Chloe’s POV:
It was around my eighteenth birthday. Mother had baked me a chocolate cake and me and my family sat outside our little house, celebrating.
“Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you happy birthday dear Chloe! Happy birthday to you!”
They both sang happily, while I sat in front of my cake blushing, smiling and grateful. I cut the cake when it was time and they fed me while I fed them back.
That was how it had also been. I had no friends right from when I was a kid and my parents will never let me keep anyone too close, especially the other kids from wolf school. My mother would always say; never to trust anyone, because, your greatest enemy could be who claimed to be your best friend. I was also told that I had to conceal what I was to everyone, no one was to ever know that I was a hybrid until the right time came.
My dad pulled a little puppy, and I watched how a scowl sneaked onto my mother’s beautiful face.
“A dog?!” She asked, her eyes widening in disbelief. “You know how much I hate dogs and you still brought one to this house!”
My dad smiled, going to wrap his arms around her. “Honey,” he cooed, dropping a peck on her cheek. “I am a bigger dog and you love me so much right?”
She huffed, crossing her arms over her chest as her lips formed into a pout. “You never listen to anything I tell you, do you?”
“I always listen baby, to every little sounds you make.”
She looked like she had choked on her saliva and we laughed, making her face redden more in embarrassment. She muttered something along the line of making a son this time, so father and daughter wouldn’t always team up against her and make her feel stupid.
We all laughed again, the size of my cake reducing with every cut we did. My parent’s got busy making out(which was no longer a strange thing). They did that all the time in front of me, and the sight of them kissing right in front of me was getting old.
My mother tried to pull away, only for dad to hold her tighter and I laughed at her discomfort, as her complaints got muffled by the kiss. Somewhere around ten minutes later, they decided to break it off, not like I was watching them, I was busy munching on my cake and petting my dog.
Mother cleared her throat, and my eyes shot up to hers which mirrored mine. Now seeing her from point of view, the resemblance between us was uncanny and I just couldn’t help marvel at that. I was like a younger version of her! “I wanna show you something,” she said, that ever loving smile always perched on her lips.
I nodded, wiping my hand on the table cloth, which earned me a strict look from my mum. I muttered a quick sorry, my eyes lowering away from her strict ones.
She pulled out a box from under her feet, placing it on the table. She watched my face as I adjusted in my seat, the excitement plastered all over my face. “Go ahead sweetheart, open it.”
I didn’t wait for her to repeat herself before I started tugging loose the little ribbons that binded it together. My parents chuckled at my impatience, my dad asking me to slow down.
Once the box had been opened, my mother dipped her hand into it before I even had a chance to take a peek of what was inside of it. She emerged with a lovely diamond necklace, holding it up in my face for me to admire. She asked my dad to put it on for me and as he did, she started to speak.
“This was given to me on my eighteenth birthday by my mother, today I also give this to you that one day, you may also pass it on to your daughter,” she said, returning my own smile.
“I love it mommy, thank you!”
Dad then took out his camera that he claimed to have acquired on one of his many travels around the world before he met my mother and settled down. We took a family photo, we took one with my dog and I took some alone and with my dog.
After that, my mother served out glasses of juices and while we drank, we hadn’t noticed the hundreds of werewolves that were advancing on us.
I looked around, sighting them in the woods all around the house, as they pranced forward, their steps slow and precise. I looked back towards were our family of three where and we were still oblivious to the fact that we had gotten ambushed.
I was putting my diamond necklace back into the box, while my mother was busy trying to ‘shoo’ my dog away from her. “Get that little beasty thing away from me!” She had said, making me laugh.
My dad was the first to notice and he called my mother’s attention to the huge wolf that stood only a few feet away from us. My dad moved towards the wolf and my mother grabbed me, shoving me behind her as she shielded me protectively.
“Brother,” my father spoke, emotions flickering in his eyes as stared down at the other black wolf. Suddenly, the wolf shifted into a man who stood about two feet taller than father. “Long time, no see.”
The man smirked, an evil glint in his eyes. “I didn’t come here to exchange pleasantries with you and your little family, we stopped brothers when you turned your back on the pack and married her.” He suddenly pointed an accusing finger at my mother, and my dad hit his hand away.
“Don’t you dare point fingers at my wife!”
My supposed uncle smirked, mockery evident in his grey eyes. “Who made her your wife?” He stared challengingly at my father, one brow raised in silent questioning. “Her father didn’t even approve of the marriage and that bastard of yours, is no niece of mine!”
“Tom! That’s enough!” Dad said, shoving my uncle in the chest, as he growled aggressively. “I won’t have you come here and insult my family, get lost!”
“I don’t think I would be doing that.” My uncle lifted his his chin and howled into the air, and the rest of about a hundred and something wolves that were lurking in the woods, stepped forward, their predatory steps stopping when there got right behind my uncle. “I was asked to help in killing you and your family, the whole pack agreed to do just that.
