Well, Jude didn’t kill my sister for saying something offensive.
Maybe I should try my luck.
So, I begin. This favour that Veah’s collecting. What’s it for ?
Jude glances back at me, narrowing her eyes. I think she knows what I’m doingdigging for information. But she answers anyway, She put someone in Mito prison for us. Someone very dangerous and very, very hard to catch.
Who ?
For a moment, I think she won’t answer me.
But her voice becomes as low as a breath. Do you know the supermodel, Pierce Nakamura ?
No ?
Cassie’s head snaps up. Yes ! Her Paris fashion look last year was so gorgeous I got a poster of it for my wall.
Pierce Nakamura is an assassin for the Yakuza, Jude says.
Oh, Cassie says weakly.
An assassin that’s now in Mito-whatever prison, right ? I add.
Jude’s eyes linger on Veah with a calculating edge. Thanks to her . . . yes. For now.
Before I can ask what she means by for now, Hunter approaches warily. Tanaka proposed our end of the favour.
What is it ? Jude asks.
Keeping her safe. Hunter nods to me.
No, not to meto Cassie, who is beside me.
My sister ? I demand, focusing on Veah. Your plan is to keep my sister safe in the heart of gang territory ?
When I notice a few people watching me, I lower my voice.
No offense, I add. But sorry if my idea of safe is not a bunch of bloodthirsty, beer-brewing criminals !
Beer-brewing is perfectly legal, Jude snaps.
Can we talk about this ? I hiss to Veah. In private ?
There is a relaxed smirk on her face as she motions to a shadowed corner of the room. Her fingers graze my forearm lightly, and warmth runs through me.
What’s wrong ? she asks.
But I’ve lost my train of thoughther dark eyes glitter in the blue light, and her hair shines violet-black. Her mouth looks tantalizingly sweet, and if I could just close the distance . . . if I could just know, for one time, what it would be like . . .
There is feline grace in her movement as she plants one hand on the wall next to my face. Leaning towards me.
Like she might really kiss me.
This is crazy. This is really, really crazy.
I take in a shuddering breath. But she doesn’t move any closershe just looks at me. And I realize she is waiting for an answer.
What’s wrong, I repeat. What’s wrong ? What’s wrong is that your idea of keeping my sister safe is dropping her off in some underground lair ! The Mafia are not babysitters !
Maybe not, she says coolly. But they are killers. And now that Imai knows you’re with me, he might use your family as leverage. Cassie will be safe here.
I should have thought of it.
For a moment, I really miss my best friend. Tommy probably would have made a stupid joke, but it would have at least made me feel better.
Once I fake my death, though, they’ll leave Cassie alone, right ?
Veah’s eyes search mine, and she nods once. They won’t need you anymore.
But that begs the question : What did they need me for in the first place ?
Come on, Veah says, removing her hand from the wall and leaning back on her heels. There is so much agility, so much power in that one motion aloneshe straightens the lapels of her jacket, and the tip of her tongue drags over her lower lip.
She must know what she’s doing to me.
She has to know.
But right now, she seems . . . indifferent. Gone is the playful, amused girl I know from these past few daysthere is something dark and serious in the tensing of her jaw.
What’s bothering her ?
Too personal. Too intimate.
I shouldn’t care.
I don’t have to care.
Let’s go. Cassie will be safe with Hunter’s brother. You probably already know
What Hunter called you earlier, what did it mean ? I blurt out.
Nice going, Kaya. Smooth.
Chimei-tekima Megumi ? Veah says.
I nod wordlessly.
She laughs quietly, almost as if to herself. It means ‘Fatal Grace.’
Fatal Grace. A shiver runs down my spine.
And then, so confidently, so self-assured, as if there is no possible doubt in her mind that I would protest, Veah takes my hand. Lacing her fingers through mine, tugging me back towards Hunter, Jude and Cassie.
My breath catches.
Veah raises an eyebrow. A challenge.
But the feel of her skin on mine . . . it’s electric. It’s lightning, harnessed. And I . . . I don’t have a single bone in my body that would let me refuse right now.
My common sense might be having a breakdown.
Against all rational thought, I feel safe with her. The protective way her gaze lingers on me . . . this is a girl who knows how to defend herself. Who knows how to take care of what’s hers.
Am I hers ? I wonder.
No, absolutely not. I can’t . . . I can’t.
Just this once, I promise myself. Just once. Just to know what it’s like, holding her hand.
Maybe, if I hadn’t, I’d still be alive.
Just this once.
Even then, I should have known I was lying to myself.