Book:Escaped from the mafia Published:2024-8-30

They’re waiting across the street, Tommy says grimly. Abandoned warehouse. As soon as you go in, use this phone to call them and then crack it. They’ll show themselves to you and you’ll
Tommy, I say gently. I know what to do.
He places his hands on my shoulders, suddenly fierce. Kaya, if you don’t want to, we’ll find another way, I swear. This is dangerous. You
My sister, I say softly. My sister is in there.
Tommy pulls away reluctantly. I knew you’d say that, but . . . good luck. I have your back. I’ll be right here if I hear even a single shot.
But we both know a single shot is enough. It might be too late by then.
Thanks, I say, punching him lightly on the shoulder. And, Tommy ? You owe me another cinnamon bun.
For what ? he says, grinning.
I fainted !
How is that my fault ?
It’s not, I groan. But you need to tell me what happened. How embarrassing was it ? A scale of one to ten. Be honest.
Tommy shifts his eyes away. One to ten ? I don’t know, Kaya, maybe it’d be better for your confidence if you didn’t know.
I’ll definitely regret this later. Come on, tell me, I can handle it.
Well, Tanaka got really . . . protective. I wanted to pick you up, but she didn’t even let me. She was practically growling at me, but the instant she picked you up . . . bridal-style, did I mention bridal style ? Her eyes got really soft and misty . . .
Something in my chest twinges. A chord of my heart. Is my face hot ? I hope my face isn’t hot. Are you kidding ?
Tommy grins. Yes, but now I know you like her.
I punch himand then wince at how hard his shoulder is.
That was awful, I hiss. I can’t believe you just did that !
Yeah, but you like like her.
We’re not in middle school ! I don’t like like anyone.
You should have seen the look on your face. All heart-eyed. Practically drooling already.
Okay, I snap, flushing. That was really mean, Tommy. Two cinnamon buns. I can’t believe you would lie about that.
A smile twitches on his lips. I wasn’t lying about the growlingthat is one scary girl you got thereand she did pick you up bridal-style, and she did soften just a little bit when she looked at you. Like she hates the rest of the world, but she has a soft spot for you.
I shake my head. Whatever. I don’t believe you anymore.
Come on, I’m not kidding this time !
Still don’t believe you ! I call back, as I finally step back into the sunlight. Turning around to cross the street.
A chill comes over me, even in the bright sunlight.
The abandoned warehouse opposite the Underground’s cover is . . . dark. Empty. With broken glass windows and tall ceilings.
The phone in my hand shakes, but I dial the number Tommy told me.
The black device in my pocket becomes unbearably warm.
I have a gun tucked into my waistband.
I can do this.
For Cassie, I will do anything.
I’m here, I say, my voice trembling despite my will. I’m at the door.
Come in, whispers a smooth, slippery voice on the other end. We’re waiting.
I’m so lucky, I think. The Yakuza are waiting for me.
Then I hear the dull echo of ringing : he hung up.
I crush the phone beneath my foot, and I step inside the warehouse to offer myself up in exchange for my sister.