Calesti POV.
I woke up in Damon’s bed, but I was alone, I began to whine right away wanting him back, I closed my eyes ready to transport him over here.
“I wouldn’t do that if I was you,” a voice warns me, I opened my eyes to see it’s Athena sitting on the bed next to me.
“Why not?” I ask her with a big pout, I just want to bring him over.
“Your daddy is busy cleaning up the mess you made,” she says but I didn’t do any mess, I didn’t throw any juice or milk over the floor or myself, or myself and the floor.
“Me nu do mess,” I answer her.
“You got him in trouble with Trent,” aunty Athena says in a cold voice, but it’s not my fault Trent is a meanie.
“Me nut!” I answer her, Trent was away, I’ve sent him away, I wasn’t sure where to but I did.
“Cici, things aren’t good, you can’t keep teleporting Trent away, you’ll only cause troubles,” aunty Athena says, she’s a meanie too, nu like her no more.
“I want to go to daddy,” I say, he’s the only nice one.
“Daddy is busy and don’t you dare teleport him in,” she says, why is she so mad at me, fine I won’t teleport him in, I’ll teleport myself over. I closed my eyes putting my focus on me, then imagining daddy, but instead of telling my magic to bring him in, I told my magic to take me over to him.
“Yess!” I say proud of myself, I did manage to teleport but now that I’m seeing where I’m, maybe I was better at his room, this looks like the dungeon, Damon and Trent were both here, shirtless, with blood and bruises all over their faces.
“Daddy!” I say worriedly making hell shake, I ran toward him, hugging his bloody torso.
“Hiding behind the small witch?” Trent spits, I turned to him with anger, my eyes glossed over like they did the other day, I wasn’t meaning for this to happen, but it simply did, my anger at him was too great, and he hurt my daddy!
“Calesti,” Lucifer says, I didn’t even notice he was standing there.
“Tell him off!” I ask Lucifer.
“They are in a match, winner takes it all,” Lucifer says.
“Me wanna fight too then,” I say, if the winner takes it all, I want Damon.
“But the price can’t fight Calesti, come sit with me, the winner would be your new keeper,” Lucifer says but that isn’t fair, I want Damon, not Trent.
“Nu-uh, I go with Damon, and Trent goes with…” I say looking around, I saw an ugly demon creature and point at it, “with it,” I demand.
“It’s now how it works baby, go wait with Lucifer, once I’m done I’ll cuddle you all you want,” he says giving me a push toward Lucifer.
I took a seat next to him, seeing them fight, I was worried when Damon took a hit, a hard one that had him falling to the ground, my magic moved on its own, wanting to help him win.
“Uh-uh, let them play this on their own,” Lucifer says landing a hand on my shoulder stopping my magic from working, I wanted to help so badly, but Lucifer had me pinned down.
“Damon,” I say when I saw him falling down on the ground again, Trent was winning but he can’t win if he wins that means I’ll go with him and I don’t want to go with him anywhere.
“Daddy! You can do itttttt!” I yell encouraging him to get up and kick the meanie’s bum, but his movement was dull, he was stumbling, and it looks like he was hit on the head several times. I thought demons were strong, much stronger than this but he’s falling down, he’s losing the fight and I can’t help him from here, not with Lucifer keeping me here. The fight wasn’t fair, it wasn’t just me who saw it, Athena soon joined me, she was growling at Trent who managed to land another hit on daddy.
“Let me fight too!” Athena yells, but Lucifer wasn’t going to allow her to, he shook her head no.
“You didn’t show any interest in the little before, why do you want her now?” Lucifer asks.
“She’s cute, I changed my mind, I want her,” Aunty Athena says, I nod, I want to go with her, and she can send me to daddy Damon.
“No,” Lucifer says coldly, not fair, I don’t want to go with Trent never with him.
“But sir,” Athena says getting up, but Lucifer only held his hand up.
“We got a winner,” he says, I was too afraid to look and see who this winner is, but I knew I won’t like it.
“Now come here brat!” Trent says pulling me by the arm.