10th June, 2004
THE large long door to Lord Lucario’s study flew open and Jasira sauntered in. She walked towards him and he was as usual sitted on his study seat and looking into a book on the table in front of him.
“Lucario?”, she called walking up to him and he snapped his head up.
He simpered. Damn! She was the only being who dares call him by name in the whole of the Mambas Organisation, no one else ever dares that.
He adores her so much and she had opted to be the father she never had, and she, the daughter he never had. They were infact, family they never had to themselves.
He had nurtured and trained her for nine years now, and she has grown into a beautiful strong lady. She was his right hand man, and had gone for so many operations and of course, returned victorious.
She had become so dreaded just like him, and had been nicknamed Queen Mafia, for she had become mafia herself. Boss J was the name they had begun calling her.
“Little cat”, he said, smiling. That was his pet name for her.
“At your service Lord Lucario”, she said and bowed as she got to him.
“You sent for me”, she added, putting her arms behind her.
She was putting on a black singlet, black trousers and black boots. On her waist was tied a black jacket. Her jet black hair graced her back.
“Yeah I did”, Lord Lucario said. “Sit”, he motioned her to the seat opposite him and she shoved back the seat and sat.
Then she folded her arms and relaxed into the seat.
Lord Lucario sighed and splayed his left hand on his face, with his elbows on the desk.
Jasira watched him, old age was gradually setting in but he has refused to admit it. She could sense it, the man was getting old.
“There is a new mission Queen Mafia”, he said removing his hand from his face, his elbows still rested on the table.
She smiled.
“What else would you be calling me for?”, she rhetorically asked and unfolded her arms, he snorted.
“What’s the mission Lucario?”, she asked.
Sighing deeply, he opened the drawer under the study desk and brought out a picture, then dropped it on the desk in front of her.
She took the picture and looked properly at it, her eyes widened in utmost shock.
Lucario looked at her and tilted his head.
“This is Tagged, the leader of the Drama boys band”, she said, looking from the picture to him.
He nodded.
“You are right Jasira, he is”, he affirmed.
She dropped the picture and folded her arms.
“So? What’s the mission then?”.
“He is a threat to a client, and he wants his mother abducted”, he said.
She scoffed.
“Just that? Abduction?”, she asked.
He nodded.
“Yeah, just that, nothing more attached, don’t kill, don’t harm”, he said.
She sighed.
“Hmm, when does he want it done?”, she asked.
“Any time from now”, he said.
“And then after abducting? Do what with her?”.
“Just keep her in your custody, until my client rings for further development”.
She nodded.
“Consider it done Lord”, she said and shoved back her seat.
“Not so fast little cat”, he said to her, selecting out a stick of cigarette from the pack lying on the desk.
“What again?”, she asked and shoved back the seat.
He lit up the cigarette with a lighter and began smoking. She crumpled her nose and waved her left hand as the smoke filled the air.
“Told you so many times to quit this, but you wouldn’t listen, ahh”, she said with a disgust face, waving her hand in a bid to prevent the smoke from coming to her.
He smiled wryly.
“You know I can’t daughter, I have been into this for a long time, longer before you were dreamt of being born”, he said smiling sheepishly.
She scoffed and looked at him, he had always said that.
“Heard your grandmother Cara is dead”, he said.
She scoffed.
“Heard so too”, she said looking emotionless, there was no iota of loss in her.
Nine years ago after she had escaped the house, Grandma Cara had begun the search for her. She found her finally, but in the custody of the most dreaded mafia Lord, Lord Lucario.
She had no other option, but to let sleeping dogs lie. Though Jasira do visits her sometimes, but she always went with the mafia guards, so Grandma Cara just couldn’t do anything to get her back, her hands were tied.
It was just recently when she turned fifteen, that she stopped visiting, until now, when she heard of the news of her death.
“And your uncle Zach?”, he asked.
“I don’t know anything about him, and I don’t care to”, she said carelessly.
He nodded knowingly and dismissed her, waving his left hand.
“You can go, be fast to accomplish the mission, there are more ahead”, he said to her.
“I know Lucario, I will be on it”, she said and got up, then bowed.
Lord Lucario watched her turned and walked out of the study and he smiled. As much as he knew, Jasira has grown so fast, into the woman he had always wanted for her.
Jasira walked along the hallway which was a little dark, she met people at intervals as she went, maids and the members of the organisation alike. They all bowed, greeting as she walked by.
Then she came by a small sitting room, about ten people were sitted on the sofas around, seven males, three females. Chattering, laughing and gisting.
They were all between the ages of twenty five to forty plus. Jasira obviously, was the youngest.
She walked in and they all got up immediately, taking their arms behind them and looking downwards.
The once noisy room was now quiet as her slightly muscular physique entered the room, looking from one face to the other.
One of them standing at the far end was putting on a black mask, she slightly frowned and walked up to him, then forcefully removed the mask from his face and threw it on him.
“Told you guys to put on mask only when you are on operation”, she said bluntly and walked away from him to their center.
“Sit”, she growled and they all sat.
“There is a mission on ground”, she said looking into their faces.
They all kept an expressionless face, as they listened.
“The abduction of Tagged’s mother”, she let it out.
They began glancing at each other. Tagged? Why Tagged? Tagged was the leader of the Drama boys band, a singing and dancing band of about four boys.
“Tagged?”, someone asked.
“Yep, his mother. The mission is to abduct her”, she said, licking her lips, and tapping her right foot on the floor.
“How do we go about it?”, another asked.
She smiled.
“That is why I’m here. You know it’s a very tight thing trying to get her, it’s somehow perilous as the security always with her seems tight, so tight”, she said fisting her right hand in demonstration.
“I guess that’s the reason Lord Lucario has chosen us, I mean my gang. First, we need to know how her movements goes each day, then secondly, study the security, and lastly, arm ourselves and strike an attack”, she said.
They all made a sigh of relief, problem half solved.
“This may seem impossible but, we have always emerged victorious and this isn’t gonna be an exception. So I’m going to assign each of you as usual”, she looked from one person to another.
“Mico”, she called.
“Boss J”, he replied as he got up, then bowed.
“You are to take care of her movements, study and tell us how she moves, where she goes, where she comes from and her very next place of destination”, she said with an air of authority.
“Noted boss J”, he said and sat down.
“Damon”, she called again and the guy she had unmasked earlier on got up.
“Boss J”, he said bowing.
“You study the security, how tight it is and how armed they are”, she said.
“Noted boss”, and he sat down.
“Good, I give you guys two days, just two to accomplish this”, she said and raised up two of her fingers to drive home her fact.
“Noted boss”, Mico and Damon replied in unison.
“So, when they are back with their findings, then we scheme out how best to launch an attack”, she said, “noted?”, she asked and they all nodded.
“Noted Boss J”, they replied in unison.
She nodded smirking, and walked out of the room.