I love you Ce. Always and forever. No matter what. I spoke the the last words she had spoken to me before Kent took her life.
I stood and dusted my dress off, my hands shaking as the count in my mind reached forty.
Happy Birthday Lil’ Sis. I whispered as I reached forty-five.
NOW ! Emilio’s voice filled the cemetery and I bolted toward the church.
I replayed Emilio’s words in my mind, …run to the far side of that building. Don’t look back and no matter what you hear, you stay there.
Angry shouts sounded and I could make out the revving of an engine and the squeal of tires. From the corner of my eye, I could see a black sedan approaching fast from a hidden dirt road on my left, an angry glare on the man’s face as the car came closer.
A door slung open and a voice I didn’t recognized called behind me, Lea. I would stop if I were you.
They sounded so much like what Carter had said all those weeks ago, but I knew that unlike then, if I stopped and gave in to the deadly command, that my life wouldn’t be spared. I shook my head as I continued to run and refused to look back as the man cursed. My lungs were on fire and my limbs were quivering, but I continued to push myself closer to the church.
I could hear gunfire and cringed as the cries for mercy sounded from behind me. The shrillness of a woman’s scream filling my ears sent a cold chill down my spine, Victoria. I blocked out the thought and the mixed emotions as another shot filled the air.
Everything seemed to be happening as if I stepped in to a fog. I couldn’t process what was taking place as a burning sensation tore through my thigh. I stumbled and suppressed a scream at the fire spreading through my leg. Tears filled my eyes at the pain coursing through me and I held my hands out in front of me as I started to crash face first into the solid ground.
But the impact never came. Instead, strong arms wrapped around my waist and pulled me back to reality and onto the back of a motorcycle. Xian’s thickly accented voice sounded over the roar of the bike that skidded to a stop inches from me, Hold on tight Lea.
I wrapped my hands around Xian, clutching his waist with a death grip as he spun the bike in the direction of the abandoned church. I looked back toward Cece’s grave, squeezing my eyes closed at the sight of the bodies that were laying within inches of her memorial, their mingling blood darkening the ground where she laid.
Xian revved the engine to the bike and fishtailed as a second car came at us. I could feel his body tense as he fought to steady the bike and hissed through gritted teeth, Miguel.
I barely registered the name as the wind howling in my ears deafening me and we left the cemetery. We weaved in and out of what little traffic there was, my heart pounding against my chest as Xian accelerated once more. I laid my head against his back and listened to his steady heartbeat, wondering how in the hell he could be so calm at a time like this.
Xian kept up the deadly pace as I clung to him as he took a couple of turns and tried to out maneuver the car behind us. I tightened my grip as we continued at the break neck speed. We took one last sharp turn and came into a clearing. As we neared the back edge of the field and started to where another road lay, a gunshot and then an explosion caused the motorcycle to start tumbling sideways. I felt Xian push off the bike and pull me into him and flipping us over so that he absorbed the bone shattering blow.
I lay on top of Xian, momentarily frozen from the impact, the now mangled bike laying just a few feet away and the back tire laying in pieces around it.
Run Lea. Xian’s pleading words ripped through my soul. I looked down at the man beneath me. Pain filled eyes stared back at me and blood seeped from the left corner of his mouth. Now.
No. I’m not leaving.., Xian cut my words off.
It’s not up for debate Lea.
Xian, my words were cut short as I was pulled off the man that had saved me and the barrel of a gun once again caressed my temple.
I bit back a cry of aggravation. What in the hell had I done to deserve this ? Who up there in the great unknown hated me so much that my life had to filled with nothing but constant bullshit ? All I wanted was a simple and mundane life, was that too much to freaking ask for ?
Let her go Miguel. Xian’s voice was venomous.
I can’t do that. You know this. Miguel moved the weapon’s cold steel down my cheek and up under my chin. She is the key to everything I want, everything I desire. Miguel’s voice was low and seductive. I can see why Carter couldn’t put a bullet in her. Even bleeding out, you are a sight to behold.
He lowered his lips to my shoulder and flicked out his tongue. Tastes good too. I shivered, not in desire or want, but from disgust and fear. Mm, I think I’ll have fun with you Lea.
I swallowed roughly, finally finding my voice as I threw my elbow into the man’s stomach, Only in your freaking dreams asshole.
Miguel simply laughed and he held me tighter. Ah, feisty too. Just like I like them. I think you’ll like my interrogation chamber Lea. The things I can do to you there will have you screaming my name and begging me for mercy. He clucked his tongue, I can only assume that Eva isn’t faring much better with Carter and Darrell.
I stilled, my heart dropping into my chest as Miguel continued to hold me close to him with one hand and pointed the other at Xian’s broken body. I started shaking, the adrenaline wearing off and the pain from my leg intensifying. I had to distract him, I couldn’t let him kill Xian.
What, what do you mean, Eva isn’t faring much better ? my voice quivered as I spoke, his words sinking in.
HM. How much do I tell you ? Miguel mocked me as his breath fanned my neck. How much would it break Carter for you to know all about his chamber of pain and what he is doing to poor Eva right now.
Don’t listen to him Lea. Xian’s hissed out as he tried to push himself into a sitting position. He’s only saying that to cause you to doubt Boss.
Really Xian, because if I remember correctly, Eva told me that you spent quite a bit of your first day with Carter there.
Xian stiffened as I found his eyes.
Xian ? my heart was breaking again.
Xian ignored me as he glared at Miguel, Eva ?
She really was the perfect bitch for the job, don’t you think ? Revenge is a great way to control someone. By making her think that Carter was responsible for her parents’ deaths all those years ago, I have been able to get closer to what I have wanted since he became a threat. Miguel buried his head in my neck, taking a deep breath before continuing, Mm, you smell so sweet Lea. Maybe Carter won’t be too hard on her, seeing as how you unknowingly had her start questioning where her loyalties lie.
I tried to pull away, thrashing about in Miguel’s arms, but the cocking of the gun next to my temple caused me to still. Uh, uh, uh. It would be a shame for me to have to dispose of you before we got to have some fun Lea.
You’re a sick bastard, just like Victoria, I spat out.
We don’t have to worry about her now, do we ?
I thought back to the bodies laying by Cece’s grave, Wesley and Victoria’s eyes staring lifelessly at the clear blue sky along with two bodies I didn’t recognize. My answer was terse, No.
Movement from the treeline caused Miguel to tense. He took a step back, dragging me with him so that he could see both Xian and the person emerging from the woods’ edge.
How nice of you to finally join us Emilio. Miguel relaxed and tilted his head toward the cemetery, I take it you took care of everything back there ?
Emilio held Miguel’s gaze, Yes.
Good, good. Miguel pointed to Xian, Now you can finish up with him while I get this one back to the car.
Emilio looked from Miguel to Xian then to me. I looked the man over and noticed the blood covering his shirt and running down his arm. I started to struggle against the monster holding me. As Miguel pulled me backwards, Emilio pulled a Glock from the waist band of his pants and aimed it at Xian.
Of course, Boss. Emilio held my eyes as he cocked the weapon. His finger began to squeeze the trigger, his eyes never leaving mine.
A fleeting softness flashed over Emilio’s face as he spun the gun my way. I could hear a hint of regret once again in his words as the sound of the gun firing filled my ears and darkness slowly took over my being, Breath Lea. Just breath.