That’s her.
She blew Connor ?
Thing about me, words won’t face me. Well, those pathetic insults people throw at me don’t. My heartbeat quickened when I saw Connor talking to Matt and James by his locker.
Asshole, I thought bitterly.
Keeping my head held high, I strutted to my locker, taking out and putting in books. To my satisfaction, I heard Connor stop talking, along with James and Matt.
All eyes were literally on me.
Bella ? A disbelieving voice asked me. I turned around to face a surprised looking Claire and a silent, wide eyed, Jessica.
Hey guys, I said, casually, slinging my leather bag over my shoulder. Yesterday I found out that no one really used backpacks, just normal one shoulder bags.
You look…
I turned to face a grinning Anna. The glint in her eye told me that she knew exactly what I was going to do. She winked at me as she walked by.
Good luck Bella. She whispered as she went to her locker. I glanced at Connor quickly, to see him smirking at me and oh so obviously, checking me out.
I’m going to need it.
English Class
So Mr. Henderson kept his promise and got a new desk brought in the room. You wouldn’t believe where that deuchebag put it. Oh hey Connor, didn’t see you there… you know, RIGHT NEXT TO ME.
Mr. Henderson, I hate you.
He stood facing the board, writing out notes for us to copy. I watched as Jess glanced back at me, trying to hide her laughter.
Haha, Jess. This is so funny.
Anyways, you may be wondering why I decided to wear this specific outfit.
I wasn’t in the mood to flash a bunch of people that I don’t know.
I wanted to have that badass look to me. You know when you see a girl wearing those boots and you’re like ‘Oh god, what a bad ass.’ ? Or is that just me ?
Anyways, Connor started something that he really shouldn’t have. And now ? Bitch is going to pay. Tap.
Wait, what ?
My eyes diverted to the pen in his hand. With all my brainpower, I willed for the pen to blow up. And yeah… didn’t exactly work.
Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap.
(A/N Can you find the capitol A ???)
(A/N Just kidding, there isn’t one)
Can you please stop that ? I asked under my breath, glaring at him. Connor just smirked, and held up both his hands in surrender.
Ha. Take that-
I leaned over and slapped the pen out of his hand, knocking it onto the ground on the other side of him. Smirking in satisfaction, I turned to the front and continued my notes.
No response.
Bella, I know you can hear me.
Why wouldn’t I be able to ? No response.
Bella ! He hissed, jabbing me in the side with his hand. That made me turn my head angrily at him.
What ? I asked, annoyed.
Pick it up. He ordered, his dark brown eyes burning into me.
No. I snapped, turning back to face the front. As I reached for my pen, his hand shot out in front of me, snatching it up. He then dropped it by his pen.
Oh Connor, you’re just so smart.
Pick it up, now. He demanded. Angered, I let out an annoyed noise and stood up to walk around him, only to be blocked off by the table behind us.
Connor, I can’t fit back here. I muttered, sitting back down. Instead of just grabbing both pens, he pointed across his lap, motioning me to bend over and grab it.
Being stupid, I carelessly bent down grabbing both pens, and sat back down handing him his. I couldn’t help but notice the large smirk on his face, as if he had just done something bad. I raised my eyebrow suspiciously at him, but he just turned his attention to the front, and continued his notes.
If only I knew what was going to happen…
AP U. S., Spanish, and AP Chem. Went by surprisingly fast, or maybe it was because I was so distracted by what happened during English. It bothered me, frankly. I know, I shouldn’t give a shit, but really. If you had seen the look on his face, you would have been just as bothered as I was- and still am.
Ready for gym ? Natalya asked. A series of groans were emitted from the rest of the group. It seems as though I’m not the only one who hates gym. Surprisingly, Anna and Natalya are crazy athletic- although they don’t seem that way at all. Natalya was one of those ‘I can play any sport and kick ass,’ kind of girls. While Anna was an amazing runner, so she just enjoyed everything.
Let’s get this over with, grumbled Claire as she headed to the gym.
We all shuffled into the gym after changing into the extremely tight t-shirts and incredibly short shorts. Wolf whistles echoed around the gym as Jess and I entered, causing her to blush and me to scowl.