
Book:Dom&Little Academy Published:2024-8-25

Sophia POV
Daddy and Uncle Vincent tried to explain about Elise, Alex and Dante. But the thing is before they told us, in Dimitri office we did something we shouldn’t have done, we went running to the office cause we were fighting, Rory called me stupid.
Instead of finding Vincent we saw Alex and Dante!! Together they were kissing and Alex pants were down his back to us , he had red finger marks on his behind, I know these are spanking marks I had them on my behind more than once and I saw them on Rory.
I screamed I didn’t know what to do and I think I scared Rory too and he screamed along. After the guys got us they explained everything, making what we discovered online a lot worst.
I didn’t have internet connection back at my mother’s house and we’re not allowed any in school, not for littles anyway. Rory and I, we talked each other in to using daddy’s laptop and searching the name “Vitale” there were tone of news, some criminal, some about a war that’s been on? Really there was a war? And finally the thing that got our eyes most, a gossip magazine had a photo of dante, alex and Elise dancing together, the magazine went on about Dante and his two new subs and he’s in a three way relation.
We tried googling about that but most results were about cheating, how if one sub isn’t enough the Dom will seek someone else. We also searched about Vincent and Dimitri before us they did have other relation, some magazine called them playboys.
I asked Rory if he think we’re enough for the guys and he said yes of course and cleaned our history. When I tried asking again he called me stupid and we started yelling at each other. I went to Vincent office to tell him, it wasn’t nice of him to call me stupid.
I kept thinking about that, does daddy miss the other subs he had before. Does he want someone other than me, am I not enough for him. The next morning I went to sit next to Rory he’s my friend he should take my side, it’s what friends do. But instead he said to tell Dimitri, ask him if I want and he’ll assure me that I’m more than enough.
It wasn’t what I wanted to hear so I stomped away mad and went to daddy. I was mad at Rory and stayed mad at him, he didn’t try to talk to me afterwards and neither did I.
We stayed like that for a full week, me and Rory mad at each other, and me clinging to Dimitri more than usual. I’m not as independent as Rory is, I like to stay close to Dimitri and let him do most things to me. No wonder I’m younger then Rory in my little head space.
Friday we had little activities together, Alex, ellie and Justin were supervising us along our teacher miss Blair. Rory was playing on the monkey bar while I was playing on the swings. Since Rory is so short it was fun watching him play, his legs were too far up to touch the ground or just jump down, when he was halfway on the bars Justin came over.
I frowned and watched the scene, Justin grabbed Rory waist, his hand roaming on Rory’s body. I saw my friend struggle and try to push him off but if he take his hand off he’ll fall unless Justin lift him.
They stayed like that for couple minutes until Rory got enough and screamed wanting down, Miss Blair ran toward them and I heard Justin saying he was just helping Rory since he’s so small.
I went over to my friend who was now crying, what Justin did is harassment. I hugged Rory close to me and tried to calm him down, when he finally calmed enough I said.
“Rory you should tell Vincent”
“No I don’t want to” ~Rory
“But he’ll keep doing this and that’s not okay” ~Sophia
“I don’t want tell Vincent” Rory almost yell
“Then I’ll tell him you can’t let him touch you like this” I yelled back
“If you tell Vincent I’ll tell Dimitri about how you’re afraid he’ll get another sub” Rory yelled
We kept yelling and threatening each other, yelling each other secret for the whole class to hear.
No one tried to stop us which was weird. Usually we’re not allowed to yell at each other or fight, we’ve been doing both for the last five minutes.
I got enough from fighting and turn to walk away when I see the reason why nobody stopped us, Vincent and Dimitri. Both standing there arms crossed over their chest, their eyes dark and their lips set in a flat line.
“I’ll take care of mine and you do of yours” ~Dimitri
“I think it’s better if we separate them for a while” ~Vincent
“Agreed” ~Dimitri.
They don’t waste any time Dimitri lift me off the ground, Vincent does the same. They don’t take us back to our dorms, they walk toward their cars. We each get in one car and drive off.
I think I really messed up this time and I have a feeling I’m not going to see my friends for a while.