Sydney is comforted by her dad after an awful date.
Thanks for reading my story. Please fell free to leave any feedback or let me know what you want to happen next!
I sneaked into the house and hurried up the stairs as quickly as I could. I wasn’t late home or anything, but I’d had an awful date which I knew Dad would ask about and I really didn’t want to talk about it. I just wanted to dive into my bed and forget it had ever happened.
I made it to my bedroom and closed the door behind me as quietly as possible. I stripped off my clothes and quickly got changed into my robe, a thin and silky fabric that clung to every curve of my body. The soft silk felt smooth against my skin. I tied the chord around my waist and looked at myself in the mirror. My robe always made me look sexy and after the nightmare of a date I’d had I needed the boost.
I ran my hands through my dark hair as I stared at myself in the mirror. How could Nate not have wanted me? I was one of the hottest girls in college, why wouldn’t he be interested? I had a sleek body, my curves were breathtaking, my butt was wonderfully full and perky, and my face was oozing with attractiveness. My figure was delicate and shapely, my breasts were sensuously large and inviting, and oh my round behind! That roundness just screamed out perfection. Everywhere I went, heads turned in admiration of me – all due to the beauty that I naturally possessed. And yet Nate had turned me down.
With a heavy sigh, I jumped onto my bed and switched on the TV. An hour or two of mindless watching would make me forget all about Nate.
The sound of the TV must have gotten my dad’s attention because the next thing I knew he was knocking on my bedroom door.
“Come in,” I said, knowing that I was going to have to talk about it now.
He opened the door and stepped inside, an inquisitive look on his face. “Back from the date so soon?” he said, leaning on the doorframe. He glanced at his watch to emphasize his point. It was only 9:30.
“It didn’t work out,” I said, crossing my arms over my chest. His eyes flicked down to my breasts for only a moment. The glance was so quick I wondered if I’d imagined it. He was my father, he wouldn’t look at me like that.
“Oh, sweetie,” Dad said, approaching me.
I squidged over so he could sit down next to me. He plonked himself on the edge of my bed and wrapped his arm around my shoulders in a gentle, comforting gesture. He ran his hand through my hair and softly kissed the top of my head as he spoke, “It’s okay sweetheart. There are other fish in the sea.”
“Watch TV with me?” I asked, needing a bit of company. It hadn’t been that bad telling her dad about the date.
“Sure thing,” he said as he brought his legs onto the bed and nestled in beside me, pulling me tightly against him just like he always did when I was sad.
The warmth of his body against mine was comforting and helped to ease the sullen mood I was in.
“If you want me to break the boy’s legs I will,” Dad offered, sounding almost serious.
I giggled and slapped his belly lightly. “Tempting, Dad. Very tempting.”
“You want to tell me what went wrong?” he asked.
I didn’t want to tell him but I could hardly say that when he was just trying to console me. “Nate just wasn’t interested. That’s all.”
Dad shook his head and stroked my arm, squeezing me tighter. “What an idiot. Any young man would be lucky to have you,” he said.
“Thanks, Daddy,” I said, nuzzling my head into his chest.
“Nate sounds like a jerk,” he said, his fingers brushing my arm as his hand moved up and down soothingly. As his hand moved the silk of my robe slid over my skin softly. “Why did he even take you on a date if he wasn’t interested?”
I sighed heavily. “He said he wasn’t sure but he wanted to give me a try. Then he realized on the date that I wasn’t his type.” It made me feel so ugly to repeat what Nate had said.
I felt my dad tense with anger but he continued to stroke my arm lovingly. “I really ought to break his legs for that. How dare he treat my princess that way. I don’t know what’s wrong with him. Honestly, sweetie, you’re the most beautiful young woman I’ve ever seen. You’re even prettier than your mom was back when I met her.”
Dad often talked about how pretty Mom had been when they’d met. He’d fallen head over heels in love with her. Of course, a few years ago she left him for another man and now she was the ugliest woman on the planet as far as he was concerned.
I smiled a little, warmed by his compliments. He tightened his arm around me possessively and I felt a surge of warmth spread through me. “You’re so special, darling. You deserve someone who will appreciate your beauty and treat you like the goddess you are.”
His hand moved just a fraction and I felt his fingertips glide across the side of my breast. I held my breath, not daring to move, wondering if the action was accidental or deliberate. His hand moved back up my arm and his fingers brushed my boob again. Either it was not an accident or he was unaware of what he was doing.
I moved my head so I could look up at his face. He was watching the TV but he absentmindedly stroked my boob with his fingertips again. My heart was racing, and to my confusion, my pussy was tingling. He was my father and yet for some reason, I didn’t want to stop him from touching me there.
I had to know for sure if he was doing this on purpose or not. I shifted my weight and moved my breast just a fraction closer to his hand. His fingers grazed my boob again but this time much closer to the nipple that was stiffening from his touch. He didn’t retract his hand, he continued to stroke my breast, the press of his fingers growing firmer through the silk.
His eyes stayed on the TV and I kept mine on the screen too, but I paid no attention to what was playing, my focus was on my dad’s hand and the heat that was spreading through me, gathering heavily between my legs.
I felt the fabric of my robe slip across my body as he moved his hand up and down. With each motion, he tugged at the silk, slowly revealing more skin to the night air. I held my breath and watched as my hard, pink nipple peeked out from beneath my robe. The air in my lungs escaped in a soft feminine sigh. He didn’t speak but I could tell that he was conflicted. Part of him wanted to reach out and feel my soft skin and stiff nipple, but another part of him was begging him not to. It was wrong and he knew it. I knew it too. And yet we both wanted it.
I nuzzled my head into his chest and took a slow deep breath. His scent filled my nostrils, a heady combination of cigarette smoke and aftershave. My eyelids fluttered closed and I felt my pussy pulsing with longing. It was wrong and yet it felt so right to be in his arms.
His fingers flicked over my nipple and I gasped quietly. The tingling in my pussy increased and I could feel my panties growing damp. My neck felt hot and my breasts ached with longing. I couldn’t believe how turned on I was.
Moving slowly, carefully, so as not to draw attention, I slipped my hand down to my waist and unknotted the chord that held my robe closed. The fabric slipped open above the waist and both of my breasts sprung into view. I pretended I didn’t notice. It was a simple accident but I was too focused on the TV to have seen it happen.
His strokes continued, his fingers tickling my tit, and then his hand clamped down for a full grope. His hand squeezed my tit, kneading it with urgent need, his fingertips rubbing at my nipple. My pussy gushed wetness and I felt a little thrill run through me. I was shocked and a little ashamed of my reaction. My father was touching me. I should have pulled away and yet I didn’t. I wanted his touch. I needed his touch. I had to feel his hands on my body even though I knew it was wrong.
My pussy was on fire now, and as I moved my hand across his belly I noticed the bulge in his pants. As he continued to massage my breast I inched my hand down toward his crotch. I slowly slipped my hand between his legs and moved it up and down. He groaned and squeezed my tit again. I could feel his cock growing and my pussy twitched in anticipation. I waited a moment but he didn’t push my hand away so instead I rubbed his cock faster and squeezed his balls tenderly.
I knew it was wrong but I couldn’t help myself. He was my dad. I shouldn’t be doing this to him, no matter how much I wanted to. I needed to ask him to stop but I couldn’t make myself speak the words.