Bang, Bang, Out>Ep12

Book:Horny Wives Revenge (erotica) Published:2024-7-29

After considerable kissing, I slid the sundress over her head. The bra didn’t match but I didn’t care.
Her body was tremendous. Small breasts topped by the smallest nipples I had ever seen on a woman. What they lacked in size they more than made up in sensitivity. She confessed later that after she got pregnant she changed, and would sometimes had a small climax when Josh nursed.
Her whole body was sensitive. She was practically vibrating by the time she pulled me up.
“What are you doing?” she finally managed to gasp.
I tried to look serious.
“I intend to kiss every square inch of your body. Now, If you don’t mind, I’m kind of busy.”
She wouldn’t let go of my face.
“Oh no, you can do that later. There are parts of my body that need attention right now!”
I kissed her again, quickly heading south. Her pubic hair was trimmed into a little vee, glistening in the lamplight. I soon found she was sensitive there too, having two climaxes in less than five minutes.
She was strong for such a small woman, pulling me up and twisting around until she was on top, grinding away. We moved together for a few minutes before I reached up and pinched her nipples. Her scream as she came was so loud I was glad we were in the middle of the woods. Apparently multiorgasmic, she continued to scream until they turned to whimpers. I flipped her over and started pounding, lost in my lust. She wrapped her legs round me, thrusting up with the same urgency. We exploded at the same time.
I rolled over, keeping us connected, stroking her hair.
Okay, now’s the time you guys can get out your man club and beat me with it.
I lay there and cried. Not sobbing or anything, but with tears leaking non the less. It was the most beautiful thing I had ever experienced. Words could never do it justice.
She reached up and felt my tears. She raised her head off my chest with wonder in her eyes, then settled back down, nuzzling my chest.
A few weeks later we were lying in my bed, Snuggled together. She had just checked on Jason, he was sleeping on the fold out couch downstairs, Tickles lying on the bottom of the bed.
Sarah had to leave Tickles behind. Her new man was allergic to animal hair. She cried like she was losing a baby. She took to Jason right away, whining if I didn’t let her in to play with him. Soon she was sleeping with him. Jenny was concerned.
“Don’t be” I said “She’s adopted him. She’ll make sure he’s safe.”
Jenny had that secret smile that women have.
“Sarah was right, you know.”
“Right about what, babe?”
“She said you were the best lover she ever had. Big enough, but not too big, and you knew how to use it. She said that really wouldn’t have mattered. It was the fact that you totally threw yourself into pleasing who you were with without worrying about your needs. She said a woman could feel it, and she’s right.”
I thought about that for awhile, and decided it wasn’t a bad thing.
Two months later I had a little pizza party. My brother Jimmy, my nephew Jerry, their families. Sarah and her husband with their child, Jenny’s parents, and a couple of neighbors and their family. My sister even made a rare appearance.
Kids were chasing fireflies while the parents sat around in lawn chairs, enjoying the evening. Jenny was sitting as close as she could, watching Tickles chase Jason and the rest of the kids as they played.
“Do you like it here, Jen?”
“I not sure what you mean.” she said, frowning slightly.
I tried to keep my face straight.
“It’s a simple question, but let me elaborate. Could you see yourself living here? We’d have to add a room or two, one for Jason and hopefully a little girl later. But I like it here. I don’t want to move. So it’s up to you, Jen. I’ve already talked to Jason, It’s fine with him as long as Tickles can sleep in his room. So, could you see yourself living here, as my wife?”
I held the ring out to her. She went pale, then literally snatched the ring out of my hand.
That pretty much screwed the party up. Her scream got the girls’ attention, and then I was literally thrown out of my chair.
The guys clustered around me. Congratulations were given. I broke out the peach brandy I kept around for special occasions, and a toast was shared by all.
We decided not to add to the cabin, and built a house lower down. The cabin became our retreat, and later served as a base for our son’s sleepovers. When our little girl came along it got complicated, but she ended up with her nights too. Her mom would help her make it more girl friendly. It got a little tense when Jason hit puberty, and I almost had a nervous breakdown when J2[Jenny Junior]had her slumber parties, but they were good kids.
Jen had been twenty eight when we married, I was thirty seven. I worried about it for awhile, knowing I would probably be gone before she was, but stopped when I realized she was the glue that held our family together, and she would see to the family.
Before we married, I told her everything. My bad temper, what I had done to the first Jenny, everything. She thought about it for awhile before she smiled and said she was glad she didn’t know me then.
“Nice guys finish first”
“We all get what we deserve”
God, don’t you just love cliches?