“Why the fuck aren’t we moving, OB?”
“Boss, it’s traffic at this hour.”
I could see that and knew it, but why did I have to ask the obvious? Now Owen and Homer were making fun of me.
“Have a little patience, sir. We’re almost there,” Homer said from the passenger seat.
“We can avail a chopper if you’ll be in a hurry next time, boss.”
I glared at Owen before I looked outside the window. The anticipation of seeing Maverick was killing me. I wanted to see her the Bazz, but Owen said she had changed her schedule, and Rocco didn’t want to give it to him without her permission.
After thirty minutes, we finally arrived at my penthouse. It was quiet; only the lights in the living room were open. I noticed two racks of clothes and two boxes in the corner.
“Boss, let us know if you need something. We’ll be at the quarter.”
“Thank you.” I nodded at Homer.
Once the door was closed, I checked the living room for Maverick. I didn’t expect to see her asleep on the couch with her book opened and a half-full glass of wine.
God, I missed her. I wished we were like before, where she would wait for me to come home with a huge smile on her face as soon as she saw me and tiptoed to kiss me on the lips.
It might happen again, but not too soon. I still had hope that I could fix what I messed up, I could patch up what I broke, and she would give our relationship another chance.
I picked up the fleece and covered her before I headed up. I took a quick shower and changed. I went downstairs to find her already sitting on the couch, rubbing her eyes with the back of her fingers.
She looked surprised to see me, but I didn’t see the disgusted look on her face anymore. “Hey. I thought I heard you arrive.”
“Hi. Yeah. I found you asleep. I didn’t want to wake you up. I took a quick shower and came down.” I joined her on the couch. “You okay? You look tired.”
“Jeez. Thanks.” She rolled her eyes before she curled in a ball on the couch.
“I don’t mean it like that.” I gripped her knee, and she just froze, almost cringing. I immediately removed my hand. “I’m sorry.”
“We’re not there yet.” Those words hit like a knife in my chest.
“I know. It’s a muscle memory, a habit.”
“I am still your wife and can still be a wife in front of people, but right now, I’m not ready to get back what we left off.”
“I know. It’s fine. You should go up and get some rest.”
“I’ll stay here for a while.” She didn’t even look at me, so I retreated and went to the kitchen.
I grabbed a bottle of water and drank it. Guilt twisted in my chest that I hurt her badly. At the same time, I was a sick bastard who didn’t want to give up our relationship just yet if there was any relationship to pick up.
“Lake?” The man’s voice echoed in the entire penthouse. I almost choked on the water when I recognized my father’s voice.
I ran from the kitchen and found my father standing face-to-face with Maverick.
“So, you are the reason why my son left the company. Why are you so special, Miss Bates?”
“I don’t know, sir. I just found out that Lake resigned this afternoon when his mother told me,” she said reverently.
“What are you doing here, Dad?” My heart pumped so hard. At the corner of my eye, I saw Owen and Homer waiting at the door. His bodyguards were probably behind.
The last thing I wanted was to make this situation awkward, or he would insult my wife in front of me.
“I talked to your mother, but she told me you did not go home.”
“This is my home. What is it all about?”
“Have you lost your mine? Why did you resign? Do you know how it will affect you?”
“I wasn’t demoted or fired, so I guess my reputation is still clean. My performance during my five years at Winston Holdings is top-notch. And besides, why should I be worried? I’m not coming back.”
“Um, I should leave you two to talk. Nice meeting you, Mr. Winston.”
“Stay, Maverick.”
“No, let her go,” my father contradicted my decision, as always. Why should I still be surprised? “This was an important discussion between me and you. I don’t want to bring this up at the office. I don’t want anyone to hear this.”
“If it’s concerned me, you can say anything in front of my wife. I don’t keep secrets to her.”
“Very well.” His face instantly hardened. “I expected you to find a suitable wife with a remarkable background-”
“You mean with billion-dollar trust funds, coming from a prominent family, an heiress like Striker’s wife? I’m sorry to disappoint you, Dad, but I’m happy with who I chose. She may not be what you want, but she’s enough for me. I will support whatever career path she chooses, and I’m going to be proud of her. I will work hard to raise our family together, and if you don’t like her, that’s not my problem anymore.”
“Isn’t this just a contract marriage?” His words seethed with anger. His cheeks tinted red. “Don’t waste your life, son. You have so much to lose if you don’t end this as soon as possible. I work hard for this company. This is my life’s work. Don’t let it go down the drain. You can still find a good woman after for how long is this arrangement?” Of course, he came to intimidate and belittle my wife. That was the only thing he was good at, treating everyone below him because he was the almighty Wallace Winston, whose words were someone’s command to follow.
I could feel the discomfort from Maverick, and it was killing me that she had to listen to my father.
“I’m sorry to disappoint you, Dad, but I’m not divorcing my wife. Never.” I went closer to Maverick and held her shaking hand. “Disown me if it makes you happy. Your company is your company. I want nothing to do with it. Besides, I can’t stomach to work there. That place is so toxic for me. You treated me like a rug, not as your son. That’s the real reason I resigned. I’m not happy anymore.”
“You’re wasting your life. For what? For this woman?” His eyes filled with so much anger and hatred as he pointed at Maverick.
Blood surged through me as my fury reignited from the anger I had tried to suppress for a long time. He could insult me however he wanted, but my wife was off-limits.
“I suggest you leave, father, because I won’t ever let you insult my wife again. Not now, not tomorrow. This is your idea in the first place. I married her because-”
“She only wants your money? Don’t you see it? She will take everything from you!” he yelled at me, anger flashing in his eyes.
“Get the hell out! Get. Out.”
“You’re such a disappointment. I’m even ashamed to be your father. You’re just like your mother.”
I saw red. I snapped. I just lost my shit. The last thing I remembered was grabbing him by the collar of his suit. My body shook. My eyes were hot. “What the fuck did you say?”
“Lake!” Despite my rage, I still heard Maverick calling my name. “Don’t do it, please! Don’t let your anger get to you.”
“Boss, let your father go.” Owen came while Homer locked my arms so I could release my father. “And Mr. Winston, You have to restrain yourself, sir.”
“Take that son of bitch out of my property!” I was so pissed off I didn’t know where to put it.
My breathing caught. My eyes remained on him. I was surprised his men hadn’t knocked the wall down to protect him from me.
“Is this really the life you want, Miss Bates? Creating a rift between my son?” My father fixed his suit, jerking away from Owen’s grip. “You just won. Congratulations.”
“You’ve never treated me as your son but as your controlled puppet, father. You know for a fact that our relationship is beyond saving. Now I’m free from your tyranny. Just leave me and my wife alone in peace.”