Another red wolf shifted right behind my uncle, a beautiful woman with red hair, taking its place. She eyed my father with sad eyes, before looking away.
“Chloe, my sister,” dad muttered softly, his eyes on her.
Suddenly the red haired lady turned, a scowl plastered on her face. “I have no relationship with you, that ended when you chose that slut over us!”
I could see the hurt that crossed my father’s face as he swallow visibly. He was trembling, but still managed to ask. “Who? Who asked you to?”
“I, I did.”
Our heads turned to the left, and there he stood with the usual bare face.
“Father?!” My mother gasped out in shock, for the first time opening her mouth to speak since our visitors came. She shook her head in disbelief, when my brothers Angelo and Jason appear on either side of him. “Don’t dare drag my sons into this, keep my children out of this!”
My grandfather let out a humourless chuckle. “You lost that right, when you abandoned them to be with that loser, you abandoned us all!” My mother was going to defend herself, when he raised a hand to silence her. “I no longer have any use for you anyway, give me the girl.”
My dad growled and my mother’s hold tightened on me, while I stayed trembling behind her the whole time.
“Before you rich my daughter, you all would have to get through me first!”
“And me too,” my mother challenged. She then turned to me. “If anything happens here, I want you to run to Angelo and he would help take you out of here. No matter what happens, I don’t want you to hesitate, do you hear me, Chloe?!”
I heard a gasp and I turned to see that my red haired aunty was staring at a weeping me and my mom. Emotions flickered on her eyes as she finally figured that my father had named me after her. But eighteen-year-old me never noticed her, as I kept nodding to whatever my mother was saying, the fear making me cry.
“Very well then,” my grandfather’s voice boomed, getting everyone’s attention. He then look between my parents, then turned his gaze towards my uncle. “I will take my grand daughter, then you can finish them off, and the rest of his pack.”
My uncle scoffed in annoyance, turning his hate filled gaze upon me. No matter how my mom tried to shield me away, my eyes still met with his. “The girl dies, I wouldn’t want to leave any witnesses alive,” he said wickedly, which attracted my aunt’s sharp gaze on him.
“Let the girl go Tommy, she’s our niece after a-”
He suddenly grabbed her shoulders roughly, shoving her to the ground. “Complete that sentence, and we wouldn’t be losing only one family member!”
My dad’s fists clenched, as he growled at his brother. “How dare you treat her that way, she is our sister for goddess’s sake!”
My uncle chuckled. “Even in the face of death, you still are so brave little brother, at least you wouldn’t be dying a coward.” He helped my aunty off the ground, smirking evilly as he connected through the pack’s link. I don’t know what he could have said but as the wolves ran towards us, my mother let out a panicked cry and pushed me to the ground.
My head connected with a stone and I don’t know how it happened but next thing, I was scooped up by Jason and he fled with me into the forest. The next time I opened my eyes, both my brothers were staring down at me with worried expressions.
I sat up quickly, moving away from them. Jason straightened, the worry wiped off his face immediately to replace hard eye.
“Now you have gotten my mother killed, are you happy?!”
Angelo shoved him in the chest. “Hey! Don’t talk to her like that, we all lost our mother today, we owe it to her to be at least nice to each other!”
Jason’s glare shifted from me to Angelo, as his nose flared. “Mother is the only reason why I saved her! Do you think I feel any pity for her? She is the reason our mother died!” He scoffed, giving me a hate filled look. “Make sure to keep her away as far as possible. If she comes back here again, I would make sure to kill her myself!” He turned around, hitting Angelo’s shoulder as he walked away.
Just a few trees away from where Angelo stood, looking down at me, I saw a red head peeking from behind a tree, her hands on her mouth as she tried to stifle her sobs. Once Angelo helped me up to my feet, she turned around and jogged away.
“I want you to run! Run and never look back!”
I did as Angelo had said, obviously he had casted a spell on me. Back then, I hadn’t noticed that he was running beside me in the bushes and I saw him kill as many as I also did, who tried to get in my way. It was that was until finally, I fell on the ground and collapsed. It was obvious that the strength I was using wasn’t mine and now I know that Angelo had lend me some of his, by placing me under a spell.
He appeared beside me body, laying his hand on my head as he whispered, saying some incoherent words and my eyes started drooping and soon, I fell into a deep sleep. He remained sitting beside me for hours, as he watched me sleep.
It was starting to get late and I still had not awoken. Then in the far distance, we heard the sound of twigs being crushed under the feet of a passerby. Angelo left my side and soon, I saw him return with a lady, my best friend Lily.
He held her by the hand and led her over to me, but with the way she responded, she obviously had no idea that she was being manipulated.
She came to kneel beside me, shaking me awake and that was when my eyes opened, seeing a strange lady before me.
The only memories I had left, was that I was aware my parents had been murdered by a pack of wolves and I had run away because my mother had asked me to…