I look around, noticing the people sitting at the picnic tables again. Isn’t anyone gonna see ?
Joey chuckles, shaking his head. No, that’s what the tinted windows are for.
I watch as he slips his shirt off, not too sure that the windows will actually prevent anyone from actually seeing us change. I play with the hem of the trunks, staring out the window as my fiance next to me switches into his swimming clothes. When he notices that I haven’t even moved, he chuckles, digging through the bag.
You can have sex in the car, but not change ? How does that make sense ? He asks.
I scoff with a small chuckle. Well, there wasn’t anyone around to be worried about.
He sighs, grabbing a towel from the bag and holding it up in front of me so I’m sure that no one would be able to see me. I change quickly before grabbing the towel from his hands to give him a quick kiss to say thank you. We’re pulled out of the car by our friends before getting dragged to the water. We all hear a small gasp, looking over at the group of people to see them staring at us in surprise because we basically never leave the house.
We wave at them before turning back to Cody. Isaac, Oliver, and Tyler should be on their way to come hang out with us.
Before I can say anything, I’m being pushed into the lake by Melissa as she giggles along with everyone else. My back hits with a splash as my nose immediately fills up with dirty lake water along with my mouth. When I break the surface, I spit out the water, wiping my eyes before glaring at my friend.
Sorry, it was too hard to resist, Melissa says, giggling behind her hand. Joey holds his hand out to me to help me out, but instead of pulling myself up, I find the strength to pull him in. He lets out a gasp before hitting the water with a smack. We all sit there and wait for him to come back up, but when that doesn’t happen, I’m being pulled under the water by a hand on my ankle.
I let out a yell before my head goes under. I feel Joey’s hands slide up my legs as he rushes to the surface to get a breath of air. I come back up too before slapping his arm as he lets out a laugh before looking at me. What was that for ?
He wraps his arm around my waist, kissing my cheek. Just thought it would be funny, which it was.
We all relax in the water, swimming around while we wait for the rest of our friends to show up. I notice the people in the water are looking at us while whispering something that I couldn’t quite hear. I was taken out of my trance when Joey goes back underwater before swimming underneath me to scoop me onto his shoulders. When he stands up, I yelp, grabbing a hold of his hands that’re on my thighs to balance myself.
Joey, no ! I scream as he moves around to make sure I don’t fall over. His hands slide down to hold onto my ankles while mine tangle in his hair, lightly pulling on the wet strands. I notice that Melissa’s on her boyfriend’s back with a huge smile on her face as she looks up at me.
Hey, guys, we hear Isaac say and when we look up, we see Isaac and Oliver standing near the water in swim trunks. We all say hi as they slip into the water, freaking out as the cold hits their skin. I tighten my grip on Joey’s hair when he almost makes me fall off his shoulders.
Here, Oliver says, holding his hands out to Isaac. get on my shoulders, we’ll play Chicken.
My eyes widen as I realize what we were doing. I try to pull my leg back to get off of my mate’s shoulders, but he tightens his grip on my ankles to keep me steady on his shoulders. Nope, we’re gonna play.
Oh, come on, why do I have to do it ? I ask with a scoff.
It’ll be fun, we’ll do it with three people to make it more intense, Melissa says, making Cody help her up on his shoulders. I run my fingers through Joey’s hair as we wait for them to get ready to play.
Once Isaac’s on Oliver’s shoulders and Melissa’s on Cody’s, we get into a circle before we start trying to knock each other off. Melissa and I team up against Isaac since he’s the strongest of the three of us with his werewolf strength, each taking one of his arms as we try to push him off. He looks between the both of us before giving us an evil glare when he realizes what we’re doing.
That’s so not fair, he says with a small laugh as he intertwines his hand with mine to squeeze the bones in my fingers until it starts to hurt. I dig my nails into his skin before snatching my hand away from his with a gasp.
Ow, bitch ! You’re the werewolf here ! I yell at him before using my leg to hook it around his and immediately flip it up so he fell back into the water with a yell. We all laugh while Oliver turns around to pull him up and make sure he’s okay before letting out a small laugh and hitting his head lightly to tell him that he could’ve won.
Oh, that was so cheating, Isaac says, moving some of his wet hair out of his face.
We laugh as Cody moves to stand right in front of Joey and I as Melissa grabs my hands, trying to push me off, but I wasn’t going to fall that easily. She gives me a smile before snatching her hand back to lean forward and try and push my shoulder back, but Joey realizes what she was doing and walks backwards.
Nice try, I tease. We continue to fight until I realize that she wasn’t going to give up without a fight and my leg was starting to hurt like it has been doing since I got bit by that rogue. When she pushes my shoulder again, I let myself fall back into the water, letting her win since I didn’t think my leg could’ve handled more stress at the moment.
When I come up from the water, Joey’s there to help me stand, probably noticing the discomfort I’m feeling. He reaches to grab my ankle before helping me stretch it out. You okay ?
Yeah, just a little ache, I’m fine, I tell him before giving Melissa a high five on her win as Joey continues to help stretch out my leg, making sure not to do it too much.
Hey, Tyler says, standing on the shore next to us, wearing a very cute floral bathing suit that’s kinda covered by her towel that’s wrapped around her body. She sets her stuff down before coming to join us in the water, immediately migrating towards Isaac and Oliver.
They all decide to play Chicken again while Joey and I stand to the side to just watch. I notice the way that Tyler immediately chooses to get on Oliver’s shoulders and get confused since I never knew she was so close with him. Melissa gets on Isaac’s shoulders while Cody comes to stand next to us to watch.
When’re we going to make the final decision about the rogues ? Cody asks, crossing his arms as we watch our friends having fun. I look up at Joey when I notice him stand up straighter and his eyes flash blue before turning back to their soft hazel. I link arms with him, setting one hand flat against his chest to feel his heartbeat to calm myself down since I know they were about to talk about stressful things.
We have to do it soon or we’ll lose track. We can sit down tomorrow with everyone and talk about everything to see what we can do to help prevent the situation getting to worse-case scenario, Joey tells him.
And worse-case scenario is ? I ask.
Raiding their camp and starting a war, Cody tells me, immediately making my stress level go higher. I tighten my grip on my fiance’s arm, hating that he might have to go fight some revengeful wolves that only want blood.
Joey leans down to kiss right above my ear. It’s okay, that’ll be our last resort.
I nod my head, looking back up at our friends who were still fighting as they laughed with glee. We stay in the water until it starts to get dark and that’s when we all make our way back to the quarter house where Lila had prepared steak and veggies for us.
We all sit at the table as we start to talk about Joey and I’s wedding since that was all everyone wanted to know about. Later that night, I get into the warm bed to cuddle with my man who was already starting to fall asleep as his eyes flutter. I lay my head on his chest, falling into a deep, deep sleep.