Her words had gotten faster and faster. Finally she drew a deep breath, leaned over and gave me one of her deep, soul stirring kisses, and got up. She paused at the door.
“One more thing. If you choose me, make sure your fire extinguishers are up to date, ’cause I’ll scorch the sheets, the furniture, and anything else you take me on. Bye, baby. Call one or the other of us soon.”
And she was gone.
I felt like a seventeen year old trying to decide who to take to the prom on one hand, and my namesake the coyote on the other, suddenly finding myself over the cliff with an anvil instead of a parachute.
Ultimately, the decision was taken out of my hands, even after I made it.
I was on my way to the apartment with a doctors report in my hand. Sammi was at work and I knew she would be there alone.
I knocked on the door, and she literally knocked me down, crying hysterically. At first I thought it was for me, but it wasn’t.
“She’s had a stroke, Wiley! They need me there right away. I have to go, now. What am I going to do?”
I stroked her arms, trying to get her to calm down.
“Who had a stroke, honey?”
“Mom! She’s in a coma, they need me right away. I’m her designated guardian, they can’t really do anything but keep her stable until I get there. Help me, Wiley, please.”
She had told me she was an only child, raised by her mother. I knew they were close. She talked to her at least twice a week, sometimes more.
“Hush, baby. First thing you need to do is pack. “I’ll call and get you a ticket while you’re doing that, then I’ll take you to the airport.”
Her mom lived 900 miles away. Sandy hadn’t been home in a year. Even with good tips, bar waitresses don’t make that much. She didn’t have a car.
“I don’t have the money for a ticket. She might be dying, oh God!”
“I’ll pay for the ticket, get packed.”
Instead of arguing, she just turned and went into her room. I called, they had a flight leaving in an hour, we could just make it. I booked the ticket.
“Hurry, you’ve got less than an hour.”
It wasn’t neat but we got her packed and to the airport with ten minutes to spare. Not much time.
As we drove I asked if she had any money on her. She hadn’t even thought of that. We didn’t have time to stop at an ATM, so I gave her what I had in my pocket, about $600.
“I can’t take this much.”
“Yes you can. You don’t know what you’re going to run into. You can give it back when you return.”
“I’ve made a decision, Sandy. It’s-
She stopped me.
“Don’t tell me now. I need to deal with mom. I don’t know how long I’ll be gone. I’ll call you when I can.”
“Please honey, not now. I have to go. I need to tell you I love you. I really love you.”
She gave me a hard kiss and went through the lines. I didn’t know it at the time, but it was the last lovers’ kiss I would ever get from her.
The band was booked for a month in advance. I could have gotten one of my friends between bands to take my place, but Sandy told me to not come, her mom was in a coma and there was nothing I could do. I asked if she had anyone was with her, and she said John and Carrie were helping her. We told each other “I love you” every phone call. It made me good to hear her say it, but when I started talking about the future she would shut me down. Plenty of time later, she would say.
After six weeks I could hear her getting distant, quiet. She didn’t talk long, and the last two times when I said I love you she just said bye.
Enough was enough. I got a buddy to cover and drove out to see her. I took my time and was there in two days. I went straight to the hospital and asked for her. I told the nurse we were engaged, she gave me an odd look.
She told me she hadn’t been in to see her mother in two days, and wouldn’t give me an address. Apparently being engaged. I called Sandy, she answered on the third ring.
“Hi, babe, How’s your mom?’
“Still the same. I sit by her everyday waiting for a change. I’m starting to lose hope.”
“Are you there now?”
“Yes right here beside her.”
Ever hook a string and have it start unraveling? I felt like someone just pulled my string.
“Well, Good news. I got some time off and I’m on my way to see you.”
“You don’t need to come, Wiley. There’s nothing you can do here.”
Her voice was a bit off.
“I could be with you. I miss you. Besides, I’m about 45 minutes away. I’ll see you soon.”
I hung up before she could form a response. I went down to the lobby to wait,. It was a small regional hospital and I felt sure she would come in the front entrance.
About thirty minutes later I saw an SUV pull up to the entrance. I could clearly see Sandy in the passenger seat. She opened the door to get out, then leaned in and gave the driver a long hard kiss. It was not a friend kiss. She ruffled his hair and turned to go in. By then I was standing right behind her.
She turned with a smile on her face. The smile faded when she saw me.
“How long have you been here?”
“About ninety minutes.”
“That’s it. Oh? You didn’t want me to come and see you. When I get here you’re not and lie about it. I was standing right outside your mothers room when I called you. What’s going on? And I saw the kiss.”
“Let’s go in and talk, maybe get some coffee.”
I wasn’t going back into that hospital.
“No, I’m fine right here. Get right to it. Am I in your life or not. No excuses, no explanations. Just the truth. Do we have a future or not? Yes or no will do.”
She had the decency to look sad.
“I didn’t want you to find out like this. I didn’t mean-”
I shut her off.
“I’ll take that as a no. Goodbye Sandy.”
I heard her running after me. I turned and held up my hand.
“John or Carry?”
She hung her head.
“Carry” she whispered.
“Don’t follow me.”
I turned, went to my van , and backed out. I could see her fading in my rear view mirror.
And that was how the first toxic twin screwed me over.