already.
And with Jerome’s scent still a bit fresh, I felt I could still trace him and find his hideout. “Before it fades off completely, let me track him down myself,” I decided, heading out of the company and getting into the car, with one guard and the head owner of the truck, joining me on this journey.
We immediately moved and I began to trail Jerome’s scent in the air.
The trip was taking some time, but it didn’t take too long for us to find ourselves heading through one of the route that led out of the pack. Only for us to spot the missing truck ahead of us.
“That’s the truck!” The fellow pointed out for me to see.
And the moment my car drew closer to this truck… “What in the world…” I was shocked by what I saw. The truck… The back was ripped wide open in a strange yet terrible way!
I carefully parked my car as we all got down, drawing closer to this wrecked truck. This was… I don’t even know how to describe the condition of the vehicle.
“What happened to my truck?! Did a beast burst out of it or what?!” The fellow asked, staring in horror.
I didn’t know what to say either. No doubt that this was the truck that was stolen, because I could pick Jerome’s scent coming from it and… Something… Something else?
It’s not just Jerome’s odour that I was perceiving, I could smell something different and… Somehow new to me.
“Seems he wasn’t alone. Someone or something was with him,” I pointed, looking at the large opening made by whoever that was responsible.