Two days later, Moses had to call off the search. They found some parts of the jet but none of the bodies. I’d lost hope. It was tragic.
I couldn’t remember anyone who had survived a plane crash. I knew and had accepted the fact that they were dead, including the crew and Gaetano’s men on board.
Sicily. Who would have thought my first trip outside the country was to Sicily for a funeral and to clear my name?
Since Moses got to talk to Ugo, the head of the Conti crime family, it seemed that there was a truce. For a moment, I felt safe, but I knew it wouldn’t be any longer until I’d proven them about my innocence.
Lake had been pacing in the hotel room for thirty minutes. He wasn’t on board with the idea of me meeting Celestina and her husband, Giosue. I learned that London had a chilling confrontation with Giosue before. As a way of showing respect to the dead, I put on a black outfit.
“You’re giving me a headache,” I complained. For the last two days since I asked Moses to help me set up a meeting with Celestina’s husband’s family, he’d been trying hard to convince me to change my mind. At the same time, he knew I had no choice but to face them, or they would come after me.
“I just had a bad feeling about this. I feel it in my gut, Maverick.”
I met his gaze. He’d barely slept at night. I didn’t know what he was doing in the study, but I knew he got up when I fell asleep. I woke up to an empty his side of the bed. He also had dark circles around him, and I felt guilty for what he had endured.
“I know, babe, but we’re already here. I can’t back out now. It’s disrespectful.”
He came to me, cupped my face, and looked me straight in the eye. “If they lay a hand on you, I will kill them.”
I smiled. “Thanks, but I can defend my own honor.”
His eyes suddenly narrowed, darkened, horrified.
“Just kidding.” I kissed him. “I hope it won’t come down to this, but if they ever do that, save yourself and tell the whole world about them, okay?”
“About what exactly? That I had been contacting with crime families?”
I snorted. “So you will just save yourself and forget about me?”
He pressed his lips against mine and sighed. “You’re driving me crazy.”
“But you’ve been pretty preoccupied for the last two nights,” I said meaningfully and smiled.
Then he squinted his eyes. “I’ll make it up to you once we’re over this problem.”
“I’ll hold on to that promise.”
“You’re stalling.”
“I’m scared, babe. Suppose that’s what you want to hear. I’m terrified. I don’t know these people, but from what I heard, they are hostile and don’t think twice to kill anyone they want.”
“I know, baby.” I could feel he was scared, too- it was heavy in his voice. He did not even try to hide it from me.
A knock on the door pulled us apart.
I rose to my feet and grabbed my bag while Lake went to open the door.
“It’s time, baby,” Lake informed me even if I wasn’t ready.
The trip to the Siciliano compound was nerve-wracking. I’d never been so terrified in my entire life like I was walking into a death trap, a quick reminder of Nana’s abduction. What terrified me more was for these people, doing their job to protect me, for Lake that he might get hurt.
The compound was enormous, surrounded by brick walls. It was an old brick house the size of a castle, seemingly ordinary from the outside, but God knew what kind of crime happened there.
Three unarmed men were in the gate, which cracked open the second the first man noticed the SUV and gestured his hand.
My heart started to pound harder, as if I could have a heart attack at any moment. My hands were sweaty as the gate shut behind us, a blatant reminder that there was no turning back.
I barely breathed when I stepped outside the SUV. My knees weakened.
Jacques, Memphis, and the other three of his men were in full-duty mode. They didn’t bring big guns but issued pistols by Osmium. Owen and Homer came to our sides. Lake held my hand, gripping it tight as the man in his forties welcomed us.
“I’m Dante. Mr. Giosue is expecting your arrival,” he said in a thick Italian accent.
The moment we stepped inside, I instantly felt the tension. There were many armed men in black. The house interior, with its classy Italian design, could be warm and welcoming, but it felt like a little spark could burn the entire house down.
Giosue was younger than I expected, the same age as Terzo. He was shorter and whiter, dark eyes cold as ice and emotionless. He hadn’t talked, but he already terrified me.
“Lake Winston, it’s a pleasure to meet you.” He shook Lake’s hand before he met my gaze, giving me a chill. His eyes seemingly pathways to dark abysses.
“Welcome home, Maverick.”
“Thank you.” I gripped the hand he offered for a handshake.
A man behind him came forward. “Please, leave your weapons at the corner.”
“It’s fine, Tabo,” he dismissed him. “Join me.”
We settled in the living room. Outside the window, there were many black men. I didn’t know if they came to pay their respects or to show their support for what was left of the Siciliano family.
“I believe you are innocent. I’m sorry for your loss. You don’t have to come over if it’s only for me. I believe Mr. Braddson, the first time he said you had nothing to do with that tragic accident, but the people they left behind are constantly tense about who would take over the family business.”
“Thank you for believing in my wife’s innocence,” Lake said calmly. “I can tell you, she has no interest in the family business.”
“Terzo had been away from home in weeks. His people grew tired of his leadership, and his father, may he rest in peace, was losing patience. The reason why he went to the US was to bring his son back. I have a feeling he had decided to let my wife take his seat, but he hadn’t finalized his decision until his death. My wife met her father before his trip. She was asked if she was ready to run a business.”
“May I see Celestina?”
“Of course. Take her to Celestina.” He gestured his hand to his man, Tabo. “She’s not feeling well. She’s been locking herself in the room, not taking it well on what happened to her father and brother. She and Terzo used to be closed.”
“What do you mean?”
“Terzo has changed a lot. The people he’d met seemed to have a greater influence on him. He lost focus and lacked motivation and authority. Even his men have questioned his ability to lead them.”
“Come with me, Mrs. Winston.” Tabo stood behind us.
I felt Lake’s hesitation as he gripped my hand tightly.
I put a good smile and kissed on the cheek. “I just want to say hi to Celestina. I’ll be right back.”
As I walked into the living room, Homer followed me. Tabo led the way through the garden and then crossed stone paths to the other part of the house.
Shouldn’t she be welcoming us? I understood if she was not feeling well, but I felt something was wrong. I could feel it in my bones.
The door was guarded by two men when Tabo knocked.
“Mrs. Winston wants to see Signora Celestina.”
I turned to Homer. “I’ll be fine.”
He nodded stiffly.
Once I was inside, the two doors opened and shut. I felt goosebumps and horror at the base of my spine as I suddenly left alone. It was a massive room like what we had in the house. The decoration was spectacular in a royal interior design.
I instantly saw a dark-haired woman lying in bed. When she noticed she wasn’t alone, she stiffened and got up. She had a pretty white maxi dress in full makeup. She was young, maybe just two years older than me, and looked like she’d been crying.
“Maverick,” she threw herself at me and hugged me tightly. “It’s good to see you. God, when Terzo told me, I dreamed every day of meeting you.” Her Italian accent was prominent, unlike Terzo.
“I’m sorry for your loss, Celestina. I wish we’d met under different circumstances.” I hugged her back.
I was in her tight hug for a moment, and then she grabbed me and pulled me toward the window. She pushed it open, and the warm, sunny air rushed inside.
“No camera angle in this spot. Don’t act weird. Just smile or act normally.”
My heart nearly exploded in my chest. I swallowed hard and asked in a low voice, “What’s going on?”
“I prayed this day would not come. You’re not safe here. My husband killed my family to take over the organization. You should leave Sicily in an instant. You can’t trust anyone but Magnus.” She then faced me, smiled, and held my hand as we sat on the edge of her bed.
The changes in her actions confused me. That was when I saw the bruises on her chest and probably more.
Oh, God.
I smiled, playing along even if I was bleeding deep in my heart. So I pretended we were having a happy reunion. “I’m so sorry.”