The Bitch’s Car:Ep>6

Book:Horny Wives Revenge (erotica) Published:2024-8-26

We quickly hooked up with George and Lynn, a couple we knew from the bar. I liked Lynn, but George seemed a little oily.
We got a table and ordered drinks. When the music started she grabbed me and we spent the next thirty minutes on the floor. Surprisingly, most musicians aren’t good dancers. Too busy playing to learn I guess. I could dance fairly well, but had exhausted all my moves quickly. I dragged her off the floor to take a break and get something to drink. Seven bucks for a coke.
Sammi was swaying in her chair, George was bouncing in his chair, Lynn and I were just trying to catch our breath. Lynn looked at me and said “Should we turn them loose for a bit?”
I thought about it. This could be a test. If Sammi goes onto the floor without my input any relationship we could have would be over instantly. If she clears it with me first or flat out refuses her stock would go up quickly. I nodded yes.
She bent over and said something to George. He looked at me and got Sammi up. At first she refused and then looked at me.
“Do you mind?”
“Not if it’s just dancing.”
She leaned over and gave me a quick kiss.
“I knew you had potential.”
Off she went. They danced twice, and then a slow song started. He reached for her, but she stopped him and came back to me.
“Come on babe, let’s get close.”
And we did. She molded her body into mine and we swayed to the music. She didn’t exactly grind on me, but made sure no dead space got between us.
We danced a few more fast numbers and then she took a break. She held my hand while we sat. Some guy we didn’t know came over and asked her to dance. She just held my hand tighter and didn’t say a thing. He got the hint and left.
We danced until two. She danced a couple more times with George, and when neither of us wanted to she grabbed Lynn and hauled her onto the floor. I liked to watch her dance. Swinging and swaying, body parts shooting off in all directions only to be snapped back to center at the last minute.
I found her outfit interesting. Bright red short shorts, a yellow scoop neck form fitting top that seemed to dare her breasts to fall out, and red three inch heels. It looked a lot like a brighter version of what she wore to work. I asked her about it a couple months later and she said she was used to it and didn’t it make her look hot? Couldn’t argue with that.
We went to a nearby IHOP for coffee. Lynn and George joined us, and George invited us over to party, and by us I mean Sams’ boobs. Both Lynn and Sam looked disgusted. We declined.
On the way home she thanked me for allowing her to dance with George.
“I’m glad you’re not one of those jealous guys.”
“I am a bit of a jealous guy, but you gave me no reason to be. You asked me if it was okay first, and stayed where I could see you. When that guy asked you without clearing it with me and you shot him down. I trust you because you give me no reason not to. The first time you do otherwise, we’ll stop dating. Life’s too short.”
I was giving her a message, and she got it.
I walked her to her door at 4:00 a. m. The goodnight kisses started slow but got steamier. At the end I was sure she was trying to verify that my tonsils had been removed with her tongue. Then the porch light flipped on. She drew back.
“Bitch!” She hissed.
“Payback.” I laughed.
That’s right, they were roommates. I didn’t know it until I asked Sammi out and asked where to pick her up and she said “You were just there yesterday. Have you already forgotten?
“You mean you and Sandy are living together?”
“I would say roommates, living together takes on a whole new meaning.”
They both assured me they were comfortable with it , But I had my doubts. I wasn’t.
It was kind of creepy kissing a girl good night while the girl you were kissing yesterday could be watching you through the blinds.
This couldn’t go on much longer, and it came to a head about a month later. Sandy was on my couch. We had been getting progressively more passionate, and she had about two thirds of a bottle of wine in her. I had the lights low, a fire going, and I had gotten farther than I ever had before. I had been nuzzling her neck and nipping her earlobes, something I knew turned her on. She had a button up blouse on instead of her usual tee. I was caressing her through the material, and gently undid a button. Instead of stopping me she pushed forward. Encouraged, I undid another. And another. Soon I was on my knees kissing her throat, her shoulders, and her breasts above her bra. It was a front clasp bra, and soon it was dangling and I had one of her thick, plump nipples in my mouth. Rolling across my tongue, the sweet/salt flavor was so good I had to taste the other. Even better. She was arching forwards, trying to thrust her entire mammary gland down my throat. I was trying my best to swallow it, but losing.
Abandoning those impressive badges of womanhood I slowly nibbled down her stomach, circling her navel, licking along the waistband of her jeans. She was making soft, whispering sounds and caressing the back of my head. I was tugging at her snap when she pushed me back.
“STOP! Please Wiley, stop.”
The blood wasn’t flowing uphill for me so it took a minute to adjust.
“Don’t you like it?”
She had my head in her hands, staring into my eyes.
“Yes I do baby, very much. I think my panties melted, I’m so hot. But I won’t, not without some ground rules.”
Uncharitably, I thought she should have brought this up thirty minutes ago. If you’re a guy, I’m sure at one time or another you’ve had an erection that actually hurts. I was aching. Honestly, between romancing both girls I had gone the longest without sex in my adult life. I wanted to end the dry spell.
“What rules?”
She had the decency to close her top and motion me to sit beside her.
“Wiley, by now you must know I’m half in love with you, maybe more than half. You’re the sweetest, most considerate man I’ve ever been with. Most guys would have given up on me by now. If you want me, I’m yours. But it has to be just me, understand? And I know about your past, some of the guys from the other bands that play my club have talked. As heartless as it sounds, if you choose me I’ll want a clean bill of health from you, understand?”
Well, it was what it was. Sometimes history can bite you in the ass.
“Please don’t answer me now. Think about it hard. Just know, if you’re sure, I’ll be worth the wait.”
She wiped the tears away and asked me to take her home. It was a quiet ride, but she held tightly to my hand.
I walked her to the door. Her kiss was soft, chaste, but wonderful.
“Call me in a few days, my darling Wiley.”
She made a sound halfway between a sigh and a sob and closed the door.
I didn’t sleep much that night.
If my life wasn’t complicated enough, guess who showed up on my door step the next day. Sammi.
“We need to talk, Wiley.”
Damn, how men hate to hear those words.
Blasting by me, she settled on the couch. Patting it , she motioned for me to sit beside her. Just like Sandy the night before. Deja vu all over again.
“I’ll cut to the chase Wiley. Sandy talked to me last night, actually she cried on my shoulder. This makes what I’m going to say made me feel like a louse.”
She leaned over and gave me a long, long kiss.
Drawing back, she cried out “I’m in love with you!”
“I’ve never been with anyone who treats me as well as you do. You make me feel like a woman, not some piece of meat you want to use.”
I felt like a fish out of water, opening and closing my mouth, trying to form words. She place her hand over my mouth.
“Don’t talk, do what you do well, listen to me. I know I’m a little wilder than Sandy, and sometimes you do things you don’t really want to just to make me happy, but I try not to abuse that trust. I ‘ll do anything you want if we get together. You know both of us get miserable when the other is with you. If you choose me, you’ll never regret it, I promise.”