Ariana’s pov~
I can’t say the exact time I slept off on the ride to his private airstrip but When I woke up later the next day I awoke to the sight of a glass room overlooking the beautiful ocean.
The cold breeze from the ocean filled the room as curtains blew in every direction.
My eyes opened lightly, I looked around the room, it looked cosy, and I soon realized that I was in a beach house. I got out of bed and looked around for any signs of Silvio, and then I proceeded to look outside the nearby window.
People moved around freely.
I saw two women chattering as they passed, surely I could get help, contact Mateo and tell him where I was.
I headed for the door, and as I opened it I was shocked to see Silvio standing there, he was holding a shopping bag in one hand and a small food tray in the other.
“I see you are awake,” he said as he stepped in and closed the door behind him,
“this is not Madrid, This is one of my father’s smaller islands, you are not a prisoner here, you are a guest and you will be treated as one” he mentioned while he set the food tray and bag on the table.
he wore an aloha top, half-buttoned revealing hard looking abs that looked chiselled.
he wore a loose cream coloured pants and comfortable footwear.
I studied his face carefully as the words left his lips, “why am I here Silvio, I’m not looking to get married again or have my child’s father killed” I asked, moving away as he reached for my hand.
“Like I told you that night Ariana, since the moment I laid eyes on you, I have wanted you, and you are mine by right” he remarked.
” Just indulge me for the next three days and if you think you want to go back to Mateo, then I will return you” he offered, I looked at him wide-eyed, surprised but still curious as to the result of this unusual offer.
“I don’t understand this Silvio, Mateo and I are already married, and he will most definitely be looking for me, I don’t want the blood of your soldiers on my hands,” I said, he grabbed my arm gently and pulled me close to him.
Silvio had this intense masculine aura about him that exuded authority, he commanded respect in every room he walked in.
he was calm, his dirt blond hair seemed to cascade to his big shoulders, I was forced to breathe in his air, and he smelled like the sandy beach.
his musk seemed to send my feminine hormones into a spiral, but in his arms, I felt surprisingly calm.
“I’m not going to hurt you, Ariana, everything on this island I had prepared for you, I was going to bring you here after our wedding,” he said.
“I brought you fresh clothes, I’ll leave you to change, I’ll be back to pick you up, how does surfing sound?” he asked as he managed a small smile.
“I’m pregnant, I don’t know if…..”
“I won’t let you go, I promise… I’ll be right there holding your hand” he interjected, his hazel eyes looked genuine the way the morning light bounced off it,
“okay fine, three days Silvio, after that you let me go”
“Ariana you are not a prisoner here, I want you to see this as the start of the honeymoon we never got to have,” he said, taking my hand and kissing it lightly,
“I’m sorry I had to steal you away, but that was the only way I could get you here, I need you to trust me love” he mentioned again, I nodded my head in understanding.
” don’t be alarmed if you feel followed, they are guards I have stationed in place to protect you” I heard him say.
“I’m sorry your experiences have been horrible the past few days but I want to assure you I never sent anyone after your life,” he said, he kissed my forehead and proceeded to walk toward the door.
“I’m not the monster everyone thinks I am,” he said before closing the door behind him, leaving me confused about his true intentions.
I slumped to the bed and screamed into my pillow in frustration, just a few days ago I was jumping off a plane and now I’ve been whisked off to a tropical paradise where my possessive husband can’t find me.
Is this a blessing?
Did the universe finally hear me?
I decided I was going to make the most of it, I deserve a break from the chaos that has been my life.
Away from my manipulative and hateful father who wants me to spy on my husband, I wondered if Mateo was searching for me or if he had moved on to the next thing with hot legs and a big ass.
I shrugged the thought away, grabbed the food tray and ate a few grapes, the tastiest I had ever eaten, they looked like they were freshly plucked from the vine.
after a while showered, I looked in the shopping bag and I saw this beautiful gold decorated two-piece bikini that he got me alongside a simple yellow sun gown.
it was free and it stopped above the knee, I smiled as I spun around in the mirror amazed at how cute I looked.
I sat and waited for the amazing day ahead that I had been promised. Three hours passed and Silvio didn’t show up, I got a knock on the door, I moved to open it and a smiling elderly looking woman stood at the door, she held a big bouquet.
“Miss Ariana” she started, I was close to correcting her but then I realized that it didn’t matter, no one knew who I was here, nor my husband.
“Yes,” I replied,
“Don Argento extends his heartfelt apology, he couldn’t make it earlier, he was caught up in a meeting” she informed me.
“Oh,” I exclaimed in a low tone as I collected the flower she offered.
“He would also like for you to join him on his island tour, he is waiting for you” she smiled gesturing to the car parked out front with two men standing outside.
I smiled at her.
“All alright” I replied as I followed her, they drove me to the dock, where I saw a beautiful white boat waiting, I saw Silvio on the deck.
he was on the phone but when he saw me he put the phone away and waved at me, I was sceptical but I responded with a warm smile.
He came personally to welcome me,
“you look beautiful, just as I envisioned,” he said, I smiled warmly again.
“thank you Silvio” I replied, I did feel beautiful, I could feel myself lighten up, and he revealed a diamond bracelet from a case he brought out of his pocket, He put it around my wrist.
“Do you like the gift? I’m sorry I couldn’t come earlier” he apologized, gesturing at the bracelet on my wrist,
“yes I love it thank you” I responded, touching it lightly, he smiled as I did.
He stretched out his hand for me as I attempted to climb up the steps of the boat.
i took his hand, but it seemed the steps were slippery and I lost my balance.
i felt myself falling backwards into the gentle waves below but Silvio grabbed me instinctively, a smooth reflex action.
“I told you, I’ve got you love”