I kept my head down as I turned around, shuddering as I felt the same heat trail from my jawline, down the side of my neck, and across the exposed skin at the edge of the sequinned material.
I closed my eyes and drew in a shaky breath as cool metal was laid against my chest and warm, minty breath fanned my ear, You look lovely, Lea, but, I think you should wear your hair down.
In one swift movement, Carter released my hair from the band and skimmed his hand through my hair, causing soft waves to fall over my shoulder.
Heat flooded my cheeks as I felt Carter’s hand slide down my spine to the small of my back. Come, dinner is being served.
I nodded, unable to form a coherent thought as I turned and met Carter’s cool blue eyes.
We walked in silence as we made our way to the dining room and as we passed a couple of the guards, I didn’t miss the fact that they scanned me from head to toe. As their eyes met mine, Carter wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me closer to him, causing the men to quickly move to the opposite side of the hall and lower their eyes.
As we reached the dining room, Carter held the door open. The sounds of chairs scraping across the floor once again filled the air while low whistles and gasp sounded.
Beautiful… Absolutely gorgeous… Stunning…
I blushed under the stares and compliments, jumping slightly as Carter stepped in and again placed his hand at the small of my back. He led us to the same seats we had sat in at brunch and pulled out my chair.
Thank you. I kept my voice and eyes lowered.
You’re welcomed, Lea.
After Carter took his seat, the rest of dinner guest followed suit.
Discreetly I looked around and noticed several empty seats ; Number Two, Number Three, Number Four, Tara, and five others were all missing. I looked over at Carter.
Where are the others ? I asked quietly.
That is not for you to worry about, Lea. Carter’s eyes remained a cool blue as he lifted his fork and pointed at my plate. Eat.
I ate in silence as I kept my eyes lowered and listened to the quiet chatter around me.
So, Lea. What line of work are you in ?
I looked up and across the table at one of the men that sat to the left of Tara’s empty seat. I glanced back at Carter before taking a sip of water. He nodded his head slightly. For some reason I felt as if I was being tested.
Well, before I was invited to be a guest among all you lovely people, I worked at Black Cat’s. I picked up my water. As I took another sip, I noted Carter’s eyes slowly darkening to their steely color.
Black Cat’s, is that a strip club ?
I threw my hand over my mouth to keep from spewing water out of it. I was insulted. Who the hell asked a question like that at the dinner table ?
Do I look like some kind of skanky ass stripper to you ? I felt my anger rising.
Carter slipped his hand under the table and I shot him a glare as it landed on my knee and squeezed. I placed the hand I had in my lap over his and tried to pry his off my knee. He tightened his grip and raised his eyebrow at me.
Not at the dinner table, Lea. His quiet tone was scolding.
He started it, I hissed back.
In his defense Lea, you didn’t specify what Black Cat’s is, did you ?
I looked at Carter in disbelief as I realized that he was right. Black Cat’s really did sound like the name of some sleazy strip club. Hell, I had even given Jack a hard time about it when I first started working there. He had just laughed it off and said, Well, Pumpkin, this is one lady that may beat me down, get me all hot and bothered, take me on one hell of a ride, and keep me coming back for more, but in the end, I will actually get to keep all of the money I pay out to her.
I shook the memory from my mind and looked down at my plate and sighed out in defeat, No.
I looked over at the man who had spoken and smiled sweetly. I apologize for my childish outburst, I turned and smirked at Carter before turning back to the man, but no, Black Cat’s is a family diner. That is where I had the misfortune of meeting Carter, Number Two, Number Three, and Number Four.
Carter’s hand tightened against my knee once again. I picked my fork up and took a bite as I ignored the slight pain and grinned inwardly at the confused looks that settled across the table.
Who is she referring to Carter ? A thickly Spanish accent sounded down from me.
The twins and Tony. Carter’s voice was sharp as he answered.
What exactly is your job here, Lea ? All heads turned toward the far end of the table and lowered at the demanding tone in the strong feminine voice.
I laid my fork down and faced the older woman that has slipped in unnoticed and sat opposite Carter. She had his steely blue eyes and darkened hair ; she held an air of grace about her and her posture was that of someone who demanded respect.
I held the woman’s gaze as she looked me over and matched her tone. I’m sorry, Ms. ?
Mrs. Stephens. And when I ask you a question, Lea, I expect an answer.
Damn she sounded just like.. I turned to Carter to see him burning holes in the side of my head with his now very dark steeled orbs. Shit, I just insulted his mother.
I, I apologize Mrs. Stephens. I am still learning my, um, place here. I lowered my eyes as I spoke.
I could hold my own with most everyone I came in contact with, but this woman, she scared the living daylights out of me. The power rolling off of her was suffocating.
You still did not answer my question, Lea. What. Is. Your. Job. Here ?
I shook my head as I fought back my anger. I couldn’t very well tell her that I was kidnapped by her murderous son.
I, I don’t know. I answered quietly as I wrung my hands in my lap.
Carter ? Mrs. Stephens’ voice held an accusing tone.
I glanced toward Carter as he slowly took his burning gaze from me and turned toward the woman at the far end of the table.
That is a discussion for after dinner, Mother. His voice was hard and firm as he spoke.
The two seemed to be challenging the other as they held each other’s eyes. Mrs. Stephens was the first to break eye contact, Very well then. I expect full disclosure before the end of the night.
Carter nodded his head and removed his hand from my knee. I was fighting back tears of anger and embarrassment that threatened to fall.
May I be excused ? I whispered shakily and just loud enough that Carter could hear.
He gave me a pointed look, his cold hard tone causing me to shudder, No, Lea, you may not be excused. You can finish your meal and then have dessert. He picked his fork back up and once again pointed to my plate, Eat.
I should have wanted to devour the savory meal instead of running out of the room as Mahalia and I had worked hard to ensure that everything was perfect. We had scallops in apple pan sauce, grilled blackened halibut, salmon with sweet chili glaze, shrimp scampi, garden salad, pea salad, toasted garlic bread, butter cream sauce, and that was just to name a few.
I continued to look at Carter.
Eat, Lea. It isn’t a request.
I picked up my fork and ignored the rest of the dinner guest. Soon Mahalia and Henry cleared the empty dishes from the table and brought out the pies and cakes that I had made earlier.
The Ooh’s and Aah’s did little to lift my mood.