Calesti POV.
“Is the class over?” I say, when he said he’s going to give me witch lessons, I expected him to make me read things like the ones I had in the stupid book that caused me to summon him in the first time.
“Yes, it’s over, tomorrow, we’ll read about the other supernatural, and then we’ll start your magic classes,” he says, it’s going to take us forever for me to be a fully trained witch, but that’s okay, I’m not in a hurry to go meet lord Lucifer, I’m good with him being far away from me.
“Can I watch TV?” I ask him, since our class is over, I usually spend my day watching TV, and playing with my toys.
“Let me change you first,” he says, checking my diaper, I was close to forgetting that I was wearing one, to begin with, I only groaned in response.
“I didn’t use it,” I lie, I think I didn’t, but we went to the store, and then we sat and read the story, and I didn’t feel the need to go the bathroom, not even once, and not even now.
“We’ll go and check then,” he says carrying me up to my room, placing me on the changing table and taking it off me, the cold air hit my bum-bum, I knew it was wet then, and that I did mess things up, I groaned, not fair.
“It’s okay baby, I don’t mind taking care of you,” he assures me, but I kept on whining until he was done, he set me down on the floor, patting my bum.
“Why don’t you play with your toys?” he suggest, the room was filled with toys, I could play with them, I’ll watch TV later.
“Okay,” I agree with him, moving around the room, looking for anything interesting to play with.
“Calesti, I’m in two rooms down working, keep your door open, if you need me come find me,” he says, I simply nod and get to play with the toys.
I found a barbie house, it wasn’t the tiny one, it was much bigger, big enough for me to play with easily, I got the two barbie dolls, I called one Cici, and the second one daddy demon, they were playing together in the house, the daddy demon gave Cici all the candy she wants and she ate them all. I kept on playing in the doll house until I got bored, I made Cici spank the daddy demon for being mean to her twice, but then I moved to another game.
I found stuffies, I love the stuffies, I made them dance and play, but then I got bored from moving them on my own, I can make the stuffies move if I focus on them. I focused on the teddy bear until it moved, it was like life was blown into him, he started to dance on his own around the room, and the teddy did a full dancing number for me, I was sitting on the floor giggling at the teddy and his moves. But then it started to move around the room, pushing things down to the floor, I tried to make the teddy stop, but he kept moving.
“Hey, stop, stop!” I yell trying to get it to stop, but the teddy is now on top of the ceiling, hissing at me, how is he even hissing at me it has no mouth, the teddy started to tear apart and I screamed in fear.
“Ahhh!” I screamed out loud and kept on screaming until Mr. Demon came in, he saw the teddy on the ceiling, and he moved his hand toward it making it fall down to the ground.
“Calesti what happened?” he says, while I cried and sobbed out loud.
“He evil!” I say with more tears coming down my face.
“Did you make the teddy move?” he says, I nodded yes, I was just playing, but the teddy became evil.
“Didn’t I say not to do magic without me?” he asks me in a firm voice, but he wasn’t scolding me, he was just talking, he kept on bouncing me around until I finally calmed down, my cries and screams went down to sniffles. He got one of my pacifiers out of the drawer and placed it in my mouth, and then left the room, with me in his arms, he went to the room where he said he’d be, it was an office. He sat down on the chair leaving me in his lap, my head laying against his chest, he was working something on his laptop while I sucked angrily on my pacifier, evil teddy, I don’t want to play with teddies anymore, I nu like them anymore, I’m staying here where it’s safe.