A scream tore from my throat as I watched Miller’s body jerk and then land hard onto the floor of the plane. As a pool of dark liquid started to seep from underneath him, his breaths became rapid and he started to pale.
I struggled against Lynx, my voice rising in hysteria, Let me go !
Lynx held on tighter. I could hear Carter’s voice echo through my head, Get out of the situation , Lea.
I slammed my heel onto the top of Lynx’s foot and sent my elbow into his stomach. My actions caught him of guard, causing him to loosen his grip on me.
Lea, no.
I wiggled out of his arms and fell to Miller’s side.
My hands were shaking as I grasped his shirt and ripped the cotton material open. I fought back tears as the blood flowed freely from the wound above his left breast. I ripped a section of the shirt off and balled it in my fist before shoving it into the small gaping hole and applying pressure in hopes of stopping the bleeding.
Pity, looks like Carter looses one today.
I couldn’t understand how someone could be so cruel and let out out a scream of anger as I stood and rushed Victoria.
You bitch. I felt rough arms grab me and pin me into a solid chest.
I should have known that I wouldn’t be able to get close to her. I was blinded by rage and hadn’t thought my actions through.
Miller was my friend, a human being who had just risked his life for me. He was one of Carter’s most trusted guards as well as his friend. And he was Darrell’s brother-in-law. But yet here Victoria was, talking as if he were some thing lying in the street, as if his life didn’t mean anything to anyone.
I could hear Lynx’s voice in the distance yelling for me to calm down. I spun my head in his direction and froze. He was backed against the far side of the plane, his hands in the air with watchdog number one standing in front of him, his gun pressed into Lynx’s forehead. I heard the weapon cock and turned back to Victoria.
My voice broke as I spoke, You win Victoria. I’ll go with you. Please, just let them go.
Victoria stepped up and cupped my face. That is all I wanted Lea, but your stubbornness had to get in the way didn’t it ? She forced me to look at Miller’s still body, her voice whispering tauntingly in my ear. Look at what it caused, Lea. His death is on you. Just. Like. Cecily’s.
I swallowed the bile that rose in the back of my throat and closed my eyes, unable to stop the flow of tears that fell down my cheek.
Let’s go. Victoria paused as she turned back, looking at Lynx over her shoulder, And Lynx, send my regards to my son and Darrell when you get back to the house.
The guard holding me flung me toward the plane door. I glanced back before exiting, Lynx’s eye locking with mine. He nodded once before I turned back and followed Victoria down the stair way.
* * * * * * * * *
I sat in the limo, silent as Victoria and her guards watched me. I refused to look at them, instead, I focused on the blood that coated my hands Miller’s blood.
I had looked back into the plane one last time as watchdog number one shoved me down the stair way. Lynx was kneeling over Miller, his jaw clenched as he pumped Miller’s chest. I could hear the grief in his voice as he cursed Victoria and her guards for all they were worth, making promises to Miller that the guard responsible would pay with his life for what he had done.
As we made our way to an unknown destination, I couldn’t feel anything except the numbness that was filling my body, mind, and soul. Just like Cece’s death was my fault, it was my fault that Miller had been shot.
If I would have just behaved, if I would have just gotten up and went with them, if I would have..
You should have realized it was bound to happen Lea. The way he hoovered over you, you would think he was the one in love with you, not Carter.
I raised my eyes to Victoria’s, my voice so calm that I didn’t recognize it. Go to hell Victoria.
As long as I get to take you with me, Lea.
I looked out the window, taking in the faintly familiar scenery.
We will be arriving at the hotel in less than a hour. You will have thirty minutes to clean up and change into this, Victoria stated nonchalantly as watchdog number one held out a bag.
I raised my eyebrows, but kept my hands in my lap, refusing to take it. As he threw the bag into the seat beside me, the man shot me a deadly look. You know, this would be much easier for you if you just cooperated.
I ignored the guard’s words as I held Victoria’s gaze. Where are you taking me ?
You’ll see soon enough Lea.
I laid my head back, took a deep breath, and closed my eyes. I don’t how long I was out before I gasped and snapped my head up as the memory of seeing Miller rushing to protect me, and then falling to the floor of the plane, assaulted my mind.
Just in time. Victoria’s sickening sweet voice made me want to vomit.
The door to the limo opened and rough hands reached in and clasped tightly around my arm, Let’s go.
I didn’t bother to struggle as I knew it wouldn’t have done any good. The guard pulled me through the doors of the small hotel while Victoria went to the front desk, retrieving a key card. She thanked the ogling desk clerk and sashayed her hips for his benefit as she met us at the elevator.
You’re one sick woman, you know that ? I spoke quietly as the door closed behind us and watchdog number one pushed the button for the penthouse suite. It really is no wonder why everyone in the house hates you so much.
I knew I was treading dangerous waters, but I couldn’t hold back my feelings for Victoria any longer.
You’re vile and repugnant. A disgrace to mothers, wives, and women in general.
I watched as the smirk on Victoria’s face disappeared and was replaced with a tight line. As I continued to speak, the victorious gleam in her eyes disappeared and was replaced with pure, raw hatred.
It really is a wonder how someone could have ever loved a woman like you. So cold, so full of hate, so self-centered. What was it that made you like this Victoria ? Who fucked you up so badly that you can’t stand to see Carter happy, that you have to allow your misery with life to affect those around you ?
I caught a glimpse of her hand being reared back. As she struck out, I heard Lynx and Miller’s voice in my head. Duck and counter.
I ducked and formed a tight fist, letting all my hurt and rage fly behind it. I caught Victoria’s chin with a right hook before her guard gripped my waist and pinned me back to his chest.
Victoria wiped the blood from her lip and stepped nose to nose with me. I see someone has been teaching you the basics. Too bad that isn’t going to save you Lea.
I kicked out, hoping to make contact with her knee. She sidestepped and tusked. Feisty now, are we ? Maybe I should just keep you for myself.
You have a deal with Boss, watchdog number two growled out. Go back on it and you know what will happen Victoria.
Boss. Boss ? Who the hell is he talking about ?
You’re betraying Carter ? My heart dropped and my voice came out as a whisper, Why would you do that ?
Victoria cocked her head and her narrowed eyes focused on me sideways. There is someone in the house that wants Carter to suffer as much as they have. She paused as she reached out and stroked my cheek. And I want the power back that he has slowly taken from me since his idiot father forced my hand all those years ago. Together we break Carter by using you and we both get what we want. It’s a win win situation. Don’t you think Lea ?
I spat in Victoria’s face, I think you are sick and you need help.
Maybe so Lea, but, I’m not the reason two people I cared about are dead, now am I ?
I fought back the tears that threatened to fall, You don’t know that Miller is dead.
No, but we know that Cecily is, isn’t she ?
I didn’t answer.
I felt a sting across my cheek, Answer me Lea. Cece is dead because of you, isn’t she ?
As the guard continued to hold me in place, something inside of me snapped. I recalled the morning that Carter held me, his voice quietly telling me that I was safe, that it wasn’t my fault. I latched onto his words, onto his feelings for me, onto his love for me and spoke what I now knew was the truth.
No, my voice was the strongest it had been in years. She is dead because of a sociopath named David Kent. And Miller, I looked deep in Victoria’s eyes, my voice holding steady as I continued, Miller is bleeding out on that plane because of a sociopath name Victoria Stephens.