Book:the victim of a bad boy Published:2024-7-19

But I’ll be damned if Connor was going to blame this on me.
By now it was pouring, which meant I was soaking wet attempting to walk home in three in heels and a now latex tight dress.
Bella, please come back into the car. Connor asked, driving next to me. I snorted in a very unladylike fashion, and continued to walk away. Despite the pounding rain, I heard him groan in frustration.
Damn it Bella ! Get in the car now ! He yelled, getting annoyed. I whirled around, my hand whipping me in the face. Connor glared at me through the open window of his car.
Rot in hell. I snarled, flipping him off at the same time. Connor slammed his hand on the steering wheel.
Fine, be that way. He snapped, rolling up his window and driving off. My blood ran cold when he did that. To be honest, I hadn’t really planned this out. My whole life I have been stubborn, so refusing to get back into the car wasn’t anything new, but him driving off- really unexpected.
Whatever, I thought to myself, I don’t need Connor. I wiped my eyes as the rain flooded my face, and then that was when I really took a look around- at where I was.
Well, after observing my surroundings, I had come to a conclusion. I am in the middle of fucking nowhere. I kicked off my heels, picking them up as I trudged along the side of the road.
15 minutes later
Connor ! I wailed, collapsing on the side of the road. The raining had gotten worse and I was starting to hear faint thunder. My feet were sore and I was beginning to panic, which explains why I was repeatedly screaming his name every five seconds. Suddenly everything lit up, and I turned around.
Connor ? I asked hopefully, trying to see through the rain. I started moving closer to the road, waving my arms like a mad woman. I froze when I realized it wasn’t him, but one of those creepy guys that drive around in tattered vans.
Hey doll face, lookin’ for a good time ? I flinched and moved away shaking my head rapidly.
Don’t be like that. He said, opening his door. I let out a strangled scream as he advanced upon me.
Get away from me ! I screamed, running as quickly as I could in the opposite direction. Surprisingly, I made it pretty far before a searing pain went through my foot. I let out a blood-curdling scream and fell to the ground cradling my foot. It was really dark outside, but I could still see the blood gushing from my foot. Once again everything lit up- a sign that a car was coming. My heart began pounding and I struggled to stand.
Come on Bella, RUN ! I began hopping down the side of the road, trying to stay on my tippy toes for my other foot in fear I would make the wound worse. Fear filled me as I heard the car stop and a door slam.
Get away from me ! I screamed, moving faster. The footsteps behind me grew louder and closer as I tried to move farther away. Tears were streaming down my face as a pair of arms wrapped around my waist, forcing me to stay still.
Please let go of me. I wailed, struggling with everything I had left.
Bella, shhh, I’ve got you.
At the sound of his voice, I went limp, collapsing onto him. I was completely drained, the sobs still racking through my body. I didn’t even shift once as he lifted me up, carrying me bridal style towards the car. I curled up in the passenger seat, cradling my foot delicately.
I stifled my sobs as Connor started the car. Listen, the second I left I felt really bad, but I couldn’t find a way back. Are you okay ? I nodded my head, hoping that he wouldn’t see my foot.
What happened to your foot ?! He asked, eyes wide.
I-I-I c-cut it ! I wailed, sobbing. Connor kept glancing at my foot as he drove.
Just hold on. He muttered, speeding up. I nodded and leaned my head against the headrest, trying to attempt to stop crying.
Here, wrap it in this. Cole muttered handing me a purple cloth. I sniffled and lifted it up.
A girl’s top ? I asked, strangely amused.
Just wrap your foot. He said, a small smile playing on his lips. I began wrapping my foot, hissing out in pain every time it touched the cut.
20 minutes later
We pulled into the driveway of a freaking mansion.
Uh, Connor ? Where are you taking me ? I whispered, confused.
This is my house, he muttered, Your foot just needs some taping up. Despite my weak protests, Connor carried me inside and upstairs into the bathroom. I couldn’t help but gape in aw at the inside of the house. It was gorgeous, like the inside of a museum.
Wait here. He ordered as he set my down on the counter. The bathroom was nearly the size of my room. I watched as Connor pulled out a large first aid kit, and unwrapped my foot. He grimaced at the sight of the cut while he cleaned the wound, pulling out some Neosporin. He gently dabbed it onto my foot, then wrapped it in gauze.
There you go, it should be all better. I looked up and smiled at Connor. I felt my eyes start to droop, fatigue taking over.
You look awful, Connor stated. I glared at him and gingerly hopped down from the counter, looking into the mirror. Oh god… I really did look awful. My hair was sticking up in every direction and there was dirt splattered all over me.
I need a shower, I murmured, wincing at my appearance.
You can if you want ? He offered.
No, no, I should be getting- My eyes widened and I froze, My god, Connor, my parents !
Connor’s eyes widened and he cursed loudly. Fuck… They probably think I hurt you or something…
Oh god… Can I borrow your phone ? I asked, hobbling out of the bathroom at full speed. Connor groaned and lifted me, making everything much faster. He handed me the phone the second we got into the kitchen.
Mum ? I asked, holding my breath.
Baby ! Where did you go ? My mum’s worried voice sounded over the phone.
I’m okay, the tears returning to my eyes, I’m at Connor’s house right now. There was a moment of silence before she spoke again.
Pumpkin, his parents went back to his house after you guys left. They said you two weren’t there. Wherever you are, it’s not his house. My eyes widened at this and I glanced at Connor, who seemed to be distracted.
Did I say his house ? I meant his friends. Don’t worry mum, I’ll be okay. I’ll be home soon. I said.
Pumpkin there is no way in hell I’m letting Connor drive you home through that storm ! You just stay there for the night and then come home by eight o’clock tomorrow, no later.